Thread: Critique First Cycle
03-25-2011, 05:29 PM #1
Critique First Cycle
I've been doing alot of research before jumping into my first cycle. I'm 24 and have been training for about 7 years. I'm currently 210 at 12% bf. My big 3 lifts are 585 deadlift, 470 squat, 365 bb bench press (150 x 5 dumbbells, I rarely do barbell). I'm currently on Palumbo's Cut diet to try and lean out my physique just alittle bit more before I start my cycle which will be the beginning of may. I am going to reintroduce carbs a week before I start my cycle and while on keep my diet around 350g protein, 320g of carbs and 100-120g fat.
Test E weeks 1-12, 250mg e3d
Dbol (tabs) weeks 1-4, 50mg ed
Winny(tabs) weeks 6-12, 50mg ed (25/25 split morning/night)
Nolva I will start about 10 days after my last shot 40/40/20/20
Clomid will be started with nolva at 100/100/50/50
Armidex I will be running throughout the whole cycle .25mg eod in the beggining and then e3d. I will up if neccessary.
Please let me know what you think. I think working with the barbell more I will get my bench press to increase significantly, I'm also aiming to put my squat over 500 pounds and deadlift over 600. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
ThanksLast edited by 1moreREPP; 03-26-2011 at 11:50 AM.
03-26-2011, 11:50 AM #2
Advice, anyone?
03-26-2011, 11:54 AM #3
Welcome...the guys will be around to chime in....
03-26-2011, 12:02 PM #4
03-26-2011, 12:33 PM #5
03-26-2011, 12:37 PM #6
too much stress on your liver to go from dbol directly to winny.. unnecessary stress on your liver.. save it for your next cycle.. MBMETC is spot on for everything else.. I think you will be very pleased with your results. Good luck and keep on pumpin'
03-26-2011, 02:20 PM #7
Your stats are nice and I think for a first cycle you got enough going on. You will be able to make lean gains and possibly reduce bf 1-2% if your diet and training are point on. If you experience any fat gain you will simply up your cardio to keep things lean.
Good luck
for a first cycle id say just do test, but you look like uve done the research and put up a good, yet IMO advanced, cycle.
esp for a first cycle, just see how test only goes, u will still get great gains provided the obvious (diet exercise_)
PCT is a lil strong, a nolva only would do the trick but no reason to not play on the safe side. Try to get some HCG in and that will help recovery also
btw nolva and clomid doses on PCT are in no way equal. Nolva is 40/40/20/20
03-27-2011, 07:54 AM #9
Ok, I'll kick the tabs this time around. Thank you for your input
Yuck, cardio.. lol
My plan is to still stay relatively lean but also increase my lifts so that I can start getting into some powerlifting meets and actually have a chance at winning.
Exactly what I'm doing is playing it safe. As I said before, my orginal plan was to run Test E only but I think the dbol would be benefitial in kick starting the cycle and hopefull make alittle progress while on it and then once the test kicks in maybe I'll be ready for a lifting comptetion in July.
Thank You everyone, I'm getting really excited to start and sad at the same time lol. It was fun being natural and still lifting more then most of my friends who were on.
09-13-2011, 06:01 PM #10
Just wanted to give everyone an update. I'm currently sitting at about 240lbs, the heaviest I was at was 251. I've been off for about a month now.
My lifts: (on)
BB bench: 445
Deadlift: 705
Squat: 585
My lifts as of this week:
BB Bench: 435
Deadlift: 685
Squat: 560
I made excellent strength gains and put on some good mass. Alittle tired of eating. Some meals were literally taking me an hour to eat. I really enjoyed taking my lifting to a higher level. I will defiantely be running another one around March.
Thanks For all the help and advice everyone.
09-13-2011, 06:06 PM #11
I'd take the adex .25mg ED throughout the cycle, then up it to .75mg ED during first 2 weeks of PCT, then .5mg ED third week, .25mg ED fourth week.
my 2cents
That's horrible advice you don't take adex during pct.
09-14-2011, 03:31 PM #13
09-14-2011, 03:45 PM #14
a lot of guys on here will say test only, but personally i think your cycle is fine.
do not take the arimidex unless you need it, wait to see how you respond, the sides will go away after 2-3 days once u start the adex.
pct looks good
You don't take adex on pct cuz it's a competitive inhibitor and u can have rebound. Ai's are for on cycle and not pct
09-14-2011, 05:14 PM #16
Ohhhhhh, youre talking about the tendancy for adex to reduce the effects of nolva and vice versa. That is a bunch of rubbish. That's why I'm saying the dose of the adex is increased to .75mg/day when the nolva starts in PCT. To help counteract the effect. My PCT's this way have been golden. The interaction of them together reducing effectiveness is totally overexaggerated IMO.
No, i was refering to adex is a competitive inhibitor, so when you stop the aromatase enzyme isnt killed like how aromasin inhibits aromatase. So when you stop taking it, you have alot of extra aromatase ezyme floating around that causes the rebound of inhibition due to excess test converting. it has nothing to do with together reducing effectiveness.
if any AI would be ok during pct, its aromasin.
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