Hi there, just looking for some help and advice before making any decisions on dabbling with steroids... first off ive been training for lets say over 2yrs but the last year/half seriously... gym currently 4 times a week.. im 22 and weigh around 145lbs.
im currently looking to pack on even more lean muscle/weight but i am a hard gainer and from week to week still not gaining ;/ i do seem or have been told that i am indeed getting bigger/ leaner.. but the weight just aint going on with it... and im sure that cant be right- i should be gaining muscle weight? its frustrating.... more and more people i know have been doing cycles, ive always been against it all.... i believe natural is best.... but my main thoughts just now is to try a cycle for say 5-10 weeks, get the initial boost i need then stop.. i have looked into trying test and deca.. think maybe that could be best for me ;/ really just need advice guys and do worry about possible side effects that do seem to come along with steroids.. ;/ as i said before im only looking for a boost.. would this only do more harm than good??
looking forward to hearing back cheers![]()