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  1. #1
    Wonder_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    HCG after blending

    My question is very simple. How many day can I store my HCG after I blended it?

  2. #2
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    If you used bacteriostatic water it should be good for 30 days or so..... Sterile water should really only be used once but some use it for a few days and dont have problems.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  3. #3
    Wonder_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    I want to use it without bacteriostatic water, just with the hcg 's own solvent and put it to insuline syringes and pin it subcutan. I'm going to have a cycle in May and I dont know how many vial I should buy. My cycle will be 8 weeks long(Tren -e,Stana,Propi) and I will use HCG for 7weeks and if I can store it for 50 days after blending I only have to buy one 5000UI vial of HCG.

    So i should buy 2 vials. Shouldnt I?


  4. #4
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Most HCG is good for around 60 days.

  5. #5
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Do not use the water that comes in the kit. That is only for use within a couple of days maximum. Unless you are talking about the new type of HCG that comes prediluted in one ampule? If this is what you are talking about I think as long as you keep it in a tightly sealed container it will keep for 60 days no problem but this is only from what I have read not real world experience.

    If you are talking about normal HCG that comes as a freeze dried powder or pellet in an ampoule then has another ampoule for dilution then DO NOT use the water for dilution use bacteriostatic water and dilute with 5 ml of water this will yeild a 1000 iu per ml concentration so you can pin .25ml or 250iu's twice per week sub q with an insulin syringe. I have personally used HCG made this way and kept well refridgerated and it did not seem to loose much potency over 45-60 days which I have also read to be a good shelflife.

    Lots of people would say to wait a week to start the injections as no atrophy will start till the end of the week anyway and then you only gotta have it last 7 wks. Either way starting on day one or waiting till the end of the week will work fine. By the way when I mix up my HCG I take the bac water and place it in the refridgerator to cool before mixing and I also mix very gently so as not to disturb the HCG, I believe this may help to keep from damaging the HCG but I could be wrong, better safe than sorry.

    PS I did not account of the displacement of the HCG when I said how much water to use since its really not a significant amount like it is when making AAS from powders.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 03-15-2011 at 04:52 PM. Reason: PS

  6. #6
    Wonder_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Hmm I can only buy the original hcg (1 amp. with the pellet and the other with the solvent).

    Its bad news for me there's no bacteriostatic water in my country. I asked for it in 3 pharmacy and they dont even know what is it LOL. And there isnt steril vial(you know a vial with rubber skin or membrane in the top of it) for mixing it. I wanted to store it in insulin syringes.

  7. #7
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by atton View Post
    Hmm I can only buy the original hcg (1 amp. with the pellet and the other with the solvent).

    Its bad news for me there's no bacteriostatic water in my country. I asked for it in 3 pharmacy and they dont even know what is it LOL. And there isnt steril vial(you know a vial with rubber skin or membrane in the top of it) for mixing it. I wanted to store it in insulin syringes.
    I'm sure that your country has bacteriostatic water. It's just sterile water and .9% BA.

  8. #8
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Seems like you could order it from a US source and have it shipped its not like its a controlled substance.

  9. #9
    Wonder_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    I'm sure that your country has bacteriostatic water. It's just sterile water and .9% BA.
    BA means benzyl alcohol?

  10. #10
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    BW is cheap or you can make your own (go over to the lab section for recipe). If you're taking 500iu/wk (250iu twice a week) x 8 weeks is only 4000iu's. If you buy one vial of 5000iu and dilute with 2ml of BW you pull to 10 on an insulin syringe. It will give you 250iu. Refrigerate the HCG and one vial will do you for your 8 week cycle.

  11. #11
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Why do you say, not to use the sterile water supplied?
    Just because the effectiveness of the HCG will diminish faster than bac water? Or is there a higher chance of infection?
    The supplied sterile water contains Nat. chloride.
    I loaded the 1ml syringe with the 5000iu, and shooting .05(250iu) EOD

    Bac water is not avail. in many countries, mine included, so I ordered from ar-r .com(Link on top of this page). They also have 10ml sterile vials and syringes you can use to inject and mix.
    Bac water and vials should be legal to import to any country, however syringes may not.
    I got 4x5000iu myself, in case I mess up, and I also thought, even with bac. water, that the shelf life only is 30 days. So i was planning on tossing the left overs.

  12. #12
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by atton View Post
    BA means benzyl alcohol?

  13. #13
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    [QUOTE=First Timer 42;5568894]FFM...
    Why do you say, not to use the sterile water supplied?
    Just because the effectiveness of the HCG will diminish faster than bac water? Or is there a higher chance of infection?
    The supplied sterile water contains Nat. chloride.
    I loaded the 1ml syringe with the 5000iu, and shooting .05(250iu) EOD

    No problem with sterility/infection using the saline water supplied it is just not meant for long term storage. If you are keeping it for more than a few days you want to use bac water.

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