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  1. #1
    steve-o- is offline New Member
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    Mar 2011

    Just a Little Question..!

    Right well, im a newbie to steroids not taking them to compete or anything just to bulk up get bit more strength, well anyway just a little question.

    i'm currently running a 4-5 week dbol only cycle just as a tester to see how i react to them and see if i want to take the next step. ive got the milk thistle to before you slate me for taking dbol only lol but yer this is how my cycles going.

    mon - 3x10mg dbol, before, during and after training
    tues - rest, 1x10mg dbol
    wed - 3x10mg dbol, before, during and after training
    thur - rest, 1x10mg dbol
    fri - 3x10mg dbol, before, during and after training
    sat - rest...
    sun - rest...

    and im just wondering if i should take the dbol on a weekend rest session to or wever i should actuly go to gym on one of the weekend days as ino rest is crucial wever your on them or not.

    thanks Steve -o-

  2. #2
    2jz_calgary's Avatar
    2jz_calgary is offline Senior Member
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    nice first post...terrible cycle you have no clue what you are even doin. First off dbol only is crap, secondly you need to take same amount every day. Do you think your body dosent grow on your off days?? do some reaserch before you take any other substances. What are your stats?

  3. #3
    steve-o- is offline New Member
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    19, 5ft 9, 191lbs (heavy Boned lol) , very little body fat, eat around 200g of protein and plenty of carbs.

    ino but i thought insted of jumpin straight into the deep end with injections and mixing the stuff thought id try to see how i react to the gear and ino your body grows on the days of thats why you have your rest if not your just over working your muscles, and ino dbol only stays in your system for around 4.5 hours but just wasn't to sure wever i had to take the same amount even on rest days, but yer you hear so many negative and so many positive things about dbol and everybody reacts diffrently so i thought id give it a shot

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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  5. #5
    booze is offline New Member
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    You hear so many bad things because have no idea and do not do any research.

  6. #6
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve-o- View Post
    19, 5ft 9, 191lbs (heavy Boned lol) , very little body fat, eat around 200g of protein and plenty of carbs.

    ino but i thought insted of jumpin straight into the deep end with injections and mixing the stuff thought id try to see how i react to the gear and ino your body grows on the days of thats why you have your rest if not your just over working your muscles, and ino dbol only stays in your system for around 4.5 hours but just wasn't to sure wever i had to take the same amount even on rest days, but yer you hear so many negative and so many positive things about dbol and everybody reacts diffrently so i thought id give it a shot
    Many new guys say the same...just kinda test the water first.
    But there is no way of checking out any AAS or PH with a light this or that. If you take a compound that induces more or less of a hormone, or inhibits the body´s own production of a hormone, you have taken the plunge.
    If I were you, I would head over to the PCT section and educate myself on doing a proper PCT.
    One idea would be 4 weeks of liq. Tore 60mg ED, stacked with 4 weeks of liq. Tamox 20mg ED.
    You can purchase both from ar-r .com
    You need do do this /order today.
    I would continue Dbol 10-20 mg ED. (10 if u can split in 2 servings), until you get your PCT compounds.
    Then do not consider AAS again until you are thoroughly educated, and 1/2 decade older.

  7. #7
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    19 .your going to stun your growth by not staying natty until you have reached your full potential.

  8. #8
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    At 19, your body is producing plenty of natural testosterone . You can make great gains at this time with out taking steroids and running the risk of doing permanent irreversible damage to your newly developing endocrine system.

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