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Thread: My first cycle results!

  1. #1

    My first cycle results!

    Hey everyone, I came from www.************.com.
    I wanted to try something new and spending the time reading this boards stickies and certain posts I feel that this is the ultimate AAS site overall, so I decided to join the community

    Age: 27
    Height: 5'11''
    Weight: 180
    BF%: 8

    First Cycle: Test enanthate 200MG/150MG of Tren enanthate.
    300MG mix ratio every 3.5 days - 12 weeks (600 MGS weekly)

    PCT: (currently on week 3)
    Nolvadex 50/50/25*/25

    Results after last pin (Febuary):
    I gained 22.5lbs
    Almost double my strength
    Got Big,Toned,Ripped
    Felt great, looked great

    Almost double my strength
    most of my big look, toned, ripped
    still feeling great and looking great
    (just wish I could have kept it all!)

    Upper chest+back acne (very little) shoulder acne (mild) - noticed around last pin
    Got a bit emotional - sensitive but nothing drastic

    At this point, I am going to run another summer cycle in june-july after I get my physical and blood work done. Overall my cycle went VERY clean with pins, sides and results. I am going to run the same cycle I did because it agreed with me and its the exact results I was looking for in a cycle. (The only downfall of my entire cycle was after my last pin I looked "BIG" probably because of water retention then it slowly went away the past month. I am still alot bigger, stronger and faster then I was I just enjoyed the look/feeling).

  2. #2
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Damn 8% body fat!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Good results bro!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    congrats bro! but i wouldnt judge your keepable gains just 3 weeks after your last injection
    pct just provides all the drugs to get back to normal levels, but it will take time for it to happen
    once you get your blood work done and can confirm you are back to you normal baseline levels(assuming you got a test done pre cycle), then consider your gains at that point

  5. #5
    IMO it went great, good to know you guys agree.

    @5x10 I made physical + bloodwork apt 2 weeks after my last dose of my PCT.
    "i wouldnt judge your keepable gains just 3 weeks after your last injection"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    blood work 2 weeks after pct will give you skewed results ie; elevated test levels and such, 2 months after pct would be a better timeline to follow to see how you recovered.
    i would think whatever gains you still have 1 month after pct will be yours to keep.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    blood work 2 weeks after pct will give you skewed results ie; elevated test levels and such, 2 months after pct would be a better timeline to follow to see how you recovered.
    i would think whatever gains you still have 1 month after pct will be yours to keep.
    In that case, im going to reschedule my appointment.
    And now I can see how people lose between 25-50% of their gains from AAS once there off til the end of the PCT.
    Kinda sucks tbh, thats clearly the main reason I and most people jump back on.

  8. #8
    You feel like a god and look like one on cycle!
    Then as soon as your off and done PCT around 4 months later, you lost like 50%!

    I cant complain because I do feel and look alot better, but I felt and looked alot better on.
    I cant wait for my summer cycle to begin

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by YelaWolf View Post
    You feel like a god and look like one on cycle!
    Then as soon as your off and done PCT around 4 months later, you lost like 50%!

    I cant complain because I do feel and look alot better, but I felt and looked alot better on.
    I cant wait for my summer cycle to begin
    I'm itching myself, just need to finish this cut and then game on time to get

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    ill agree with that just got the summer gear in myself

  11. #11
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    any pics

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    8%BF??? I think I'd die if I ever got that lean...I'd definitely at least feel like death

  13. #13
    im about to my first cycle of anadrol and test e i will post before and after pics of my results

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    How about sides while on tren? Did you feel like hell? I;ve heard horror stories about that stuff especialy for your first cycle.

  15. #15
    Awesome info man...blunt and to the point. Careful w the tren though.

  16. #16
    @Eazy20 8% lean! Everyone says I look good with an athlectic build.
    But as I was on cycle I had the "big look" and I personally prefered that.
    Now 2 months off cycle im in between and I cant complain lol

    @iGoHard508 Everyone says not to do TREN their first time for many reasons.
    I aint even going to comment on that because I went ahead and ran it with test E with a perfect outcome.
    I see posts about tren cough, isomnia, acne, short breaths ect.
    And I havent had any sides on cycle other then a mild break out 3/4ths in cycle.
    It actually really agrees with me and Ill be running another cycle of test E+tren E this summer
    and definitely getting better results the second time in!

  17. #17
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    Ya that's why I was asking. I've done a few cycles before but usually just Test or Test and an oral. Just got some Tren E though because it was too good of a deal to pass on. I have obviously heard not to do it without a lot of prior AAS experience as well, on here, and from personal friends. Yet I have a few friends that ran it as their 1st or 2nd cycle and loved it. They did say they had bad night sweats but that was about it. I'm seriously debating doing it myself. Thanks for the info

  18. #18
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    Also wanted to ask you if you did anything other than just the test and tren. no on-cycle support?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by iGoHard508 View Post
    Also wanted to ask you if you did anything other than just the test and tren. no on-cycle support?
    Just the 2 compounds pre mixed, it was called TNT-350. 200mg of test E and 150mg of tren E. took 600MGS weekly.
    Next run, ill be considering tho.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by YelaWolf View Post
    Just the 2 compounds pre mixed, it was called TNT-350. 200mg of test E and 150mg of tren E. took 600MGS weekly.
    Next run, ill be considering tho.
    Guess you defied the odds huh. I really want to run the tren e/test e cycle as well. My friends got ridiculous results from it.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by iGoHard508 View Post
    Guess you defied the odds huh. I really want to run the tren e/test e cycle as well. My friends got ridiculous results from it.
    Id research it a bit more, I know alot of vets are a huge no no on tren for starters and I do agree.
    It definitey is great, I could have just been one of the lucky ones though -
    I just got impatient lol

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by YelaWolf View Post
    Id research it a bit more, I know alot of vets are a huge no no on tren for starters and I do agree.
    It definitey is great, I could have just been one of the lucky ones though -
    I just got impatient lol
    Ya that's what I'm saying, you must be. And I have done 3 cycles before, been researching A LOT and I'm still not ready to take the plunge to do tren yet. I WANT to but I know they warn everyone for a reason. I got it really cheap from a friend who chose not to do it so I took advantage of the situation. I'm just gonna hold onto it until I feel I'm ready and educated enough. I am definitely looking forward to it though. I've seen what it can do, with hard work and proper diet, it does amazing things.

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