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Thread: Best out there...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Best out there...

    i know you guys get this a million times a week on here but whats the best drug to start w/?

    I'm looking for low,low side effects, a nice gain, and good fat loss. Im a former football player in high school and 1 yr at college. Im familiar w/ lifting and the whole nine yds. I've gotten a lot fatter since my football days (now 23 yrs old).

    Could anyone point me to the right direction on this

    I have a connection to buy some stuff. My buddy who runs track in college has used and is ordering some more Winstrol by Ttokkyo Labs 10 mg tablets. He suggested this. What do you think? What kind of results would I expect to see off of this?

    I'm 5'11" ~220 lbs

    I weigh the most I've ever been as far as body fat, and I want to get back to the leaner, built me. So if you guys dont mind putting in the time I'd appreciate it if you could help me out. If you could tell me what i should expect to see from the drugs of your choice that would be cool too.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I would suggest trying to drop some body fat w/ the use of clen before taking any kind of AS. Do cardio 4 days a week for 30 mins and get on a good diet. After u lose some fat then you could look at a EQ/Winny stack.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    thanks for your suggestion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    dude do some resaesrch for christ sakes ,look at tehd rug profiles and use the search button .

  5. #5
    You could run winny EOD at 50mg to prevent muscle lose and hit the diet and cardio hard.
    winny 1-6 50mg EOD

    I would suggest also adding in some test prop.
    1-6 100mg EOD

    If you diet well and really hit the cardio you should be pretty happy. Dont forget clomid. GOOD luck!

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