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Thread: Estradiol at 105 pg/ml but no signs of gyno. Why?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Estradiol at 105 pg/ml but no signs of gyno. Why?

    Ive done 6 weeks of a 10 week cycle of Test Prop, 300mg/week. I'm 43yrs, 6'3, 245lbs. This is my first cycle ever and the gains have been great.

    Before going on the cycle my test was 4.48 ng/ml. I just got the lab report from blood work done 2 weeks ago, testosterone = 12.62 ng/ml, estradiol = 105 pg/ml. The estradiol got me scared for sure, since the normal range is claimed to be 11.0 - 43.0. The wierd thing is I have no classic signs of gyno; no lumps under my tits, they are not aching, theyre just slightly sensitive and become "hard" really easy, but thats it.

    Im confused by this. I have Nolvadex on hand, and Im thinking about starting with it, but since I dont have any symptoms of gyno, why should I take it?

    According to the lab, normal estradiol levels are 11.0-43.0, but thats when you are off a cycle. Since testosterone aromatizes into estrogen, I assume that elevated estradiol levels are completely normal while on a cycle. What would the "normal" range be for people on a cycle? What would the maximum safe level be before gyno starts developing?

    Thanks for any info on this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The amount of estrogen needed to start gyno is all individual. Just as some people are more "gyno-prone" than others, some people can tolerate more estrogen before developing gyno and vice versa. My gyno flare ups start at around 110 pg/mL.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    The amount of estrogen needed to start gyno is all individual. Just as some people are more "gyno-prone" than others, some people can tolerate more estrogen before developing gyno and vice versa. My gyno flare ups start at around 110 pg/mL.
    Thanks dece. What did you use for your cycle at the time when you got 110 pg/mL, and what testo level did you have? Would be interesting to compare. I've read somewhere that it isnt the actual estradiol levels that counts, it is the testo/estradiol ratio that counts. But Im not sure if that is true.

    How did your tits feel before the gyno started? Im trying to figure out if there are warning signs I should follow so I can start with Nolva before the gyno hits me. I have no aching or lumps, but they feel different for sure, like more "stiff". (BTW feels really awkward talking about man-tits like this, I hope you dont take it the wrong way. ;-)

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