I need some advice please:
I am in week 5 of my cycle and continue to increase B\F - although I have no appetite all of a sudden. Can the appetite suppresion be as a result that I have started to use sust - and this is suppressing the EQ ?
23 % B/F (Went up from 18 %)
Height: 1.76 Metres
Weight: 93 kg's
What would you guys suggest I take out of below cycle and what should be added ?
This is my cycle:
Week 1 to 12: 400 mg test cyp PW
Week 3 to 12: 250 mg sust PW
Week 1 to 10: 700 mg EQ PW
Week 1 to 4: 40 mg Anabol ED - (Had gr8 results the first 3 weeks)
Week 5 to 10: 40 mg Anavar ED
Week 10 to 15: 40 mg winny ED
Week 10 to 11: 5 x20mcg tabs ED (Will start dosage low and taper up to 5)
Week 14 to 15: Repeat clen - 5 tabs ED
Week 15 to 17: Ovidrel
Week 18 to 20: Kessar @ 20 mg PD & Clomid @ 50 mg PD
Week 1 to 30: 1.25 mg Fincar ED - for MPB sides
It feels like I am wasting the EQ - should I drop it and continue with the sust - or should I drop the sust and add another 200 mg test cyp PW - or should I leave it like it is ?
Any inputs would be much appreciated - thanks guys.