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Thread: Clen and benadryl

  1. #1

    Clen and benadryl

    Hi Guys

    I have read up on taking benadryl every third or fourth week whilst on a cycle of clen, it states to take 50-100mg of benadryl at night in order to upgrade your receptors to normal levels! What is best for this as I can only find benadryl in tablets with the active ingredient of certizine being 10mg, does this mean I need to take at least 5 tablets at once? As the warning label states one a day (hayfever tablets)

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Don't bother with benadryl....take ketotifen. Keto has been proven to up-regulate the receptors.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    north america
    walnutz, how much keto, when, etc?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Benadryl does nothing to upregulate receptors. I do 2 weeks on/off.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the replies Guys! Seen as I have benadryl already and its difficult to get hold of keto quickly i'll just have to chance it and go with the clen cycle as the aas profiles state. If benadryl does nothing to upregulate the receptors why is it recommended by this site? im not criticizing just keen to learn as much as possible

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    or just cycle two weeks on two weeks off till you can get keto...

  7. #7
    The site needs to be updated.

    For keto take 1mg/day and take at night because a side effect is drowsiness.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dirty Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by RWC78 View Post
    Hi Guys

    I have read up on taking benadryl every third or fourth week whilst on a cycle of clen, it states to take 50-100mg of benadryl at night in order to upgrade your receptors to normal levels! What is best for this as I can only find benadryl in tablets with the active ingredient of certizine being 10mg, does this mean I need to take at least 5 tablets at once? As the warning label states one a day (hayfever tablets)

    thanks in advance
    Cetirizine is actually Zyrtec and not benadryl. Benadryl has the active ingredient Diphenhydramine and they are 25mg pills

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