Hey all, I actually started two weeks ago and will try to get as much information in here as possible.
Been lifting just under 5 years. I concentrate on Brazilian JiuJitsu, but want to "bulk up" while I can then focus on bjj.
My best lifts of all time are 305 pound bench press.
255x3 incline bench press.
485 pound deadlift(back problems)
350x5 box squat.
2-20-2011 was my first shot(left glute). Weighed in 252 pounds @ 6'4. 16-17% body fat. 24 years young. I will be doing 500mg for 10 weeks, wait two weeks, then begain nolvadex at 40 40 20 10 or a similar fashion. Nolva is on hand already.
Starting lifts for then are 225x3 box squat and 270x3 flat bench press.
2-24-2011 second shot(r g)
2-28-2011 third shot(l g)
3-4-2011 fourth shot(r g)
I am following Joe Defranco's WS4SB 3.
I;ve had some rotator cuff problems, slight elbow pain, and lower back problems. But 95% of the time I am pain free. Been working on pressing form and more prehab RC work to help with the rotator cuff.
High protein diet. 6-7 meals a day. Carbs throughout day and surrounding workouts. Fat intake at night and throughout day. Getting 5k calories on workout days and 3500 or so on off days. will bump up as cycle progresses.
I take 6 fish oil, 2 multis, glucosamine, and calcium supps every day.
9 hours of sleep a night, I try to abstain from sex night before/day of lifting and do it after lifting.