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Thread: clenbuterol help plz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Middle-East Lebanon

    clenbuterol help plz

    i am 6.1" 250 lbs about 18%bf i did a bulking cycle now it is my last week i did dbol/deca/test ,runed the test for 9 weeks now in the 10 th week i want to change the gear to a cutting gear for 7 weeks i want to stack test(500mg/week) with clenbuterol the problem is i am confused how to take clenbuterol i made a lot of searches her but some said u have to take 2 weeks on 2 weeks off some said 4 days on 3 days off some 2 days on 2 days off i had enough and for the dose i dont know how mush mcg should i take per dayand how can i pyramid it i am so confused can any1 help i want to know how to take clen coz the body can adapt easly to it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Here is some help bro, I have run clen before. I go with 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. The reasoning is because clen has a relatively long half life. So IMO and a few other peoples, the 2 day on 2 day off scheme is not going to be too effective because the drug really never gets out of your system in that short amount of time, so it still becomes ineffective. 2 weeks is a good amount of time to stay off so it will feel effective again. Plus I like the 2 weeks because that is about the same amount of time that it seems ECA starts to lose effectiveness in me. So IMO that is a good cycling scheme. Try them and see which you like better but I am about 90% sure you will like the 2 weeks approach with the Clen/ECA. Dosage go up to 100-120mcg per day (split it twice, I find it to be more effective that way, most other bro's too) Pyramid to get used to the side effects, start with 40mcg then up 20mcg when you get used to the sides. If you are taking ECA afterwards there isn't much need to tapper down I found because it prevents a crash for you. Once you do your 2nd or 3rd cycle you won't need to tapper as you are used to the sides, that is what I have found. And yes you do feel it start to become less effective in 2 weeks, for me it is about 1 and 1/2 weeks but I still do 2 just to be even. Hope this helps.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Middle-East Lebanon
    Originally posted by painintheazz
    Here is some help bro, I have run clen before. I go with 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. The reasoning is because clen has a relatively long half life. So IMO and a few other peoples, the 2 day on 2 day off scheme is not going to be too effective because the drug really never gets out of your system in that short amount of time, so it still becomes ineffective. 2 weeks is a good amount of time to stay off so it will feel effective again. Plus I like the 2 weeks because that is about the same amount of time that it seems ECA starts to lose effectiveness in me. So IMO that is a good cycling scheme. Try them and see which you like better but I am about 90% sure you will like the 2 weeks approach with the Clen/ECA. Dosage go up to 100-120mcg per day (split it twice, I find it to be more effective that way, most other bro's too) Pyramid to get used to the side effects, start with 40mcg then up 20mcg when you get used to the sides. If you are taking ECA afterwards there isn't much need to tapper down I found because it prevents a crash for you. Once you do your 2nd or 3rd cycle you won't need to tapper as you are used to the sides, that is what I have found. And yes you do feel it start to become less effective in 2 weeks, for me it is about 1 and 1/2 weeks but I still do 2 just to be even. Hope this helps.

    thanx man for the good help i am no more confused i am only afraid from the finger shake

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Middle-East Lebanon
    oh 1 more question u said 2 weeks on 2 weeks of so if i want to run it 8 weeks thats will be 4 weeks on from 8 weeks am i right???

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Yup, just keep doing the 2 week 2 week scheme until you hit your 8 weeks.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    pain, that helps clear up why the 2 day on 2 day off didn't seem to be working for me after awhile. I thought the clen was out of me after a few hours. thanx bro

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I ran clen for 10 weeks with the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off routine and it worked great for me, lost over 40lbs and kept gaining strength and size, i took about 55 mcg twice a day, once 30 mins b4 cardio in the morn and another dose at about 2-3pm each day, the biggest side i had was headaches, i found if i drank a few bottles of water the headaches went away, didnt find the shakes too bad, but my heart was always pounding, bit hard to sleep...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Lostsoul
    I ran clen for 10 weeks with the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off routine and it worked great for me, lost over 40lbs and kept gaining strength and size, i took about 55 mcg twice a day, once 30 mins b4 cardio in the morn and another dose at about 2-3pm each day, the biggest side i had was headaches, i found if i drank a few bottles of water the headaches went away, didnt find the shakes too bad, but my heart was always pounding, bit hard to sleep...
    DAMN, that's pretty sweet!!! You lost 40lbs in 10 weeks. Can you give some more details of how you ran the Clen, the doses, the taper up, and how your diet and cardio was?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Middle-East Lebanon
    Originally posted by Lostsoul
    I ran clen for 10 weeks with the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off routine and it worked great for me, lost over 40lbs and kept gaining strength and size, i took about 55 mcg twice a day, once 30 mins b4 cardio in the morn and another dose at about 2-3pm each day, the biggest side i had was headaches, i found if i drank a few bottles of water the headaches went away, didnt find the shakes too bad, but my heart was always pounding, bit hard to sleep...
    wow 40 lbs thats a lot of fat and water are u sure u didnt loose any muscle mass or u was very fat??

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Ok, i lost A LOT of fat, i was 290lb, and i decided i needed to do a cutting cycle, i only used Clen, i sorta tapered up, i used the min dose which is about 70mcg twice a day(my clen is in powder form) for a few days then gradually kept upping the dosage, i knew i hit my max dose when i got massive headaches that wouldnt go away, and was shaking like an old man with parkinsons, that was at about 120mcg twice a day, i only did this for 1 day, so i took the dose down a bit and got used to the sides, my final dosage was about 90mcg twice a day, as i said one dose at about 6:30am another at about 2-3pm.

    My diet was drastic for me, i cut out ALL sugary foods, no fast food, coke any of that crap, and i started out walking for about an hour a day, and i didnt eat ANYTHING after 6pm, i'm used to drinking a lot of water anyway, so that wasnt a problem for me, 3 or 4 litres a day is about my average intake, sometimes more sometimes less.

    After about 2-3 weeks of just walking once a day i lost about 15lb just doing that, and not really counting calories, just not eating that much, but kept in my mind that i needed to keep the carbs minimal and the protein up, and medium amounts of fat, and i started cycling at the gym before breakfast and walking at night after dinner, after about 2 weeks of that, i then went on Keto diet, had about 240g of Protein 200g Fat and about 10g of Carb a day cycling that on and off for about the next 3-4 weeks (i'd lost 12lb in the first 3 days of Keto), while doing cardio 3x a day (except on workout day where i only did 1x maybe 2x cardio), so basically everyday i was doing some form of excercise.

    Doing that Keto diet was the hardest thing i ever had to do, i found it REALLY hard, i couldnt go without carbs for more than about 4 days before i would really crave something, and i mean crave badly, so i did 3 days no carb with 1 day carb, and just did it that way for those 3 weeks, thats when i lost the majority of the weight, and i got really sick of eating eggs, bacon and chicken every meal, every day.

    Keep in mind that right in the middle of this diet was christmas, and i took 2 weeks off dieting, but was really concious about not eating too much, and i only gained about 2lb, but lost it really quickly.

    We had a break at work for xmas when i first started the diet, when i next saw my work mates it was 5 weeks later and they barely recognised me, my face was a lot thinner and they couldnt believe i lost so much weight.

    Now at the end of it all i'm happy with what i've done, i havent lost all the fat, there is a little bit of the spare tyre left that wont go away, but i'm very confident that it will fade over time, i'm now working on my next bulking cycle which i will gain lean muscle and try not to gain much fat.

    I learned a lot about myself and how to lose fat effectively, if you dont believe when people here on AR say you need to intake FAT to lose fat, BELIEVE them, its true, worked like a charm for me. The biggest thing i learned is that CARBS are my enemy when it comes to fat gain, so now i'm restricting my carb intake, only taking in max of 300g a day, usually only 200g though.

    The reason i say i dont think i lost muscle is because my lifts have gone up, and my legs, traps, and arms look a bit bigger than they were before... i really gotta buy a measuring tape.

    Wow this is a really long post, i hope it makes sense and hope it helps someone.

    The stats in Kg and in lb (i'm an aussie so we use Kg's)

    Before cutting 132kg (290lb)
    After cutting 112kg (246lb)

    I'd like to thank everyone on AR, i have learned so much from this board, and it was invaluable in my recent efforts.
    Last edited by Lostsoul; 03-10-2003 at 04:05 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Wow keep it up bro

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    It seems like your diet was the big thing that brought about the change in your body, I think the clen helped a little. But good work and keep it up.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Originally posted by roch
    pain, that helps clear up why the 2 day on 2 day off didn't seem to be working for me after awhile. I thought the clen was out of me after a few hours. thanx bro



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I know when I used a liquid clen, used for horses. That I took 2 teaspoons a day that I got massive headaches and terribe muscle cramps. Cramps came while working out. But my gains were tremendous. My bench went from 315 to 405 in 6 weeks and then to 455 about3 weeks later. I used 2 week on 2 weeks off.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pain, yeah mate absolutely right, i basically used clen to stop my body going catabolic, and thats defeinetely what helped me gain muscle while i was cutting, i dont really think then clen did very much at all to help me cut fat.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    after clen... do u need clomid?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Originally posted by Ttay
    after clen... do u need clomid?
    No, it is not anabolic or a steriod.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    lostsoul, great post. Thanks for all that info, I will try something similar to that after I finish my cycle of Sustanon. In about 10 weeks, i might shoot you some PM's for some other info, hope you don't mind.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    do you have any before and after pics? I love to see the progress of that much weight loss. total motivator.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    yeah Terinox no problem.

    Roch, no sorry i didnt take any pics of what i looked like before, now i wish i did.

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