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Thread: help w/ infection!

  1. #1

    help w/ infection!

    shot 1cc loeffler sust 4 days ago in hip. still hurts bad, red and warm to touch. got some antibiotics (keflex). besides that, any advice? how long will this last? i baked the gear b/f use also. help appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i sssume u mean thigh ???anyway did u use all proper proceedures ?swap with alc the top of the vial ??the sinjection site ??suck out with one pin then change pin and hit ??i doubt its a infection everytime i hitnsust it gets liek that ,its teh ba somepeople react differntly to it ,it gets warmt o the touch too and red ,give it a week ,in teh mean time massage it the shower ,heat it up .try some advil that helps too

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    I'd recommend just keeping an eye on it for oozing/changes in color/or increased pain. Don't hit that spot again for a while, give it time to heal. Happens to quite a few of us here and there - might just be a reaction to the BA.

    If you're really concerned, visit a doctor - as troubleshooting infections online are kinda difficult. But I can tell you if you do a search on the symptoms you just listed you'll probably come up with hundreds of posts just like yours - and very few were ever infections (like what BigN said).

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