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Thread: How Much Cardio During Cutting Cycle

  1. #1

    How Much Cardio During Cutting Cycle

    Stats 27years Old
    Cutting Cycle:
    1-12Week (300mg Test Prop/Week)
    1-10Week (375mg Tren E/Week)
    8-12Week (150mg Winny/Week)

    I wanna ask you with proper Diet and 5 times a Week Training how much Cardio should i do so i can Cut Down the fat but not The muschles...! Was Thinking 30minutes cardio every day...! Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    Low dose test and tren are going going to help at 16% bf and winny at 16% is burning your money not fat. I say save your gear and drop down to 12% by proper diet and training/cardio then plan a cycle.

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Check my log out in the trasmformation challenge sestion within the diet section

    I am doin a naturally cut ATM

    I am aiming to get to single digit BF within 6 weeks form now

    U dont need grear to cut m8

    As far as cardio i would puy a maximum at 10 hrs a week

    Im currntly doing 540 mins over a 6 day period

    Obviously u wanna bring it up slowly

    Cardio and diet r the key, head over to the diet section and post ir ur current diet and training routine with ur stats and u will get all the help u need

  4. #4
    Ok thanks Got it but i have friend who was having similar Cutting Cycle and hes bodyfat Was 18% and with this gear proper diet and Cardio he fall down to 11%Bf just in 12weeks...How are you explain That?! and he also put 14pound of lean muscle! But he was also a Total freak the Strongest person i have ever seen while on Cycle but he was too agressive and he wasnt satisfied with anything and hes 24years old... 3rd Cycle!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Well he probably could have put on a lot more lean muscle if he wasn't cutting on cycle and then did the roids after. They are not saying you won't gain anything if you try cutting on roids. It is just you will gain a significant amount less and it would be far beneficial for you to do it that way...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    If you do cardio in the morning at empty stomach for 45 min and 30 min after training, you will drop a lot bf, don't need gear.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by FeelLegit View Post
    Ok thanks Got it but i have friend who was having similar Cutting Cycle and hes bodyfat Was 18% and with this gear proper diet and Cardio he fall down to 11%Bf just in 12weeks...How are you explain That?! and he also put 14pound of lean muscle! But he was also a Total freak the Strongest person i have ever seen while on Cycle but he was too agressive and he wasnt satisfied with anything and hes 24years old... 3rd Cycle!
    7% would equal about 10.5 lbs for me. Definitely doable in a 12 week period with or without gear. The gear will help prevent muscle loss (possibly even gain) during that time. But considering your talking about losing at a rate of a pound a week, you shouldnt expect that much muscle loss if your diet/exercise is in check.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I follow something like this when I am cutting:

    Sun: Sprints on indoor track (10 x 200m) (no weight training)
    Mon: 2 mile run in 15 minutes (after training weights in afternoon)
    Tues: Only train weights (no cardio)
    Wed: Sprints on indoor track (20 x 50m) (in the a.m., weight training in the afternoon)
    Thurs: 2 mile run in 15 minutes (after training weights)
    Fri: Only train weights (no cardio)
    Sat: Only train weights (no cardio)

    so 4 days a week with cardio, 6 days a week with weight training..

    two of the days are very high intensity and two of them are medium intensity.

    honestly, it is much more depended on your diet.. you could just change your diet and literally not have to do cardio i hope you realize..

    (yes, that is me in the avitar at 6'1" 200lb 7%bf from 2 summers ago, with only test and winstrol)

  9. #9
    Guys Thanks a Lot about your infos i realize now how i must do it! so i will just drop my BF naturally with a proper Diet (i will also check from some diet at Diet Section) and i will train like an animal...And then i will Start my Cutting Cycle! Thanks for your lights Again!!

  10. #10
    ohh And something Else in Cutting period your diet must be low in Carbs?! Thanks!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    You can cut with carbs just figure out your macros and your energy expenditure and cut it by 500

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Cardio/clean diet = weight loss

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    upstate ny
    30 min in the morning on an empty stomach is fine.
    Quote Originally Posted by FeelLegit View Post
    Stats 27years Old
    Cutting Cycle:
    1-12Week (300mg Test Prop/Week)
    1-10Week (375mg Tren E/Week)
    8-12Week (150mg Winny/Week)

    I wanna ask you with proper Diet and 5 times a Week Training how much Cardio should i do so i can Cut Down the fat but not The muschles...! Was Thinking 30minutes cardio every day...! Thanks

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    The diet is the most important. I seem to get the best results doing hiit 4 days a week. I do 18 mins on the treadmill, 5 min jog then 8 intervals at 10 miles per hour for 30 seconds then back down to 60 miles per hour for 30 seconds. Then after the intervals for the last 5 mis I slowly ramp down so my hear rate is stable. I seem to lose minimal muscle and fat burning is super high. Hiit is supposed to speed up your metabolism for the next 24 hours. That is what has worked the best for me.

  15. #15
    Right! and something else is it matter if the Cardio Exercise is after or Before Weight Training?!

  16. #16
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    There is no "answer" to your question. You do as much as you have to do to maintain/acheive the level of conditioning you are aiming for. For some people that may be 4 sessions a week at 30 minutes for others it might be two hours a day 7 days a week.

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