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Thread: EQ dosage

  1. #1
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    EQ dosage

    Age 43
    Height 6'2
    Weight = 205
    BF = 10%

    Past cycles are Win and Var. Presently on HRT, TestE 200mg EW. Main objective of EQ is to raise RBC, and not get too big or strong (already am, hahaha). Anyway, have done a fair amount of research but found nothing with regards to dosage for increasing hematocrit levels.

    Present hematocrit is 48.6

    Any ideas?

    Looking to try something low (200-300 mg EW) for starters unless...?

  2. #2
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    I never thought i'd say EQ is a good choice for anything LMAO but for your goals..... it's a good choice. Me, personally, I'd run 600mg's/wk for that purpose. You don't hafta worry about it making you too strong or too big it's not great for mass building. If you're looking for increased stamina..... it's a good choice.


  3. #3
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    Pretty sure that you'll run into problems if your hematocrit gets over 50. I wouldn't touch the EQ in your case.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Pretty sure that you'll run into problems if your hematocrit gets over 50. I wouldn't touch the EQ in your case.
    Good point Bonaparte. Which brings up another question...what increases would one expect from a certain dosage?

    Is the dosage and resultant increase in RBC linear?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forest View Post
    Good point Bonaparte. Which brings up another question...what increases would one expect from a certain dosage?

    Is the dosage and resultant increase in RBC linear?
    Thats a good question, i'd like to know as well. I ran EQ at 400mg a week and had a significant increase in blood pressure but didnt have bloodwork done

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Pretty sure that you'll run into problems if your hematocrit gets over 50. I wouldn't touch the EQ in your case.
    Good call..... I wasn't sure of what a dangerous level was. Figured he knew.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Forest View Post
    Good point Bonaparte. Which brings up another question...what increases would one expect from a certain dosage?

    Is the dosage and resultant increase in RBC linear?
    Can't really say how high the levels will get off of a certain dosage. Again i'm not sure if it's dose dependant but I would imagine it is.

    200mg's of test for TRT is probably keeping your hematocrit levels high already...... thats if he doesn't have you cycling off.


  7. #7
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    Hazard...Yep, the TestE has indeed raised my Hematocrit ~ 2%.

    Keep in mind that the "normal range" is from 41-50% 50% is not "dangerous" just on the high side. My research shows most athletes who use EPO get up to around 60+ with Doctor supervision. Therefore, I would suspect that staying under 55% would be safe provided blood pressure is okay.

    I really would like to know what percent increase to expect from the EQ...just looking for 2-3% increase.

  8. #8
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    anadrol will increase you red blood cell count - but 48+ is very good ? why would you need it any higher? any thing over 51 is considered dangerious????!!!

    tell us more about your goals and what you are expecting

  9. #9
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    I never got my Hematocrit checked while on EQ, but I do know the 500mgs I took made me pretty vascular...If I were to give it my best GUESS I would say around 200-300mgs would be sufficient enough for what you're looking for

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forest View Post
    Hazard...Yep, the TestE has indeed raised my Hematocrit ~ 2%.

    Keep in mind that the "normal range" is from 41-50% 50% is not "dangerous" just on the high side. My research shows most athletes who use EPO get up to around 60+ with Doctor supervision. Therefore, I would suspect that staying under 55% would be safe provided blood pressure is okay.

    I really would like to know what percent increase to expect from the EQ...just looking for 2-3% increase.
    that is completely wrong !!! any rbc over 51 is considered a reason for suspention!!! if you were at 55 you would be min away from a heart attack or a stroke... and if you were at 60 your blood would be like mud in your viens...

    with your blood at 48 - 50 you would be considered a top top top pro... during the tour lance armstrong would start the tdf out at a hermaticrit of about 49.5 and end the tour at about 45 ...

    the second a pro get a rbc level of 51 they are suspended...

    if you want better stamina you need to work out harder!!! longer!!! more intense!!! and then try a hypoxy chamber!! i set several records using a hyoxy rebreather... 300 bucks (peadle cycling - on a bike)

  11. #11
    It will raise your RBC for sure. Try 400-600mg wk.

  12. #12
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    amcon...I am an endurance athlete. I want to increase RBC, just as somebody would with EPO, but only looking for an increase of 2-3%, which will put me in the 50-51% range. I do not think that is dangerous. Also, I have done low dosage steriod cycles in the past to keep up my strength and recovery from endurance training. It really helps and keeps me from wasting away so to speak. Dual benefit.

    Scotty...what is a significant increase? Did you do pre- and post blood work?

    No doubt that it will increase with 400-600mg wk, but the question is how much should I expect?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forest View Post
    No doubt that it will increase with 400-600mg wk, but the question is how much should I expect?
    That sort of thing is going to vary from one person to the next.

  14. #14
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    i used anadrol to do exact what you are looking to do... retain muscle and increase vo2 max... i think what you are looking to do is just fine. i did not like some of the advise you were given 55-60 hermat!!! is deadly

    and as for using eq that is fine but i would use something dif based on my results... i was a cyclist using a power tap and put out 398 wats of power over a 20 k time trial and honestly i could have gone harder the record still stands today 4 years later... during that time i used a hypoxy rebreather for 300 dollars that i am sure paid a big part of my success... note i was also training and racing 30 hours a week with a professional coach watching over my numbers...

    my suggestion: anadrol 25 mgs a day... i was 202 - 215 during racing season. hypoxy rebreather or hypoxy tent or do some research on ebay and find a good used one... some even rent to own.

    and buy your self a coach

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    i used anadrol to do exact what you are looking to do... retain muscle and increase vo2 max... i think what you are looking to do is just fine. i did not like some of the advise you were given 55-60 hermat!!! is deadly

    and as for using eq that is fine but i would use something dif based on my results... i was a cyclist using a power tap and put out 398 wats of power over a 20 k time trial and honestly i could have gone harder the record still stands today 4 years later... during that time i used a hypoxy rebreather for 300 dollars that i am sure paid a big part of my success... note i was also training and racing 30 hours a week with a professional coach watching over my numbers...

    my suggestion: anadrol 25 mgs a day... i was 202 - 215 during racing season. hypoxy rebreather or hypoxy tent or do some research on ebay and find a good used one... some even rent to own.

    and buy your self a coach
    amcon...good advice. Sounds like you were quite the hammer at 215 lbs. Could you climb? Never tried anadrol but I will sure research. Tried both Var and Winny, but I actually felt weaker on the bike from those drugs. Cannot figure out why though.

    Why Anadrol and not EQ?

  16. #16
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    lol... no!!! couldnt climb more that one big hill then i was smoked... i was a very strong sprinter putting out 1975+ watts out in sprints consistantly...

    one race there was a 12 mile low grade climb ater 15 min i was at 550 wats avg and riding next to a guy that was 125 lbs putting out 275 watts just sucking my wheel - lol by the time we finished the climb i couldnt even see him

  17. #17
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    amcon...did you experience any negative sides with the Anadrol?

    Assuming both Anadrol and EQ will increase hematocrit, it seems like EQ would have been the choice for a cyclist since its easier on liver and less water weight gain.

    How would you compare the two drugs in terms of (1) % RBC increase; (2) strength increase; and (3) weight gain?

    Lastly, have you ever tried Anavar?

  18. #18
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    i was looking for cost for results... anadriol was wayyyyyy less then eq, and anavar... and i wanted the muscle building efforts of the anadrol (i was training 30 + hours a week at a very high level...) what i go was very fast recovery, huge increase in my vo2 max, and great muscle retention...

    i would argue that eq seemed to be a bettter choice but if you figure the cost per results anadrol was way way ahead... anadrol could be take at low dose 25 mgs a day (that is a very low dose) so the issues/side effects were a non factor.

    honestly i dont know how you would compare eq and anadrol with the thoughts of rbc increase - lets say they were even - the cost of eq is way more... and when would you see results? 6 - 8 weeks? with anadrol it was the next week...

    as for strength increase? eq =0 and anadrol would be a major increase in power/speed/tork

    and as for weight gain - it again was a non factor - 30 hours a week at 20+ mph training on a bike and 25+ racing for three hours - plus at 202 - 215 i was not worried about gaining any weight - and actually im sure i actually lost weight and gained muscle

  19. #19
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    I would be afraid of pumps from the Drol. All orals kill me in that respect.

  20. #20
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    remember it was 25 mgs a day... normally i would take 100 mgs a day...

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    i was looking for cost for results... anadriol was wayyyyyy less then eq, and anavar... and i wanted the muscle building efforts of the anadrol (i was training 30 + hours a week at a very high level...) what i go was very fast recovery, huge increase in my vo2 max, and great muscle retention...

    i would argue that eq seemed to be a bettter choice but if you figure the cost per results anadrol was way way ahead... anadrol could be take at low dose 25 mgs a day (that is a very low dose) so the issues/side effects were a non factor.

    honestly i dont know how you would compare eq and anadrol with the thoughts of rbc increase - lets say they were even - the cost of eq is way more... and when would you see results? 6 - 8 weeks? with anadrol it was the next week...

    as for strength increase? eq =0 and anadrol would be a major increase in power/speed/tork

    and as for weight gain - it again was a non factor - 30 hours a week at 20+ mph training on a bike and 25+ racing for three hours - plus at 202 - 215 i was not worried about gaining any weight - and actually im sure i actually lost weight and gained muscle
    That makes sense. You are right about gaining weight...its never a problem when you are training on the bike. However, I also like to do Crossfit and push the weights around so I am prone to bulking up. Don't mind the vascularity that you'd get from anavar, but afraid of anything stronger. I already have 20ml of EQ so I figured I'd give a try. I guess I might start off around 350-400mg EW, but still researching.

    I appreciate your feedback.

  22. #22
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    Amacon, I'm a cyclist too. You sound like a monster. That's a pro level sprint! I'm looking for something to maybe run with low test. It sounds like anadriol is the way to go. Most guys recommend eq or mast. I'll def look in to this.

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