Hey guys,

I'm midway through a cycle right now. My cycle has been:

Weeks 1-5 D-bol 40mg/day
Weeks 1-10 Test Enth 250mg/ twice a week
PCT: Nolva, 40/40/20/20

I'm about 6 weeks in, it's my first cycle and my gains are really good so far. My plans for my next cycle were initially going to be a sus and deca cycle with a dbol kickstart. However I have recently attained 7ml of T400 and 7ml of Prop 100mg/ml for very cheap (no concerns about legitimacy, it's due to a friend moving away).

However I am unsure what to do with them. I'm not sure if I should incorporate the Prop into this current cycle (maybe use it towards the end of the cycle injecting 100mg EOD just to have a blast at the end?)

The alternative to this would be to wait until my next cycle (probably around 4 months away), replace the dbol kickstart with a prop kickstart, and replace the sus with the t400?

Not really sure what to do, any advice would be much appreciated.
