
I just injected with 2cc of enanthate 300 last monday and want to stop...sort of.

I want to get on the pellets/injections paid by my health insurance through my doc.

I want to get my blood work done and be certain my test levels are low so that she will give me pellets/injections to keep my test levels up.

How long should I wait to get blood work? Its been 5 days since my injection. So how much more time to assure my levels will be low?

Also what is anyones info on the pellets they use to keep test up? Would like to hear some feedback or should I just ask for the weekly shots?

I have been a long time user so I assume my test levels etc will always be somewhat screwed up.

I am 5'6 and a .25 in height every bit helps and weight 185 pounds so technically with my asian background I do not have the genetics to keep my size. I was up to 205 at bulk cycle and have cut down over a year. I started at 125 pounds so now in my 30s I plan on being under the care of a doctor.

Like to hear some feedback on the doc stuff since I been under the table for years. Had a coworker go in and he said he tested 180 and we should be 800-1000 in test. They gave him three pellets and a 300mg shot that day once his bloodwork came back. For a $15 co pay not bad right?