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  1. #1
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    issues with maintaining an erection

    So ive been on winny 50mg ED for about 5 weeks and i think i might be experiecing some ED problems.... Last night i was with my EX and we were doing the dirty... long story short after I came I had a really hard time getting another erection (which never was a problem with me before)... I would get turned on and get semi hard and then bam its like my dick went numb or something... kept going soft... (also to note: my sperm hasnt been normal consistency...its been "watery")

    Im alil concerned if this is gonna progress into me not getting an erection at all. ... I have about 2 weeks left of winny and then im going to run nolva for pct

    ...Should i be concerned

  2. #2
    YoungMan is offline Associate Member
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    no test?

  3. #3
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Come on man, this is stuff you should have expected/known if you researched enough before ever taking roids. You're taking Winstrol , it is shutting down your testosterone production, no test in your system = ED and/or lack of sex drive. Also your sperm production and ejaculatory volume always goes down when you're shutdown whether you're injecting test or not.

  4. #4
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    nope. I didnt follow anything ive learned on this site... lol now im regreting it

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You've been here for 5 years and you had to ask? Seriously?
    Just get some test, or lay off the cycle...or just deal with a limp dick.

  6. #6
    YoungMan is offline Associate Member
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    Iv never had back to back erections anyways iv never done any AAS... i have to give it at least 15 min... even though my test levels are still naturally high

  7. #7
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    Come on man, this is stuff you should have expected/known if you researched enough before ever taking roids. You're taking Winstrol, it is shutting down your testosterone production, no test in your system = ED and/or lack of sex drive. Also your sperm production and ejaculatory volume always goes down when you're shutdown whether you're injecting test or not.
    Hey you make mistakes and you learn from them... im learning the hard way

    ....I gained strength and size while ive been on so i cant say its a total loss.... My budd has some cialis, guess im gonna need some of that til i recover

  8. #8
    donberry427's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoungMan View Post
    Iv never had back to back erections anyways iv never done any AAS... i have to give it at least 15 min... even though my test levels are still naturally high
    im not trying to boast but ive banged my ex 7,8,9,even 10 times in a day before... sometimes 3 nuts in a row. ....Last night was kinda embarrasing... i cant say having sex with half an erection turns women on lol

  9. #9
    warren916's Avatar
    warren916 is offline Associate Member
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    The winstrol shut down your natural testosterone (test is responsible for erection).

    You have NO TEST in your body right now, therfore, your not a man. LOL, jk...but with no test, its gonna be hard for you to get erection.

    Hence the reason everyone says to run test always.

    Test is natural in the body, and your body needs it.. Always a good idea to run test, even at a low dose if you have to.

  10. #10
    dece870717's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donberry427 View Post
    Hey you make mistakes and you learn from them... im learning the hard way

    ....I gained strength and size while ive been on so i cant say its a total loss.... My budd has some cialis, guess im gonna need some of that til i recover
    Ya but dude, this is BASIC, BASIC stuff. If you can't even bother to learn super basic stuff about roids and their effects, you shouldn't even touch them.

  11. #11
    donberry427's Avatar
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    I mean i may have over reacted abit... its not like i have ED or anything i just wasnt a sex animal like i normally am... I know im still producing test becuase otherwise how would i have any intensity in the gym?

    And i totally agree with you about not taking this serious. I knew i needed test, but i honestly just wanted to gain a few lbs of muscle and gain strength. Ive gained 8-10 lbs so far and everything is up. ..Bench is up 35lbs ... tri's are up big .. bi's are up big ... and i just started doing core w/o's again (deads, cleans, squats) and they are all up.

    In june im gonna run prop/mast/winny(opt) ... i hope to see even better results and believe me everything is going to be in check before i run it. Im even going to get a blood test prior and after.

    EDIT: im gonna run prop/mast/var.... much better combo. plus i dont like having dry joints. shit sucks.

    I feel like an ass posting this dumb shit but whatever whats done is done.
    Last edited by donberry427; 03-25-2011 at 08:01 PM.

  12. #12
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    But the way along with the test you will also want to get some HCG to keep your boys in shape, 250iu's twice per wk.

  13. #13
    donberry427's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    But the way along with the test you will also want to get some HCG to keep your boys in shape, 250iu's twice per wk.
    ive heard this is only necessary on super suppressive cycles... also doesnt hcg interfere with some pct's?

    ...but yes ill have this on hand along with arimidex (i have now), nolvadex , accutane, and possibly letro just incase (although probably not necessary because of masterons estrogen yadda yadda yadda...

  14. #14
    DOM6's Avatar
    DOM6 is offline Member
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    get extense at the gas station, its like 4 pills for $4, rock hard

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You have been here 5 yrs and you haven't learnt a single thing, I can't even comment because you wouldn't like what I got to say,

    Out if here

  16. #16
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Well looks like your X wont be bothering you anymore stud.LOL

  17. #17
    donberry427's Avatar
    donberry427 is offline Associate Member
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    lol u guys crack me up...

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