i am 6.1" 250 lbs about 18%bf i did a bulking cycle now it is my last week i did dbol/deca/test ,runed the test for 9 weeks now in the 10 th week i want to change the gear to a cutting gear for 7 weeks i want to stack test(500mg/week) with clenbuterol the problem is i am confused how to take clenbuterol i made a lot of searches her but some said u have to take 2 weeks on 2 weeks off some said 4 days on 3 days off some 2 days on 2 days off i had enough and for the dose i dont know how mush mcg should i take per dayand how can i pyramid it i am so confused can any1 help i want to know how to take clen coz the body can adapt easly to it