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Thread: cycle help and advice need! thanks in advance, for any tips or suggestions cheers

  1. #1

    cycle help and advice need! thanks in advance, for any tips or suggestions cheers

    im 26 6ft weighing 173 pound or 77kg

    im about to start 2nd cycle i have got 30ml test ethante and 150mg or 200mg (sorry its in my locker cant remember) and deca 30ml 400mg!

    was thinking of injecting twice a week tuesday and thursdays 1.5ml of each so 3ml jabs for 12 weeks! is that the right or best way of dosing?

    anything else i should be taking?

    MY diet is 5 meals a day trying to get up to 5,000 calories a day! 250g protien a day!

    Training every other day!

    i have been drinking cyclone twice a day one hour before training and straight after, is there a better drink i should be taking before and after training! was thinking of just replacing cyclone with creatine, is that the right thing to do!

    what should i do for my pct and for how long? and what should i do for my 3rd cycle!

    thanks guys for reading and input cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Brissy, Aus
    Check your diet bro, 77kg at 6ft is not really an ideal base to start with, especially if you have already cycled, how long have you been lifting? How did your first cycle go, what was your starting and finishing weight on cycle, and how much of your gains from your first cycle did you keep? What is your bf% at?

    I think you would probably do well to check your diet out, the diet section here is top notch and those guys will see you make some solid natural gains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    You need to master your diet. will see a lot gains

  4. #4
    thanks guys good info!

    what is a good weight at 6ft?

    first cycle i my start weight was 11st and i got up to 12.6 now im at 12.3! bf about 18 to 22(estimate) naturally fit as played alot of sports been training for about 3years but last 6 months stepped it up!

    here is my first cycle was give some so called expert advice before cycle, but after reading the stuff on here he really knows nothing!
    10 weeks of 1ml of the same test and deca as above tuesday and thursdays!

    Trained everyday monday to friday was told to eat as much as i can when i can! and sleep as much i can! and i did nothing for post cycle! just took nothing for 10 weeks! i know this is really bad! and i should have done my own research instead of taking that advice!

    so really want to get it right this time! so above any help of suggestion very much welcome

    cheers guys

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