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Thread: My cycle...Help, views and advice welcome

  1. #1
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    Post My cycle...Help, views and advice welcome

    Hey guys,

    For those that have given me advise months ago thanks again...Been doing a lot of reading and spending rest of my time in the gym when I am not working getting a good base for a cycle.

    Anyways I was going to do a different cycle to this but I am going to save all the gear for that for my next cycle...
    This cycle is less but I am sure it will be good and bring me some good results without blowing up to BIG and lookin like a juice head! (Not that I care to much but I wanna get good gains that I have a good chance of keeping).

    So this is what I am going with:

    Week 1 - 6 T-Bol @ 40mg ED split into 2 lots of 20mg a taken in morning and evening.

    Week 2 - 13 Test E @ 250mg being shot every 5 days (so 12 weeks).

    I will then wait 14 days from my last shot before I start my PCT:

    Clomid: 100/50/50/50
    Nolva: 40/40/20/20

    PCT is 4 weeks and dose is as above ED for week 1/2/3/4

    I am running Liv52 every day @ 2 pills 3 x ED (while on T-Bol I am taking at the same time but also want to continue using as a clean liver is a happy liver).

    I am also going to run HCG from the start of week 4 of my 12 weeks of Test E.
    So after 3 weeks of shooting Test E I will shoot HCG @ 250iu - 500iu's 2 times a week (on a Mon & Thur).

    I am thinking of running the HCG as above a week after my last shot of Test E, so that way I have a week off before I start my PCT.

    I also have an AI on hand (Adex). If I have any problems I will take either .25mg or .50mg EOD.

    I would be open to advice on the above...Thanks for your time.

    By the way my stats are:
    33yrs old
    14% BF

    I have been training on/off for over 10yrs now and I am looking to shred more of my BF% and gain some good muscle that I can keep...

    As I said before I dont wanna blow up and get massive, just toned and a nice cut.

    I train 5/6 days a week, eat well and do plenty of cardio.

  2. #2
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    do you need that much liv 52?6 a day? i was thinking 2 liv52 and 1000 mg milk thistle.
    Quote Originally Posted by meat&2veg View Post
    Hey guys,

    For those that have given me advise months ago thanks again...Been doing a lot of reading and spending rest of my time in the gym when I am not working getting a good base for a cycle.

    Anyways I was going to do a different cycle to this but I am going to save all the gear for that for my next cycle...
    This cycle is less but I am sure it will be good and bring me some good results without blowing up to BIG and lookin like a juice head! (Not that I care to much but I wanna get good gains that I have a good chance of keeping).

    So this is what I am going with:

    Week 1 - 6 T-Bol @ 40mg ED split into 2 lots of 20mg a taken in morning and evening.

    Week 2 - 13 Test E @ 250mg being shot every 5 days (so 12 weeks).

    I will then wait 14 days from my last shot before I start my PCT:

    Clomid: 100/50/50/50
    Nolva: 40/40/20/20

    PCT is 4 weeks and dose is as above ED for week 1/2/3/4

    I am running Liv52 every day @ 2 pills 3 x ED (while on T-Bol I am taking at the same time but also want to continue using as a clean liver is a happy liver).

    I am also going to run HCG from the start of week 4 of my 12 weeks of Test E.
    So after 3 weeks of shooting Test E I will shoot HCG @ 250iu - 500iu's 2 times a week (on a Mon & Thur).

    I am thinking of running the HCG as above a week after my last shot of Test E, so that way I have a week off before I start my PCT.

    I also have an AI on hand (Adex). If I have any problems I will take either .25mg or .50mg EOD.

    I would be open to advice on the above...Thanks for your time.

    By the way my stats are:
    33yrs old
    14% BF

    I have been training on/off for over 10yrs now and I am looking to shred more of my BF% and gain some good muscle that I can keep...

    As I said before I dont wanna blow up and get massive, just toned and a nice cut.

    I train 5/6 days a week, eat well and do plenty of cardio.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    do you need that much liv 52?6 a day? i was thinking 2 liv52 and 1000 mg milk thistle.
    It says on the bottle for adults 2 to 3 tablets three times daily... So could be as much as 9 ED.

  4. #4
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    Dec 2010
    Well the pct for sure looks spot on. If it were me I would just stick with the test. I have used T-ball and I ate super clean and the results were below average. I seen soe gains but it wasnt worth all the support supps and stuff I had to buy. If you insist on taking it though that cycle looks good to me. Just make sure you have your clomid and nolva before you start.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllDay View Post
    Well the pct for sure looks spot on. If it were me I would just stick with the test. I have used T-ball and I ate super clean and the results were below average. I seen soe gains but it wasnt worth all the support supps and stuff I had to buy. If you insist on taking it though that cycle looks good to me. Just make sure you have your clomid and nolva before you start.
    Thanks for your input...

    I started the above cycle last week (so 1st March) I had only been taking the T-Bol up until yesterday when I had my 1st shot of Test. I felt a bit more lively off the T-Bol but it could be a case of mind over matter...Still feel like I get a good pump on.

    I have everything all stocked (Clomid & Nolva + rest of what I have listed above) so should be all good.

  6. #6
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    Looks like u´ve done a lot of homework before starting your cycle.

    How tall are u?

    You are running 3 aromatizing agents. What made u decide to have AI on hand, instead of .25 EOD?
    What in your opinion would be the downside of using a low dose on your cycle? (Obviously cost is not an issue as it´s on hand)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    Looks like u´ve done a lot of homework before starting your cycle.

    How tall are u?

    You are running 3 aromatizing agents. What made u decide to have AI on hand, instead of .25 EOD?
    What in your opinion would be the downside of using a low dose on your cycle? (Obviously cost is not an issue as it´s on hand)
    I am 170cm...

    I have an AI on hand just to be on the safe side. I have used Deca and Sus in the past and did not have any problems with gyno, so touch wood I will be cool on this cycle.

    With regards to the dose, I wanted to run this cycle to just give me an extra push as I feel I have hit a bit of a wall with lifting. Also if you can get good results with minimum juice then I think thats good...Money is not of issue so I could ramp it right up if I wanted cos I live in Thailand BKK and juice is easy to buy over the counter so I know its the real deal and prices are good.

    So really I wanted to run a light cycle that should give me good results and gains obversouly with the right diet, rest and training...I am hoping less gear / less sides and also I am leaving the door wide open to up my dose in my next cycle.

    I am not looking to blow up like a balloon that is why I picked T-Bol to kickstart my cycle over D-Bol. I have not used T-Bol before so that is why I ran it a week on its own 1st so if I had any negative reactions I would know what it was...Then running Test E allows me to drop the D-Bol after 6 weeks as I am not that into oral's and certainly not the 1's that are harsh on the liver. D-Bol and Anavar are the mildest but still I dont want to over run it...Looking to use Anavar on my next cyle but at the end to help cut. Test E as you know is 1 form of Testosterone... Enanthate, so again I can see how my body reacts (should be fine as I have run Sus in past) but its good to start slow and with 1 or 2 compounds. I was younger and did not know anything about steroids so was stupid to take what I could get without reading and learning from the people who know...So in a nut shell, I am treating this cycle as if it were my 1st!

    I will add links to stuff I found interesting and useful for others to read...

  8. #8
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    I started my cycle last Tuesday, the 1st March...I will keep a bit of a log on here if it is of interest to others.

    What I did find on this site is some great guys that are happy to advise and help if they think you are ready to cycle. They will NOT want to help if you are to young!!! I have seen time after time, new guys on here that want to do a real heavy cycle that would be ok if it is your 2nd or 3rd cycle and are experienced but they are not and they are far to young!

    If you are young, I mean under 22yrs even 25yrs and are reading this...The guys on here are just looking out for you! They get a bit pissed but its not them being rude or up themselves its just they read new, young lads on here day in day out wanting to get bang on the juice!

    WAIT!!! Training will improve soooo much if you just eat the right foods, the right amount and at the right times! You will be amazed at how much better, bigger and stronger you look and feel but most importantly when you are looking and flexing in the mirror you can look yourself in the eyes and be proud to say "I look this good natural"
    Then when you hit a wall and start to become an older guy then look at using steroids, but read...Know what you are using and how to use it safely!

    I am no expert but I know more now, sorry I know a S**T load more than I did when I used steroids and I am kicking myself now as I should have read and learnt more...But past is past so here are some links that I found very useful...

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by meat&2veg; 03-08-2011 at 06:21 AM.

  9. #9
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    Guys I am going to start my HCG soon and was wondering what is best:

    1 shot EOD @ 250 iu (or)
    1 shot 2 times a week (Mon & Thur) @ 500 iu


  10. #10
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    I have found this:

    hCG during cycle - The Proper use of hCG

    For any cycle longer than 6 weeks, you need to get your hands on some hCG and use it during the cycle. A small dose will keep the testes running as normal during cycle, so they can jump back on track when the cycle is over. Plus, when you use hCG during the cycle, you don't need to use it for PCT.

    On-cycle hCG forces your testes to continue producing testosterone as they normally would. The trick with on-cycle hCG use is to avoid using too much, too frequently (which can also desensitize your testes the same as not using any at all!). It’s important to use just enough to stimulate the testes to produce the same amount of testosterone they would normally.

    Check out the simple hCG dosing guidelines -

    It seems to be 250 iu every 4 days from week 3 - week 12 (On a 12 week cycle).

    * Every 4 days = Shoot on Monday, then on Friday, then on Tuesday, ect.

    † AI - Aromatase Inhibitor (While taking 1000iu shots, I recommend 10mg/ED of Aromasin or .5mg/ED Arimidex to keep estrogen in control. Legal alternatives include Formasol and Arom-X which are also effective aromatase inhibitors. Discontinue AI 4 days after last hCG shot.)

    If you are doing the on-cycle hCG protocol it is important to discontinue hCG 2 weeks prior to AAS clearance. Therefore, when you officially start PCT you will be clean of all AAS's and will be 14 days from your last hCG shot. This allows your testes to become re-sensitized to the body's LH signal from the brain, making for a quick recovery of natural testosterone production as soon as the steroids and hCG clear the system. This is another reason why on-cycle hCG is superior, because it allows you to start recovering as soon as PCT begins.

    If you aren't doing hCG on-cycle, then use hCG according to the "last 2 weeks or after the cycle" guidelines, and start it 4-5 weeks before the AAS's are expected to clear the system (Or as soon as possible if you are already past this point).

    Would you guys agree or have other thoughts based on experience???

  11. #11
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    You can use HCG up until 4 days prior to PCT, as the last HCG "spike " cycle happens 36-48 hours after injection.

    I would/am starting with 250iu E4D as outlined, not EOD as you posted previously, and see how it goes.

    It seemed to not be quite enough for me, so I just injected 250iu, even though my last injection was only 2 days ago. So I will do EOD for a few days, and see. If my balls are fine and hanging, I will go back to E4D.

    I will however, start EOD 250-500iu after last Test pin up until 4 days prior to PCT.

    And....since I´m kickstarting with Dbol, I started HCG week 1.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    You can use HCG up until 4 days prior to PCT, as the last HCG "spike " cycle happens 36-48 hours after injection.

    I would/am starting with 250iu E4D as outlined, not EOD as you posted previously, and see how it goes.

    It seemed to not be quite enough for me, so I just injected 250iu, even though my last injection was only 2 days ago. So I will do EOD for a few days, and see. If my balls are fine and hanging, I will go back to E4D.

    I will however, start EOD 250-500iu after last Test pin up until 4 days prior to PCT.

    And....since I´m kickstarting with Dbol, I started HCG week 1.
    Thanks for your advice.

    I started the T-Boll on Tuesday 1st March and then had my 1st shot of Test E the following Monday (7th)...Then had my 2nd shot on Saturday 12th and am just about to have my 3rd shot. So as you can see I am just shooting 1 amp @ 250mg of Test E every 5 days.

    I think I will go with what you have said and what I found and listed above with regards to the HCG. I will have my 1st shot today @ 250iu then every 4 days and see how I get on. I was going to wait but my balls are slightly elevated now and when I have sex and shoot my load they really disappear like Houdini!!! So I want to keep them happy.

    I have 5000iu amps, so what I am going to do is mix with 2ml of sterile water with 1 amp and it will work out the same as in this video I found:

    Also going with what you said before I think it will be wise if I were to take .5mg/ED Arimidex just to be on the safe side of gyno.

    Thanks again for your interest...

    What is your cycle? How long have you been on it?

  13. #13
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    .5 mg EOD should be plenty.
    I would actually have started with .25 EOD, and take it from there.
    I had itchy nipples, and Aromasin 10mg EOD killed it.

    I´m 6'4/235

    In my 3´d month of,
    6 months HGH 4.5iu ED 6/7

    In my second week of,
    11 weeks 250mgs Cyp E4D
    4 weeks 20mg Dbol ED
    13 weeks HCG 250iu EOD- E4D, 500iu EOD last 2 weeks.
    13 weeks Aromasin 10 mg EOD

    6 weeks Nolv 20 mg ED
    6 weeks liq Tore 60 mg ED ( 120 mg ED first 2 weeks)

    Gained 8 lbs first 2 months on HGH, then, on my AAS cycle,
    Gained 6 lbs first week, 2lbs so far this week...yes water...but I really can´t see any bloat.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    .5 mg EOD should be plenty.
    I would actually have started with .25 EOD, and take it from there.
    I had itchy nipples, and Aromasin 10mg EOD killed it.

    I´m 6'4/235

    In my 3´d month of,
    6 months HGH 4.5iu ED 6/7

    In my second week of,
    11 weeks 250mgs Cyp E4D
    4 weeks 20mg Dbol ED
    13 weeks HCG 250iu EOD- E4D, 500iu EOD last 2 weeks.
    13 weeks Aromasin 10 mg EOD

    6 weeks Nolv 20 mg ED
    6 weeks liq Tore 60 mg ED ( 120 mg ED first 2 weeks)

    Gained 8 lbs first 2 months on HGH, then, on my AAS cycle,
    Gained 6 lbs first week, 2lbs so far this week...yes water...but I really can´t see any bloat.
    Yeah I think I will take the Adex EOD @ .5mg to just be on the safe side...As I said before when I have used juice I had no problems with my nips just same as this time always erect but with the cycle I am using this time I think it would be wise to use the Adex not only for the gyno and high estrogen levels but it will also stop me blowing up!

    Your cycle looks cool bro, how you finding the HGH? Is it your 1st time using it?

  15. #15
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    I used HGH for 4 months last summer.
    Love the higher metabolism, and the quality muscle.
    Also seems the HGH effects stick around for months after the last pin.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    I used HGH for 4 months last summer.
    Love the higher metabolism, and the quality muscle.
    Also seems the HGH effects stick around for months after the last pin.
    I might have to give it a go in the future, have heard some good things about it... I will have to do a load of reading before hand and you could give me some tips as and when.

    Dont know if you have used Test E before have you? I have shot twice in each quad and had a dead leg for 2 days both times, then last night I got my bird to jab my glute and f**k me it stung like hell!!! After she pulled the needle out I tried to massage the area but it stung soooo bad and now its swollen and hot and hurts bad if I just try and touch it...

    Is this just normal for Test E?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by meat&2veg View Post
    I might have to give it a go in the future, have heard some good things about it... I will have to do a load of reading before hand and you could give me some tips as and when.

    Dont know if you have used Test E before have you? I have shot twice in each quad and had a dead leg for 2 days both times, then last night I got my bird to jab my glute and f**k me it stung like hell!!! After she pulled the needle out I tried to massage the area but it stung soooo bad and now its swollen and hot and hurts bad if I just try and touch it...

    Is this just normal for Test E?
    No I haven´t. This is my first cycle and I´m using Cyp.
    Hope you are following correct sanitizing proc.
    I pinned both glutes, and right quad, today, is my 4´th pin in my left quad.
    One of my glutes hurt like hell going in, as I guess I hit a nerve, but I just continued.
    I am sore too for 2-3 days after pin. But injecting into the muscle is the same as hitting it with a baseball bat. To minimize the "bruise", inject very slowly.

    hmm...I guess other websites automatically get edited out, to prevent spam.
    the site is **************. It gives a nice visual of the injection sites.

    ^^^^^ôk...I give up
    Last edited by Flier; 03-18-2011 at 05:28 AM. Reason: Website blanked out

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by meat&2veg View Post
    I have found this:

    hCG during cycle - The Proper use of hCG

    For any cycle longer than 6 weeks, you need to get your hands on some hCG and use it during the cycle. A small dose will keep the testes running as normal during cycle, so they can jump back on track when the cycle is over. Plus, when you use hCG during the cycle, you don't need to use it for PCT.

    On-cycle hCG forces your testes to continue producing testosterone as they normally would. The trick with on-cycle hCG use is to avoid using too much, too frequently (which can also desensitize your testes the same as not using any at all!). It’s important to use just enough to stimulate the testes to produce the same amount of testosterone they would normally.

    Check out the simple hCG dosing guidelines -

    It seems to be 250 iu every 4 days from week 3 - week 12 (On a 12 week cycle).

    * Every 4 days = Shoot on Monday, then on Friday, then on Tuesday, ect.

    † AI - Aromatase Inhibitor (While taking 1000iu shots, I recommend 10mg/ED of Aromasin or .5mg/ED Arimidex to keep estrogen in control. Legal alternatives include Formasol and Arom-X which are also effective aromatase inhibitors. Discontinue AI 4 days after last hCG shot.)

    If you are doing the on-cycle hCG protocol it is important to discontinue hCG 2 weeks prior to AAS clearance. Therefore, when you officially start PCT you will be clean of all AAS's and will be 14 days from your last hCG shot. This allows your testes to become re-sensitized to the body's LH signal from the brain, making for a quick recovery of natural testosterone production as soon as the steroids and hCG clear the system. This is another reason why on-cycle hCG is superior, because it allows you to start recovering as soon as PCT begins.

    If you aren't doing hCG on-cycle, then use hCG according to the "last 2 weeks or after the cycle" guidelines, and start it 4-5 weeks before the AAS's are expected to clear the system (Or as soon as possible if you are already past this point).

    Would you guys agree or have other thoughts based on experience???
    I double the HCG after my last shot of Test to 500 iu's twice a week, right up to PCT day.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I double the HCG after my last shot of Test to 500 iu's twice a week, right up to PCT day.
    Titan, thanks for the input much appreciated! So I am gonna do 250iu every 4 days for now but if the boys are still not hanging like normal should I :-

    (A) Up the dose to 500iu or more? (every 4 days still).

    (B) Stay with 250iu but do it EOD till they drop?

    But all being well and good say with the 250iu every 4 days...Then when I end my Test I will up it to 500iu twice a week... PCT starts 2 weeks after last shot of Test E right??? And I can run HCG right up to 1st day of PCT not finish it 4 days before PCT?

    Thanks again.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by meat&2veg View Post
    Titan, thanks for the input much appreciated! So I am gonna do 250iu every 4 days for now but if the boys are still not hanging like normal should I :-

    (A) Up the dose to 500iu or more? (every 4 days still).

    (B) Stay with 250iu but do it EOD till they drop?

    But all being well and good say with the 250iu every 4 days...Then when I end my Test I will up it to 500iu twice a week... PCT starts 2 weeks after last shot of Test E right??? And I can run HCG right up to 1st day of PCT not finish it 4 days before PCT?

    Thanks again.
    Yup, that's how I do it. The HCG won't give your balls the same look as when your off, it just helps for when it's time to restart in PCT. I've never done it, but if you really want to do more I'd do something like 250 iu's Mon, Wed, Fri for a total of 750 iu's. Then double that for 2 weeks right up to day one of PCT, not 4 days before.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    No I haven´t. This is my first cycle and I´m using Cyp.
    Hope you are following correct sanitizing proc.
    I pinned both glutes, and right quad, today, is my 4´th pin in my left quad.
    One of my glutes hurt like hell going in, as I guess I hit a nerve, but I just continued.
    I am sore too for 2-3 days after pin. But injecting into the muscle is the same as hitting it with a baseball bat. To minimize the "bruise", inject very slowly.

    hmm...I guess other websites automatically get edited out, to prevent spam.
    the site is **************. It gives a nice visual of the injection sites.

    ^^^^^ôk...I give up
    Yeah I am always very clean anyway but even more so when it comes down to injecting...I had a few times when I may have had a dead leg back when I was shooting Deca and Sus but nothing like this pain from the Test E! It may be the oil and stuff its bottled up with, all I know is it literally a "pain in the ass"

    After my bird jabbed my glute, I tried to dab it and massage it but it felt like the needle had snapped off in my ass! It was stinging like hell...That was on Thursday night, its now Saturday morning and the swelling has gone down but its still hot in the area about 3inc sq and a bit painful to touch. I think I will be fine and hope it will all be back to normal either tomorrow or Monday and no abscess or infection.
    It may of even been a case where I have never really used my glutes for steroids so the next time / times after might get better...

    Hope so!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by meat&2veg View Post
    Yeah I am always very clean anyway but even more so when it comes down to injecting...I had a few times when I may have had a dead leg back when I was shooting Deca and Sus but nothing like this pain from the Test E! It may be the oil and stuff its bottled up with, all I know is it literally a "pain in the ass"

    After my bird jabbed my glute, I tried to dab it and massage it but it felt like the needle had snapped off in my ass! It was stinging like hell...That was on Thursday night, its now Saturday morning and the swelling has gone down but its still hot in the area about 3inc sq and a bit painful to touch. I think I will be fine and hope it will all be back to normal either tomorrow or Monday and no abscess or infection.
    It may of even been a case where I have never really used my glutes for steroids so the next time / times after might get better...

    Hope so!
    Sounds like an abscess, man. I'd see a cheap Doc or at least get on some antibiotics quick. I got an abscess once and let it go for almost a week. Got a fever and missed some workouts (Bogus). Anyway, got on a cycle of Zithromax (6 caps - 850 BAHT, expensive!!) but that did the trick. You'll be able to get it cheaper in BKK. If it's red and hot, it's you can assume it's infected.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Sounds like an abscess, man. I'd see a cheap Doc or at least get on some antibiotics quick. I got an abscess once and let it go for almost a week. Got a fever and missed some workouts (Bogus). Anyway, got on a cycle of Zithromax (6 caps - 850 BAHT, expensive!!) but that did the trick. You'll be able to get it cheaper in BKK. If it's red and hot, it's you can assume it's infected.
    Cheers Titan, I have got some Zithromax knocking about in my room so I could take them...The thing is why I did not want to jump straight on them is because I am taking T-Bol at the mo as well as other pills like vit's, adex, cod liver, liv52 etc so I am rattling now I am so full of pills! I just did not want any extra pressure on my liver if I can avoid it.

    With regards to my glute, its alot more painless today...Just feels like a bruise now with a small swelling. I do not feel ill or have fever signs...Do you think I am ok? Do you think it was just a bad shot, maybe not deep enough? Cos my bird has only injected her dog before! When I asked her how she did it she said at an angle and it was only a 1inc pin so I was thinking she missed the muscle and the oil has just been sitting in that spot and is slowly moving on?

    850 for a box of Zithromax bro...WOW! Where do you live in Thailand? Phuket?


  24. #24
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    I wanted to just put up a brief log of what I have taken so far, how I have been feeling and what weight I have gained etc...

    So I started my cycle on the 1st March 2011.

    I weighed myself on some digital scales at the gym, and I was 73.9kg

    I started by taking 40mg of T-Bol ED that I split into 20mg taken at 7am and then again at 7pm along with 2 tabs of Liv52.

    1st off I felt a bit of a bad head...This only lasted for the 1st 2 days, guess it was just my body getting use to the T-Bol. I had a good feeling about me after day 2 that gave me extra drive in the gym and made me push harder. I think that this feeling was more mind over matter and psychological but who cares cos it gave me a push and a "lets have it!!!" mind set. No real elevation in appetite for a few days more the opposite, felt stuffed when I was trying to eat...But that went after the 1st 3/4 days and I felt fine and dandy so I knew that my body was gonna be ok with this compound (as this was my 1st time using T-Bol).

    7th March I decided to up my T-Bol to 50mg ED...Taking 20mg at 7am, 10mg at 12ish(lunch), 20mg at 7pm. Everytime with food and loads of water and also 2 tabs of Liv52 each time. This was my 1st day of my Test E and I shot 250mg that night in my quad...Went well, just had a bit of a dodgy walk the next day from a dead leg! Felt fine other than that although I did struggle to eat. What I mean is that when I felt really hungry I went to eat and just felt sick forcing food down! Went gym after work trained and went to eat after and again I could not eat, I pushed the food away after struggling to eat half!?

    Jumped on the same scales in the gym on the Tuesday (a week to the day I started the cycle).
    Was 73.9kg now gone up to 75.6kg.
    Rest of the week felt better and better everyday, good feeling...Sense of wellbeing was great and my strength was up! Got some great pumps on each muscle group worked. However this was good when lifting but when I went on the treadmill to do some cardio my calf muscles got pumped so quick, so hard, it was like they were gonna explode out of my legs!!! So I could not run, to painful.

    During week 3, sex drive up! Muscle pump up! Weight on my lifts up! Sense of wellbeing up! Energy up! Appetite up! Balls up!lol...So I started HCG on the Thursday 17th @ 250iu...I am going to be taking this every 4 days for whole of my cycle up till PCT.

    I decided that I would run Arimidex, well Anastrozole as I have a generic @ .5mg EOD to be on the safe side of gyno cos I am running T-Bol, Test e and HCG.

    My balls were fine again by yesterday and I feel amazing! Got great strength in the gym, lifting but it dont feel like hard work...Its a breeze and very enjoyable!

    Feel mint, look mint...Feel like the ladies can sence the testosterone or something cos I am getting stared at s**t loads with f**k me eyes! I know I live in Thailand but Bangkok is a different ball game...But they are on me a load more and I love that to!!!

    So only day 20 and I am so f**king happy! Feel great apart from my glute shot my bird gave me...But rough with the smooth and all that!!!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    On vacation
    Sounds great!!
    Be careful out there with the the Ladyboys will sense the Test as well. Made that mistake once myself....

    I´m on day 15 myself, gained 12 lbs, and has actually reached my goal weight of 110kg. Now, I guess I will continue to about 115, and later shed 5 kg fat and water. So far pinned each glute and each quad, and will attempt delts next week. I imagine aspiration will be difficult. So far quads was easiest, as the gluts are very hard to aspirate. So much easier using 2 hands.

    Nice to hear your balls are back to normal. I would say mine is pretty much to, however i pin HCG EOD. Still using the same preloaded syringe with sterile water....may be less effective for each day that passes.....??...who knows, never got a definite answer. I guess I will notice myself when it´s time to mix up a new HCG, this time with bac. water.

    Can´t wait to the Test kicks in!!..haven´t really had great libido since messing with pro hormones 12 years ago....FU.K GNC and their uneducated/uninformed sales staff.

    You must enjoy Thailand?...Never been, but have a friend in Phuket. I must visit soon!!

    Wish u well on the rest of your cycle!!

  26. #26
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    Aug 2010
    BKK Thailand
    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42 View Post
    Sounds great!!
    Be careful out there with the the Ladyboys will sense the Test as well. Made that mistake once myself....

    I´m on day 15 myself, gained 12 lbs, and has actually reached my goal weight of 110kg. Now, I guess I will continue to about 115, and later shed 5 kg fat and water. So far pinned each glute and each quad, and will attempt delts next week. I imagine aspiration will be difficult. So far quads was easiest, as the gluts are very hard to aspirate. So much easier using 2 hands.

    Nice to hear your balls are back to normal. I would say mine is pretty much to, however i pin HCG EOD. Still using the same preloaded syringe with sterile water....may be less effective for each day that passes.....??...who knows, never got a definite answer. I guess I will notice myself when it´s time to mix up a new HCG, this time with bac. water.

    Can´t wait to the Test kicks in!!..haven´t really had great libido since messing with pro hormones 12 years ago....FU.K GNC and their uneducated/uninformed sales staff.

    You must enjoy Thailand?...Never been, but have a friend in Phuket. I must visit soon!!

    Wish u well on the rest of your cycle!!
    Hahahaha yeah your right about the ladyboys!!! Its a mental country man...They have some of the finest ladies in the world and most of the Thai guys are gay or wanna be a ladyboy??? Why on Earth I do not know but more beautiful ladies for the rest of us! So I am getting eyed up by anything and everything that likes a bit of uncle John and the twins!!!

    Well done pal on hitting your weight!!! Your right about the quads I find it easy to do it myself, 2 hands and I cant shout at anyone if I mess it up! My poor bird got an ear full, bless. But I wanna do it myself, then its the right way.

    Yeah over the moon about my nuts dude! We were about the same time so I am sure yours will be back soon...I just mixed mine in the amp and stuck it back in the fridge cos it was a 5000iu amp but I am gonna do 250iu every 4 days as discussed before with you and see if that keeps em good. I think yours will still be good if you have stuck it back in ya fridge?

    You will be buzzing when the Test kicks in man...Love how I am feeling now (so is my bird) lol.

    Thailand rocks pal! Have been living here for over 2yrs now but came over on holiday about 5yrs ago 1st time and came over a good few times, loved it then sold everything I owned and moved! Beats England...Shit hole! Cold, wet, expensive with fat lazy birds!!!

    Phuket is nice but getting expensive...I have a load of pals that live in Patong in Phuket. If you are single or have a bird and you can swing it...GET OVER!!! You will f**king love it!

    All the best! Cheers.
    Last edited by meat&2veg; 03-20-2011 at 05:41 AM.

  27. #27
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by meat&2veg View Post
    Cheers Titan, I have got some Zithromax knocking about in my room so I could take them...The thing is why I did not want to jump straight on them is because I am taking T-Bol at the mo as well as other pills like vit's, adex, cod liver, liv52 etc so I am rattling now I am so full of pills! I just did not want any extra pressure on my liver if I can avoid it.

    With regards to my glute, its alot more painless today...Just feels like a bruise now with a small swelling. I do not feel ill or have fever signs...Do you think I am ok? Do you think it was just a bad shot, maybe not deep enough? Cos my bird has only injected her dog before! When I asked her how she did it she said at an angle and it was only a 1inc pin so I was thinking she missed the muscle and the oil has just been sitting in that spot and is slowly moving on?

    850 for a box of Zithromax bro...WOW! Where do you live in Thailand? Phuket?

    Yea man, I'm in Koh Tao which is even more expensive than Phuket. No hot Thai chics either. It's like living in Alaska right in the middle of Thailand. Tons of super hot 20-25 year old white chics though. Every 8 weeks I go to Samui or BKK so I remember where I am...

    If it's getting better on it's own I wouldn't worry about it. I definitely pin myself always now. I've had chics almost break a needle off on me before....Fvck that!! With 1" pins I would just alternate delts and quads.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Yea man, I'm in Koh Tao which is even more expensive than Phuket. No hot Thai chics either. It's like living in Alaska right in the middle of Thailand. Tons of super hot 20-25 year old white chics though. Every 8 weeks I go to Samui or BKK so I remember where I am...

    If it's getting better on it's own I wouldn't worry about it. I definitely pin myself always now. I've had chics almost break a needle off on me before....Fvck that!! With 1" pins I would just alternate delts and quads.
    No way! No hot Thai gals...Why are you living there???
    Still I bet its beautiful tho yeah? I love it down south, I would move out of BKK to closer to the beach if I could but work keeps me here although I get away for long weekends every now and then so its nice and its a million times better than back in England! Hate that place man, so shit and cold...

    Defo gonna pin myself from now on...Due 1 tomorrow, happy dayz!

    You been in Thailand long? Where you from?

  29. #29
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Yea man, I'm in Koh Tao which is even more expensive than Phuket. No hot Thai chics either. It's like living in Alaska right in the middle of Thailand. Tons of super hot 20-25 year old white chics though. Every 8 weeks I go to Samui or BKK so I remember where I am...

    If it's getting better on it's own I wouldn't worry about it. I definitely pin myself always now. I've had chics almost break a needle off on me before....Fvck that!! With 1" pins I would just alternate delts and quads.
    That's right, you are a dive instructor, correct? I couldn't handle Thailand without the Thai girls. Ive been to Phuket, it's not bad, some good beaches and and a few good bars. I still prefer Pattaya. Beaches suck but the Thai girls are 8 for every guy and the only white women you see are the tourist wifes looking disgusted at all the hot young girls with the middle aged (or older) guys and of course the husbands who are trying to find a way to get away from the wife for a few hours. LOL

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    That's right, you are a dive instructor, correct? I couldn't handle Thailand without the Thai girls. Ive been to Phuket, it's not bad, some good beaches and and a few good bars. I still prefer Pattaya. Beaches suck but the Thai girls are 8 for every guy and the only white women you see are the tourist wifes looking disgusted at all the hot young girls with the middle aged (or older) guys and of course the husbands who are trying to find a way to get away from the wife for a few hours. LOL
    Oh God bless Pattaya!!! Your right the beaches suck (in the bad way) but the girls hot as f**k certainly suck (in the way we all want them to)

    It cracks me up when I go and see all the white couples on holiday and yeah the wifes face is a picture! Was excited about going on holiday, somewhere hot and beautiful...Then arrives and see's all these fit dark skined stunners without cellulite walking about in next to nothing working it! Her holiday is over! The husband has got half a lob on, eyes popping out thinking I can slip some sleeping pills in her wine tonight and I'll sneak out when she is knocked out or the good old "golf trip" always works! lol...Love it!

    Pattaya Disney land for men!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by meat&2veg View Post
    No way! No hot Thai gals...Why are you living there???
    Still I bet its beautiful tho yeah? I love it down south, I would move out of BKK to closer to the beach if I could but work keeps me here although I get away for long weekends every now and then so its nice and its a million times better than back in England! Hate that place man, so shit and cold...

    Defo gonna pin myself from now on...Due 1 tomorrow, happy dayz!

    You been in Thailand long? Where you from?
    I've been here 12 years and I'm stuck here for the same reason your stuck there. Job inertia. Can only hope to get fired!!! LOL!!

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    That's right, you are a dive instructor, correct? I couldn't handle Thailand without the Thai girls. Ive been to Phuket, it's not bad, some good beaches and and a few good bars. I still prefer Pattaya. Beaches suck but the Thai girls are 8 for every guy and the only white women you see are the tourist wifes looking disgusted at all the hot young girls with the middle aged (or older) guys and of course the husbands who are trying to find a way to get away from the wife for a few hours. LOL
    Yup, that's me. Last time I talked to you I had one of the only hot Thai chics available in Koh Tao. That all ended in tears (HA!) a while ago. My company has been looking to by another shop in Samui and if that happens I've already been asked if I want that place (I DO!!) Meanwhile I'm desperately trying a 22 year old Divemaster Trainee from Belgium that thinks I'm kind of a creepy old guy.... Which I am... Which we all are here, it's just not appreciated here in Koh Tao like it is in the rest of Thailand. Oh well, the white chics here are smokin hot, which when your 46 really motivates the diet and workout thing, if you know what I mean. For instance, how many 22 year olds do you think I was getting when I looked like this? Doing a lot better since now (Avatar) HA! HA! The silver lining!!!Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Copy of CIMG3972.JPG 
Views:	123 
Size:	71.3 KB 
ID:	114595

  32. #32
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    BKK Thailand
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I've been here 12 years and I'm stuck here for the same reason your stuck there. Job inertia. Can only hope to get fired!!! LOL!!

    Yup, that's me. Last time I talked to you I had one of the only hot Thai chics available in Koh Tao. That all ended in tears (HA!) a while ago. My company has been looking to by another shop in Samui and if that happens I've already been asked if I want that place (I DO!!) Meanwhile I'm desperately trying a 22 year old Divemaster Trainee from Belgium that thinks I'm kind of a creepy old guy.... Which I am... Which we all are here, it's just not appreciated here in Koh Tao like it is in the rest of Thailand. Oh well, the white chics here are smokin hot, which when your 46 really motivates the diet and workout thing, if you know what I mean. For instance, how many 22 year olds do you think I was getting when I looked like this? Doing a lot better since now (Avatar) HA! HA! The silver lining!!!Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Copy of CIMG3972.JPG 
Views:	123 
Size:	71.3 KB 
ID:	114595
    Sounds good to me buddy!!! I have not been with a white bird for years...Would be good for a change! Keep up the good work...

  33. #33
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    I always come up to Bangkok after every 8 week cycle for a "Deload" if you get my drift. I can only get away for about 3 days, but that usually does it!! This one will be about a week after Songkran. I'll drop you a line before I come up. Where do you workout?

  34. #34
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    Yesterday I was 3 weeks into my cycle and I again weighed myself on the same scales in the gym and I am 77.9kg from 73.9kg so thats exactly 4kg's!!!

    Most of my swelling has gone down now on my glute, so happy I did not have an infection! I had a Test shot last night that I did myself in my left quad and it went right as rain...No pain until this morning when I got out of bed and I felt like Bambi! lol...It is fine just must be the oil and that my Test E is mixed with cos I have never really had pain stay like this...No problem tho, just tell my boss and that I trained my legs and am a bit stiff!!!

    Had my shot of HCG on Monday night and my balls are still good...So all in all feeling good, loving training! Its crazy, I can do so much for 1 muscle group and I feel like I have done nothing...Just can lift and lift and lift!

    I have been running Adex @ .5mg EOD, I know that is the general rule of thumb but the size of the pill is small and I am only taking half?!? It seems to small to do anything??? Is this right, has anyone else thought the same...How can such a small dose do anything???


  35. #35
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    BKK Thailand
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    I always come up to Bangkok after every 8 week cycle for a "Deload" if you get my drift. I can only get away for about 3 days, but that usually does it!! This one will be about a week after Songkran. I'll drop you a line before I come up. Where do you workout?
    I live in On Nut area, Sukhumvit soi 85...I have a lifetime membership @ California Wow...I was living in Pattaya when I 1st moved over and joined C/W then for 12 months but had to move to BKK, I then up-graded my membership to lifetime and also can now use any C/W in Thailand...So happy days! I go to the 1 in Ekamai cos its only 2 stops on the BTS for me.

    Yeah let me know when your about and we can go Deload-Unload on some gals!!! My bird should be away with her family so all good!!!

  36. #36
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    Yea, I know another guy that got in on that deal at Cal Wow. Super bargain. I end up begging to pay 1000 a day at some place like the Marriott.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Yea, I know another guy that got in on that deal at Cal Wow. Super bargain. I end up begging to pay 1000 a day at some place like the Marriott.
    Yeah its a great deal, I only have to pay either 100 or 200 bart a year to re-new it! Was about 17k to start tho but its a good gym and for 100/200 each year its peanuts. I think they have stopped that deal now tho cos a friend of mine tried to get it but they would only let him have 12 months at 1 location...

    1k each time! That would clean me out man...But when you need to train its a necessary expense...

  38. #38
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    Yea, I have all my own stuff here. I just wish I had a pulley system. If I resigned myself to staying here I'd build one, but like I say, I hope to escape "The Rock" some time in the near future!!

  39. #39
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    4th week into my cycle yesterday 29th March 2011.

    Again I used the same digital scales in my gym to weigh myself and I am now 78.3kg from 73.9kg 4 weeks ago.

    Feeling great! Have got so much more strength in the gym now and can just keep lifting and lifting!!! The only thing that stops me sometimes is that my muscles feel so pumped that they are going to explode!

    Looking firm, no bloat...Guessing that is from running an AI (Adex) @.5mg EOD. My muscles are hard, looking good in my t-shirts, getting plenty of complements from my pals and plenty of gals wanting to know.

    So still loving my cycle, still improving, still all good mood wise....

  40. #40
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    Yesterday I felt really flat, went to the gym and just was not into it! Could not be assed to lift and then after I went to meet my girl and felt down...Went home and just felt tired and down.
    This morning feel a bit jaded and tired still...WHY???

    Do you guys think this has anything to do with running an AI (Adex) or could it be that I have peaked and now am feeling flat?

    Any feedback would be great.


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