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Thread: Beginner steroids

  1. #1

    Beginner steroids

    Hi i'm currently 20 years old, 6'4" and 210 lbs and is contemplating using steroids for the first time. I have taken everything, from all different proteins, to preworkouts(which all suck), creatine, glutamine, and have always been on a multi-v and fish oils.

    I understand that most people say that you should wait until you are around 24-26 because your test levels begin to decline and at my age they are still very high. People also recommend that can use steroids when you have genetically reached your maximum potentially, and you can tell this by the way your family looks. But both my brother and father have the same body, a little shorter than I am, 6'0"-6'1" but bigger than i am. My brother who is 25 now weighs in the region of 260 and he is 6 feet tall, with bf% of about 26-30%. My father is a little taller than my brother at 6'1"-6'2" and weights a little less, around 245-255, granted he is 50 yrs old and still lifts and rides bikes consistently. So for my to look at a relative with the same body type would be my dads dad. He is about the same height as I am and is still relatively skinny, he is in his 80s and in a wheelchair now, but was always a thinner man because he swam when he was younger. But if thats my potential growth genetically than I feel that currently I am at or past my time to grow genetically.

    I have been training consistently for the past 4 1/2 years, since I was a sophomore in high school. In the beginning I had no idea what i was doing. Then I got a personal trainer (not a personal trainer from ballys or golds gym, someone that actually graduated from college with a degree in training and knows how to train athletes) I have been a basketball player all my life and he knew how to train athletes like me. I was with him on for about 2 years, so I have a good handling on what to do in a gym. Also I am a kinesiology major in college. I workout 4 times a week, legs twice and upper twice, with basketball as my cardio for about 1 1/2 3 or 4 times a week.

    Next is my diet, I have always been a skinny, tall, lanky kid and hate being called skinny and over the last 2 years I have been slowing gaining weight to get to 210-215. I keep my diet fairly clean but I know that I can eat mostly anything and not see any fat build up. I live in a house with my fiends and I am able to eat about 6 times a day with protein in the morning, afterwork out, and casein protein at night. I know when on steroids you can actually be more likely to gain fat if your diet is not clean and your workouts are not correct. So I will make sure my diet is on point while on steroids.

    Now when I was in high school prohormones like rage, havoc was what everybody was taking but i declined those because I knew if i were to take something with those side effects it might as well be the real thing and I knew I be able to get the most gains from real steroids and not PHs. I have done a lot of research on steroids and found that test, Sustanon, deca, and d-bol were the most common components in a beginner cycle. Some said just to do test or sust but I want to be able to yield the most results because I wont do steroids again for atleast another 2-3 years. A sample cycle for beginners that I found looks like this:

    Sustanon mg/wk D-Bol mg/day Deca mg/wk
    250 2(30) 100
    250 2(30) 200
    250 2(30) 300
    250 2(20) 400
    250 2(10) 400
    250 ----- 300
    250 ----- 200
    250 ----- 100

    My PCT will consist for Cloimd or Nolvadex, and I was have these on hand incase gyno happens.

    I was looking for any concerns, comments, helpful tips, or potential changes to my plans. I am trying to get the most knowledge about steroids before I decide to take them or not. i love to learn about the body and love feedback from other people who love this stuff as much as I do. Thank you for your time

  2. #2
    There are a few concerns. While I do applaud you for taking the time do some research, you missed the main consideration. The reason people tell you to avoid steroids before age 24-25 isn't that your test declines dramatically at that point, (it doesn't), it's that your endocrine system has not finished developing. When you take steroids, you shut down your endocrine system. This is a very, very bad thing to do when it is trying to grow to it's potential. You dramatically increase the risk of permanent damage to your endocrine system for gains that you could very likely achieve naturally anyway, as your test levels should already be very high. Nobody can guarantee you that you will **** yourself up, but it's a risk that is not worth it. It's a similar reason that doctors tell pregnant women not to drink. While in development, you do not want to mess with the chemistry of vital organs.

  3. #3
    Just in the past couple of days I read a post by a 21 yo member that can't maintain an erection. This steroid stuff is hard on a young endocrine system. My recommendation is not to take a chance. Just wait a few more years. You won't regret it.

  4. #4
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    ScotchGuard covered it.

  5. #5
    To elaborate, your endocrine system is what is responsible for producing hormones in your body. Since you are injecting them, your endocrine system stops producing them naturally. When you damage your endocrine system, even after you are done injecting steroids, you no longer naturally produce what you should be. In effect, you limit your natural production for life. Damage it enough, and you risk very seriously impairing your ability to produce hormones. Effects of this include: low libido/inability to get or maintain an erection/ difficulty maintaining muscle mass and weight/depression/lethargy. Once done, it cannot be undone. The only way to 'feel normal' at that point is to undergo hormone replacement therapy. You have to stick yourself for the rest of your life.

    And it can happen from 'just one cycle.' It happened to me. I used a cycle of Dianabol at 19, by 21 I was having issues with low natural test. I needed Viagra... in my early 20s. One cycle later, and it was gone. I'm 27 now, and can't get it up without being on cycle or Cialis. Let me tell you bud, the most uncomfortable feeling in the world is the one you get when you are explaining to your horny 21 year old girlfriend that you can't get it up because you haven't taken your Cialis that day. On top of that, because of the fact that I've been shut down for so long, I'll probably never be able to have children. I have to tell that to any girl I get serious with now.

    It sucks.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Just in the past couple of days I read a post by a 21 yo member that can't maintain an erection. This steroid stuff is hard on a young endocrine system. My recommendation is not to take a chance. Just wait a few more years. You won't regret it.
    Very nice SG...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    There have been many young and old members who suffer erectile dysfunction due to using aas to early in life....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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