Hey everyone, I came from www.************.com.
I wanted to try something new and spending the time reading this boards stickies and certain posts I feel that this is the ultimate AAS site overall, so I decided to join the community
Age: 27
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 180
BF%: 8
First Cycle: Test enanthate 200MG/150MG of Tren enanthate.
300MG mix ratio every 3.5 days - 12 weeks (600 MGS weekly)
PCT: (currently on week 3)
Nolvadex 50/50/25*/25
Results after last pin (Febuary):
I gained 22.5lbs
Almost double my strength
Got Big,Toned,Ripped
Felt great, looked great
Almost double my strength
most of my big look, toned, ripped
still feeling great and looking great
(just wish I could have kept it all!)
Upper chest+back acne (very little) shoulder acne (mild) - noticed around last pin
Got a bit emotional - sensitive but nothing drastic
At this point, I am going to run another summer cycle in june-july after I get my physical and blood work done. Overall my cycle went VERY clean with pins, sides and results. I am going to run the same cycle I did because it agreed with me and its the exact results I was looking for in a cycle. (The only downfall of my entire cycle was after my last pin I looked "BIG" probably because of water retention then it slowly went away the past month. I am still alot bigger, stronger and faster then I was I just enjoyed the look/feeling).