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Thread: sterile abcess? infection? scar tissue?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    sterile abcess? infection? scar tissue?

    ok so my last two injections when i get to about a half inch in my leg it starts to hurt really bad so i just stayed at half an inch and injected since i was in the muscle, im wonderin if this happens to anyone else half way through the cycle and what it is? it happened in my last cycle too last time i had my doctor check out the inject site and it was fine and this time ive had no pain other wise no redness no swelling nothing but after i get to that half inch on the needle it hurts like a mother ****er while in the beginning of my cycles i can get an inch adn a half without any pain at all lol any advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I hit scar tissue yes...legs are really bad! I can feel almost like a pop when pushing the needle in and its kinda gross.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    lol thanks man thats what i thought it was and yeah i feel/hear that pop too! =p

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    Are you rotating sites and pinning more than just quads? I started having that problem before I got brave and started hitting delts. You really need to use as much real estate as possible, and by all means when you hit a spot that the needle will not easily go through do not stop at that point and inject the AAS a half inch into your leg, this is not nearly deep enough.

    When I pin glutes I always keep track of where I pinned last and pin in an X pattern. Think of the pinning area area on your thigh as a 1.5" wide X 6" long and the length part as 1-6 I will pin at 1 on the left leg then pin at 6 on the right then 6 on the left and 1 on the right. This way you keep from hitting the same spot as often and are still not outside the area reccommended for IM injections.

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