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Thread: anavar dosage help

  1. #1

    anavar dosage help

    so i read on this site that a good amount is 20-100mgs/day and one tab is 20mgs. i have talked with a few people and they have told me that 100mgs is way too much and bad things will happen.they said 50mgs would be more then enough and can be pusing it.

    iknow.. well i think iknow it should go by the weight of the person and im not gonna start with 100mgs or even 50mgs because i dont know how my body will react to this.i want to start small and move up to a good amount of dosage for my body type.

    my ? is how much do u think i should start off with? and how much would i be able to handle for my size?

    info on me:
    20 yrs old
    175 pounds
    will post a pic if needed

  2. #2
    At 20 all you need is FOOD/TRAINING/REST.
    Take advantage of your natural hormone production
    while its still high.

  3. #3
    I agree her with **** at 20 your way to your for a/s

    Buy some creatine or a decent pre work out/post workout supplement

    leave the anavar till your older

    decent diet/routine you should gain steadily

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    pass on the var man, just eat more spend the money on going sky diving or some other badass shit.

  5. #5
    i have made up my mind and im not gonna take it.i have been working out for almost six years and had my ups and down from being in the hospital for a week and then i wasent able to workout for 4 months and it got hard for me to get back up but i did and then when i was at it again i ****ed up my lower back from a accident and was out for 6 months and gained some weight.

    been working out for a lil over a year now from my comeback after the accident but i have gotten stronger than ever.i was almost 200 pounds and so i have droped to 175 where some reason i like to be at. i got a lot of friends who have been shooting this shit in there body and i still lift and look bigger then them.thats what gives me confidence to stay natural but in the back of my head i just wonder how much bigger i can get with roids.

    imma stick with my diet and shakes and just push my body to the limit of failure.i aint gonna lie and say iknow a lot about this stuff and i need to spend more time on this site and learn more about all this.

    right now these are my stats for lifting which im proud because of all the crap i had to go legs are weak and i still get some back pains from when i lift heavy but im working on them now with two leg workouts a week.everyweek im adding more and more on my legs
    bench:315 x2
    squat:310 x5 yeah i bench more then i squat but not for long lol
    legpress:720 x5

    what do u guys think?

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