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Thread: Just a few questions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Coventry, UK

    Just a few questions.

    Hello there,

    Before I begin I'll post my stats

    30 years old
    6 foot tall
    210lbs in wieght
    Approx 23%BF

    (Edit) Forgot to mention my goals. I wanna get bigger/stronger but not massive! In my line of work size matters.

    I was contemplating a cycle ages ago but kept on getting conflicting advise from pals, so I decided to do some research on the internet and found this place and thank god I did. So glad i didnt take my mates advice and start a deca/winny cycle! I was given 6 weeks worth of deca/winny (both injectable) by a friend but did not wanna stick anything in my body I knew nothing about. Another friend reccomended a winny(oral) only cycle, again glad I didnt take his advice. None of them mentioned PCT infact both said 6 weeks on 2 weeks off!

    So after some reading and ummin and arring I decided to start a test-e cycle at 500mgs a week for 10 and dbol for the first 4 weeks at 40mg each day. I'm also taking 300mg of milk thistle every day. I've got nolvadex and clomid on hand for any sides but will be using these in pct. MY cycle is basically one I took from the newbie starter pack thread.

    couple of questions then

    1. I've always suffered from acne on my back (somtimes breaks out in nasty boils), do you think cycling will make it worse?

    2. In your opinion is my cycle ok? Constructive critiscim welcome

    3. I'm only into my 2nd week but I've started to get wierd dreams about work. I work as a door supervisor (bouncer) at night and a security guard in the day. My dream last night involved me beating someone unconcious and then all my teeth fell out!. I've also started to get naughty dreams (if you know what i mean wink wink) I never used to dream.

    4. Is it normal for my arse to ache after my test-e injection. One night my mrs punched me right on the spot I'd pinned and man did it hurt! Felt brusied.

    5. I've attached a pic of my dbol to this thread. Can anyone tell me if these are legit.

    Think thats all my questions. Look forward to reading any relplies.

    (dont think i've broken any rules with the pics correct me if I'm wrong)
    Last edited by Vincealot; 03-05-2011 at 06:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    New Hampshire
    Quote Originally Posted by Vincealot View Post

    couple of questions then

    1. I've always suffered from acne on my back (somtimes breaks out in nasty boils), do you think cycling will make it worse? Yes cycling can make it worse, but you may be able to reduce or prevent it if you take action early. What works for me is a good acne body wash and tanning everyday.
    2. In your opinion is my cycle ok? Constructive critiscim welcome This was my exact first cycle as well. It worked great for me.
    3. I'm only into my 2nd week but I've started to get wierd dreams about work. I work as a door supervisor (bouncer) at night and a security guard in the day. My dream last night involved me beating someone unconcious and then all my teeth fell out!. I've also started to get naughty dreams (if you know what i mean wink wink) I never used to dream. You are most likely working out with more intensity so you are more tired and sleeping more sound. Everyone dreams, we just don't always remember what they are. It is natural as humans to look at the last thing we did and attribute it to that. I seem to remember my dreams more on nights I slept harder.
    4. Is it normal for my arse to ache after my test-e injection. One night my mrs punched me right on the spot I'd pinned and man did it hurt! Felt brusied. Are you injesting slowly? If you take at least 1 minute to inject you will find it less painful after an injection. Buising usually comes from hitting a vein on the way into the muscle.
    5. I've attached a pic of my dbol to this thread. Can anyone tell me if these are legit. This should be in the steroids pictures forum. And if this is a lab name you will want to edit it out. Other then that I am not familiar with this brand. I use liquid orals.
    Think thats all my questions. Look forward to reading any relplies.

    (dont think i've broken any rules with the pics correct me if I'm wrong)
    Answers in bold.
    Last edited by Tigershark; 03-05-2011 at 07:56 AM. Reason: removes copy of pics.

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