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Thread: Help Please ! ! !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Post Help Please ! ! !

    I need some advice please:

    I am in week 5 of my cycle and continue to increase B\F - although I have no appetite all of a sudden. Can the appetite suppresion be as a result that I have started to use sust - and this is suppressing the EQ ?

    23 % B/F (Went up from 18 %)
    Height: 1.76 Metres
    Weight: 93 kg's

    What would you guys suggest I take out of below cycle and what should be added ?

    This is my cycle:

    Week 1 to 12: 400 mg test cyp PW
    Week 3 to 12: 250 mg sust PW
    Week 1 to 10: 700 mg EQ PW
    Week 1 to 4: 40 mg Anabol ED - (Had gr8 results the first 3 weeks)
    Week 5 to 10: 40 mg Anavar ED
    Week 10 to 15: 40 mg winny ED
    Week 10 to 11: 5 x20mcg tabs ED (Will start dosage low and taper up to 5)
    Week 14 to 15: Repeat clen - 5 tabs ED
    Week 15 to 17: Ovidrel
    Week 18 to 20: Kessar @ 20 mg PD & Clomid @ 50 mg PD
    Week 1 to 30: 1.25 mg Fincar ED - for MPB sides

    It feels like I am wasting the EQ - should I drop it and continue with the sust - or should I drop the sust and add another 200 mg test cyp PW - or should I leave it like it is ?

    Any inputs would be much appreciated - thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    I aint a pro... but that cycle looks all jacked up and poorly planned/researched at first glance

    Oh... and as far as the appetite... Anavar suppresses appetite for alot of guys. I see you started it at week 5. Hmmmmm How did you come up with this cycle?

    As for the increase in body fat. Dbol makes you retain water which could be the key cause in your body fat increase.

    What were/are your goals from this cycle?
    Last edited by Flacco; 03-18-2011 at 10:51 AM.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Maybe you should of took the advice in your previous thread

    I think you should stop the cycle straight away you have no idea how to design a cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thanks Flacco & Marcus for your replies.

    I really appreciate it.

    My goals are to bulk up - add some muscle mass and lean out at the end.

    I must admit - I took the advice of taking Dbol at the start but I stil used the Eq as I already bought it and did not want to waste it - as it will be expiring soon. I will drop this.

    I started sust at week 3 just to give myself an extra boost - the 400 mg test cyp with the dbol actually worked miracles on its own the first 2 weeks - gained alot in size as well as major strength gains.

    I got the advice of a guy in the gym - to add the anavar at week 5 - but I dont really know if it is the right time to start with it.

    I dont really want to stop the stack completely - can I continue with just the 400 mg cyp and 250 mg sust per week ? - and when do you suggest I start with the var - I will stop winny at pct.

    Thanks for your help and advice.

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