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  1. #1
    rogers22 is offline Banned
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    Mar 2011

    Just Need Some Professional Answers on cycle

    Just Need Some Professional Answers

    25 yrs old
    153 lbs

    i have done a few cycles in the past just minor ones deca d's and what not. the cycle i am doing now is test cip im doing 250 mg (1mL) every 4 days i was thinking 20 ML total on this cycle. its basically a first cycle as i was unexperianced and shouldnt of did it before i have been on this one for 3 weeks now.. I was just wondering if u guys think i will get some pretty good gains off this. Im only doing test as its basically a first cycle for me i have my PCT all ready for post. Im taking injections in the bum area (the right spot) but was wondering if i did some shoulder shots or bicept shots if that will help make better gains???
    im not a heavy guy but work out allot i find it really hard to gain weight even on a good meal plan with weight gainer
    my callorie intake is close to 3000 on the cycle 2500 off

  2. #2
    Mackn's Avatar
    Mackn is offline Associate Member
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    Why make another thread? You already got your answer. To get good gains you need enough rest,food, and know how to train... No one can say if you will have good results, thats up to you

  3. #3
    rogers22 is offline Banned
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    Mar 2011
    i made another one cause i thought no one would answer as i was getting no answers and i realize that i do all the above i was just meaning cycle wise thanks for ur reply

  4. #4
    smashingbox's Avatar
    smashingbox is offline Associate Member
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    Brissy, Aus
    Dude I hope that 5'10" @ 153lbs is a typo, you need to EAT bro - not 'roids. 3000cals is not enough for a hard gainer. I am your height and started at 135lbs, had been skinny all my life and found it EXTREMELY hard to gain weight. I have had diets which had me eating 4000-5000cals a day, that is a lot of food and a lot of cheating.

    My advice for someone as light as you, stop the 'roids, get your diet sorted (diet section here is brilliant), learn more about nutrition. Then get your workouts sorted, look for 'Max OT' there is heaps of free info on the net about it, it is very good for light guys IMO, not too many sets, not too many reps, just heavy weights and long rest times - exactly what a skinny guy needs, dont even think about doing cardio because it will burn calories you need to be putting toward growing.

    Do that for a start and you will put on another 20lbs at least naturally, and this can be done in 3-6 months with some hard work, and a little trial and error. Steroids at this point is completely unnecessary, as tempting as they can be. In the mean time, research heaps about steroids, cycles, PCT, keeping gains, etc.

  5. #5
    rogers22 is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    thanks allot smashing box thats basically what i was looking for someone to explain things to me thanks allot man

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