Certainly could be. AI's suck. I never run them unless I have to, and I never have to. Been down that road.
Certainly could be. AI's suck. I never run them unless I have to, and I never have to. Been down that road.
That AI for one. Also, try this. 15 minute ice-cold showers an hour before sleeping. Helped with my Tren insomnia but the guy that told me to do it said the doctor said it was a treatment for depression. Like I always say, Proviron gives you the hardness without screwing with your estrogen levels. I've been on for quite a while and my prolactin was creeping up so I started taking cabergoline, but I saw it as a result of blood work, no symptoms. Try the showers....
When I was running 800 mg Deca/1.5 grams of Sust then I was doing 100 mg a day. Right now I'm on a gram of Sust/600 Tren Hex and only running 50 mg a day. I don't think it really cuts, I just get absolutely no bloat (even on a gram and a half of Test for Christ sake!!) and it definitely supercharges the Test. Most importantly it doesn't annihilate estrogen (libido, joints, gains, etc.) AND it's cheap as hell up there too!!
Sounds good...My next cycle is gonna be Sus250 x 2 times a week for 12 weeks and Anavar for the last 6 weeks so I may use it then @ 50mg ED.
You seem to be taking well to it all in your picture...Looking back ot the 1 of you at the bbq...BIG difference man!
Thanks again Titan!!!
This is pretty much how I´ve felt through my cycle so far (4´th week)
But this is just kinda me...ie..no change on cycle.
Reading your previous post on how great u feel..just keep lifting etc...I´ve been kinda looking forward to that setting in. But I don´t think it will..hehe..personality is personality.
I contribute the "tired" feeling to the fact that we are lifting slightly heavier then we otherwise do, and the body is obviously going through an excessive beating.
Also, we have to remember to up the cals, to feed new muscle.
I also use an AI, Aromasin 10 mg EOD.
Don´t see how this will give u a lethargic feeling and rob u from energy???
All we do is, not remove, but slightly reduce E levels. My E level is still off the top of the chart.
Interesting thread....U are 1 week ahead of me, and I look here for what to expect next week...hehe
Yeah it was messed up! I was feeling top of the world, everything has been fine apart from the odd days where my appetite has been a bit weird in the sence that I feel real hungry and then when I come to eat I gag and feel sick thinking about food!?
But Friday was just a bump back down to Earth from a nice high! I even woke up Saturday and nearly was sick, felt tired so relaxed then went out with my girl...Did not feel myself at all. I felt a bit paranoid, serious, weak, dizzy and sick and down!
It was my day off training so just tried to rest, went out for dinner and food just stank! My girl said it is like I am pregnant!!! lol...I get sick at smell of foods she cant even smell?!
Anyways I know I am 1 week ahead of you my friend and I hope I aint put you off...Good news is today (Sunday) I woke up feeling good again!!! Today was legs and I have just had an amazing training session in the gym...On way home tho I went to Tesco and Thailand is like the land of the living dead at the best of times but today its a joke! Slow Thai's everywhere...Talk about "roid rage" I could have exploded with rage! Its gone stupid hot again over here cos we have just had a load of freak cold weather so I come out the gym after a shower and its bang on ya...Heat! I have my big heavy gym bag with me and im trying to fight through people in Tesco as quick as I can, like the frigging Matrix man...Anyway back home without killing anyone, aircon on, cold shower...Chilling!!!
I am thinking cos I started my T-Bol on 1st March (so now moving into last week of 6 weeks)
My Test E is now end of week 4 going into week 5 on Monday...I am thinking that the injections of Test E are starting to kick in so maybe my blood levels and body were just a bit up and down and should start to settle making me feel like s**t and yeah I have been lifting like a mad man, doing set after set and still going...Feel like Bruce Willis in Unbreakable and not feeling burnt, so I am gonna take the next few days off from training cos I think I need the rest!
I feel good today but will have some rest to get my body up to speed with what is happening to it...
I will keep you posted.
Yeah man your looking like you have been chiseled out of marble! No wonder you are getting loads of ***** down south!!! Good luck to ya....How did you get on with the rain? Some parts are flooded bad man...
I am thinking of going Hui Hun after Songkran cos its Easter weekend on Friday 22nd and Monday 25th and I am off!!! I have never been Hui Hun either so it will be a good break for some fun...
Just a quick update...
I was knackered on Friday and felt like s**t and still did on Saturday...Went gym Sunday but decided to take a few days break from the gym so its now Wednesday and I am not going gym till 2moz...I feel great again now, did yesterday during work then when I came out on way home had loads of energy and felt the power in my legs running up the steps for the train.
So I think my body was just spent and needed a rest. Now I am feeling back up and on a high, it sucked feeling like I crashed...
Two more days left. One more workout, then deload. First time with Tren, it's definitely strong. And yea that's per week. I'm gonna deload on half volume workouts, half protein and 500 mg Sust. Then another 8 weeks of 1 gram Sust/750 Tren E/ proviron ed. Here's a couple more pics here at the end.
Well it seems to be doing the trick!!!
That is a load of Sus...Are you or have you had any problems with acne? I have got a right nasty upper back cluster of spots...My girl is enjoying picking them and has just taken a picture for me so I can see and its nasty!
Any products you have used over here or any that you know are good???
I'm just really lucky on sides with Test. I've done 1.5 grams Sust/750 Deca before (might go for it next reload but tren in place of the deca) with zero sides. No acne, body hair, balding, nothing. I suppose there's some point when that will be a problem, just not yet. My skin gets really oily, just no acne. When I had really long hair I would lose a little more to the comb on 1.5 grams but now that it's shorter, no problem.
Oh, the last 4 weeks I added in 100 mg Deca for joint lubrication at Ronnie Rowland's suggestion. Worked well.
OK so the last update on my weight was when I was 78.3kg, that was on the 29th March (29 days into my cycle).
I went on the same scales again on the 3rd April (Sunday) only 5 days later and I was 77kg.
I then had a week off from the 3rd (Sunday - Sunday) So was back in the gym on the 10th and I weighed 77.6kg and was feeling great again! Really need the rest.
From the Monday 11th I stopped taking my T-Bol as I have been on it for 6 weeks ED. It has been close to a week since I stopped taking the T-Bol and I feel great...I can notice that I am a bit more chilled cos I found that I would get wound up quick time before, nothing really bad, just a bit short tempered with my girl friend and at silly little things that would only bother me a little bit if at all.
So been training again for a week and my strength is the same if not better as I lifted a bit more than I have been, so all good!
Just got back from gym today and I was 76.5kg. So dropping weight, I guess this maybe to do with the water I may have held while on the T-Bol but to be honest cos I have been running an AI I have not looked like I have had any bloat, just solid tight gains what is what I wanted, did not want the balloon affect so happy with gains and strength to date.
Not been on here for a while so have not been updating my cycle so here goes:
So my last weigh in was back on the 17th April and I was 76.5kg... My strength has stayed the same, feel alert, active and just happy overall, so no complaints!
Still really enjoying the gym but I did slip a bit...Meaning I went out a couple of weekends back to back and had a load of booze and sex! It was great to let loose but now I am on a strict regime of training, eating and resting.
My last weigh in was 6th May and I was 77.7kg... Gone up again but maybe the beers I had??? lol
In a nut shell, feeling good, looking good!
Just a quick note on my weight...
6th May 77.7kg
15th May 78.2kg
20th May 78.8kg
27th May 79.1kg
Today 2nd June 79.6kg
So still gaining and feeling good, problem is I am going to be taking my last Test E injection this Sunday!!! Gutted really, cant believe that my cycle is due to end...Time flies!
Still I have enjoyed and seen some great gains from this cycle, just looking on now to my PCT.
I have asked these questions about my PCT just to be sure so any help would be much appreciated.
Is this right:
I need to wait 14 days after my last shot of Test E to start my PCT?
I can run my 0.5mg of Adex (AI) up to the 1st day of PCT and then stop taking it?
I can run HCG taking my last shot 4 days before PCT?
Then my PCT will be:
Clomid: 100/50/50/25
Nolva: 40/40/20/20
So that is amount mg's and weeks (so 4 weeks PCT).
Do I take for the 1st week...
100mg of Clomid and 40mg of Nolva all at the same time, i.e in the morning, or do I need to split the dose over the day???
Thanks guys!!!
I'd do that HCG right up to PCT myself. Have you been taking it through the whole cycle? The AI should be run the first 2 weeks of PCT I think to avoid Estro rebound. Take all your PCT drugs right before bed.
i think trainning 6 days per week is maybe overtrainning
4 per w is perfect
Yeah I have been taking HCG every 4 days @ 250iu to keep my boys it check and they have been good as gold...Before when I used juice I did not use HCG and my nuts just shrunk up big time! So I would recommend anyone who is going to cycle to run HCG at the same time througout the cycle.
With the AI I have read that I should stop 1st day of PCT as I will be taking Nolva to stop Estro binding?
And you say to take all my PCT pills in 1 go just before bed...OK, cool.
Cheers Titan.
I pinned my last cyp on Sunday.
Waiting for PCT as u...hehe.
It´s been fun, but glad I´done too.
Now to the most exciting part, I think, how much will we keep after 3-4-6 months...
Good luck with your PCT.
Yeah I know we were about the same time so it will be interesting like you say to see how much of our gains we can keep...
What does your PCT look like?
I am going to have my last shot of Test E today...Bit gutted to be stopping but I think its best to just do 12 week cycles and propper PCT and then look forwards to the next cycle!!!
Ok so I have been doing some reading and also posted Swifto about PCT and I think this is what I am going to do:
I am going to up my HCG from 250iu every 4 days to 500iu EOD for the last 6 shots but take my last HCG shot 4 days before PCT.
I will start my PCT 2 weeks from today as this is my last day for having a shot of Test E.
I will carry on taking my AI (Adex) @ .5mg EOD right up to the first day of PCT then stop.
PCT will be:
CLOMID @ 100mg for the first 3 days of the first week then drop to 50mg ED for the following 4 days to make that week 1.
Weeks 2, 3 and 4 Clomid @ 50mg ED.
Weeks 5 and 6 Clomid @ .25mg ED.
Week 1 @ 40mg ED.
Weeks 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 20mg ED.
So as you can see PCT will be 6 weeks long not 4.
Any thoughts???
I stretched my cycle to 12, instead of 10 weeks. But I feel the last 2-3 weeks were a waste.
2 days after my last pin I started HCG 500 EOD. (from 250 E3D during cycle), end 4 days prior to PCT.
Also started Nolva 10mg ED.
Will continue Aromasin 10mg EOD until 2 days prior to PCT.
PCT will be 20 mg Nolva, 60 mg Torem for 6 weeks. (120mg Torem first week)
Will be looking for some test boosters when I come to the US in a few weeks. Heard of PT-141, will look more into it.
I´ve been on HGH throughout all this, but I´m questioning the quality.
Will order some pharm grade to take for 2 months post PCT, and see if there is a difference.
If I ever do a cycle again, I will make damn sure I get every compound from the pharm., as I also questioned the quality of my Cyp.
And I will be doing 500mgs for 10 weeks, no AI.
I have been looking at stuff to take during PCT to help with libido and have found that Tribulus helps but it seems Tongkat Ali has some good reviews...
Both are a natural herb so I think I am gonna get my hands on some Tongkat Ali.
Here is something I found about it:
No doubt... tongkat ali is the most powerful herbal substance as far as it goes with stimulating LH production, and it also has a particularly useful to steroid users property in that it reduces SHBG's which essentially makes you less responsive to higher levels of testosterone. Tongkat ali in just a couple weeks of use can lower your SHBG's as much as 70% which results in huge increases in free available testosterone, very important when you are in recovery and this can preserve/save your on-cycle gains in a very big way.
Tongkat ali can be used long term, whereas Tribulus has been shown to only stimulate your testosterone production for about 10 to 14 days, then it looses its effectiveness. On the other hand tongkat continues to raise the bar higher and higher in time as you continue using tongkat. Many doctors now refer to tongkat ali as being "herbal HCG" or herbal clomid but its perhaps better more like clomid this HCG because it forever stimulates your HTPA and never shuts it down like tribulus or HCG can.
Here are a couple of links to Youtube:
Used Tongcat Ali and Trib for 10 months last year. Noticed nothing on my libido.
Just started Vigrx today, since I had 2 months worth left from last year. But I doubt it does anything.
But....shooting 500mgs Test didn´t raise my libido either, so my experience with Tongcat Ali, probe don´t mean much.
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