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  1. #1
    R33vinnie is offline New Member
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    First cycle, need pointers please

    Hey guys

    In sure you've heard this a hundred times..well maybe more. Lol. I bought a cycle of 250 sust, I did it 4 times ( 2 weeks). I got bad flu symptoms, fever, headaches, sweats. I just didn't feel well at all. I am 32, just recently dropped 90 lbs. I am 167 16% bf. I'm trying to bulk up about 20 lbs by summer which is about 3 months away. My buddy's on sust an he's gotten awesome results. I just can't take the side effects. Are any type I do going to do this too me? I had a buddy that did cyp years ago, he said he had no side effects. I appreciate the help guys. My goal is to be around 185 to 190. I just want to gain some size. I Did that p90x and got really lean. Just lost to much weight an muscle. Thanks again guys.

  2. #2
    super-pump's Avatar
    super-pump is offline Junior Member
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    first off if you're expecting to gain 20 lbs of lean muscle in one cycle that isn't going to happen. you will gain a tonne of weight but a big chunk of it will be water weight (especially after just dropping 90 lbs and have a lot of extra skin) that you will need to shed post-cycle. I personally think you could probably gain a lot more muscle naturally given that you're only 167 lbs right now, but who am I to tell a 32 year old what to do? If you must, I would suggest a cycle containing test e and deca or d-bol. check out the steroid cycles link on the main page and you'll find perfectly laid out cycles. as for the side effects, they may be harsh or barely noticeable...depends on a lot of things.

  3. #3
    super-pump's Avatar
    super-pump is offline Junior Member
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    sorry, i totally forgot the fact that this was your first should go with just the test e alone and see what happens.

  4. #4
    tmtulcs is offline Junior Member
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    167 and 16%bf? How tall are you? Why start test? Stop your cycle, eat right and pack on 10 or 15 lbs in the next 3 months.
    For sust/prop flu, it should get better. Just have to suffer for some people. Going to EOD shots can help.

  5. #5
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by R33vinnie View Post
    Hey guys

    In sure you've heard this a hundred times..well maybe more. Lol. I bought a cycle of 250 sust, I did it 4 times ( 2 weeks). I got bad flu symptoms, fever, headaches, sweats. I just didn't feel well at all. I am 32, just recently dropped 90 lbs. I am 167 16% bf. I'm trying to bulk up about 20 lbs by summer which is about 3 months away. My buddy's on sust an he's gotten awesome results. I just can't take the side effects. Are any type I do going to do this too me? I had a buddy that did cyp years ago, he said he had no side effects. I appreciate the help guys. My goal is to be around 185 to 190. I just want to gain some size. I Did that p90x and got really lean. Just lost to much weight an muscle. Thanks again guys.
    It's called test flu and it lasts for a couple of days.

  6. #6
    R33vinnie is offline New Member
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    Im 5.8. Is test e different? I've been on a diet for about 5 an half months from a very respectful trainer. With alot of supplements. I just can't seem to gain any weight at all. I haven't Gained 1 lb yet. I hit the gym hard guys. 6 days a week. 1 day of cardio. I started my diet right after I divined p90x. That's when I started to go to the gym. That's why I wanted to start up a cycle. I was just worried about the symptoms. Bit if there normal and they will go away ten I guess I'll be fine. I appreciate the help guys. It took my awhile just to squeeze it in. I really don't know much about this stuff other than my buddy got me on. I just get anxiety over little side effects.

  7. #7
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    did you ever consider you might be overtraining? slow down get you diet sorted out don't work out so hard

  8. #8
    R33vinnie is offline New Member
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    I thought Thought i was. I was just like" summers coming man gotta get the muscles up". You know what it is man, I was Overweight my hole life, I've always wanted a big chest an traps. My traps look like mcdonalds arches. Maybe I need to have him redue my diet. Because Id imagine I should have gained something in this time?

  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Your BF is high so you will have lots of water retention and more fat gain then you would probably like. I would just stick with your diet and training. If you get you bf down to 12% you will look bigger because you will see more of your muscle and its definition. A cycle right now is a bad idea, especially if you try to bulk. You should worry more about cutting and just add supplements to help you gain more muscle.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

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    Great place to start researching !

  10. #10
    schering's Avatar
    schering is offline Junior Member
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    All b.s. aside, you want the weight? And by summer? Man up get a good basic bulk cycle sustanon , deca , dbol or just sustanon and dbol. Deal with the little bit of sides if any and bulk up then enjoy your summer frame until its gone. It takes work to get what you want, your already taking shortcuts with roids, you can't shortcut a shortcut. I guess you can try and find a less intense cycle but you will not get the mass you want.
    ^ the honest truth ^ but hey I'm no pro! Heh heh.

  11. #11
    tmtulcs is offline Junior Member
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    I agreen with MBMETC. If you are going to bulk, you need to cut back your lift days. Maybe lift 3 days and cardio 3 days. Hit the diet HARD! Your cardio will help, but you will put on a little more fat before the cycle is over. I would take at least 250 grams of protein a day and try to keep the carbs in check. The flu will get better. I would not add anything else to your cycle. You need to watch your diet after cycle. If you try to get bf down directly after cycle you will loose a lot of your gains. Make sure your PCT is in order.

  12. #12
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You must not have much muscle at all with those stats. No a problem though. I just don't think you need steroids yet. 6 days a week of lifting is too much also. And schering, you're an idiot. Please do not recomend 3 compound cylces to someone with those stats who has never cycled. It's people like you who don't do barbell squats, are afraid of leg day, eat 4 meals a day, do chest 2x a week, and have steroids do all the work for them. I hope I'm wrong.

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