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  1. #1
    TheNewGuyHere's Avatar
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    First Cycle - Using Testosterone Cypionate

    Hello Everyone. I am going to be doing my first cycle this summer. I am planning on using only Testosterone Cypionate for a 12 week cycle. My stats are as follows:

    Age: 20
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 195
    Bf%: 14%
    Cycle history: None
    Years training: 4

    Before I get roasted for my age and years training let me explain some things. I have been an athlete all of my life and have been "in the gym" for most of my athletic years (Probably 8 years). When I say 4 years training I mean 4 years of serious training consisting of workouts 4-5 days a week without taking more than a week off. I have a great clean diet consisting of 6-8 meals a day and great sleep pattern (7-8 hours a night). I have been stuck at my weight for about 8 months now which makes me think I am at my "natural" limits and i believe that is more a a guideline than any age number someone can throw around.

    My goal would probably be to gain 10 to 15 pounds from the cycle after all is said and done. My cycle would be one injection a week at:

    Week 1: .5 cc
    Week 2: .5 cc
    Week 3: 1 cc
    Week 4: 1 cc
    Week 5: 1.5 cc
    Week 6: 1.5 cc
    Week 7: 1.5 cc
    Week 8: 1.5 cc
    Week 9: 1 cc
    Week 10: 1 cc
    Week 11: .5 cc
    Week 12: .5 cc

    Weeks 14-18: PCT TBD

    As far as PCT I am slightly hesitant to be throwing all kinds of pills in my body. I am planning on having nolvadex on hand in case i start to see signs of gyno. I am also playing the idea of using clomid for weeks 14-18 although I am slightly hesitant about it for several reasons:

    1. I don't know where to buy it safely
    2. The research liquid versions offered kind of sketch me out a little
    3. I am being told I do not need any PCT from my supplier (But I read otherwise)

    So please go easy on me, this is my first cycle and I am very new to the forums. I am here to learn not to come off as a young know it all. Any information you experienced vets can lend would be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone!

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your to young forget steroids , shutting down your natural test at 20yrs old can result in your test never reaching peak, do you want to risk having low testosterone . This will defeat the object of using steroids. Be educated about this and forget steroids and start playing around with your diet and training and use what you have and don't destroy it.

    I doubt anyone will advice a 20yr old how to use steroids at your age because there isnt a correct way.

  3. #3
    Vullfromsc's Avatar
    Vullfromsc is offline Associate Member
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    please do some research on this website before you do what you have written up there.. know the risks, know the dangers of doing it at a young age.. it can have long-term effects that are irreversible.

    and at least know how to do it the right way for the future (i hope). what you have written there is not the proper way to use testosterone . pyramiding is not the way to go, it has been shown to cause more side effects from estrogen due to constantly fluctuating levels of testosterone in the body

  4. #4
    TheNewGuyHere's Avatar
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    I understand that I am far from an experienced/informed user and I am in need of a great deal of advice on this cycle, but that is the reason I am here doing the research and trying to get advice from experienced users like yourselves rather than just jumping in blind and starting a cycle. I have months before I even intend on starting the cycle and would like to use the time leading up to the summer to edit the cycle and become more informed.
    Last edited by TheNewGuyHere; 03-27-2011 at 04:47 PM.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    The correct advice for someone with your stats is not to cycle. All because your going to do the cycle anyway doesn't change the correct advice being given, we give the best, safest and healthiest advice for someone of your age if your aren't mature enough to take that in go to another forum what suits your needs.

    I will leave your thread do you can get the bad advic from another 20yr who doesn't know what he is doing

  6. #6
    YoungMan is offline Associate Member
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    bro 20 years old 14% body fat.... and you say you cant lift cause you feel you have "peeked" your normal levels..... when you go on test your BF% increases.... you can naturally incress your BF% on your own..... and trust me i know from experience the heavier the stronger if you say you use clean diet.... get up to like 18% BF and youll be way stronger if you keep lifting and then when its time to cut you can reduce your bf% by diet..... your only 20 enjoy your erections man

  7. #7
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    You need to do some research bro listen to the guys on here

  8. #8
    TheNewGuyHere's Avatar
    TheNewGuyHere is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    The correct advice for someone with your stats is not to cycle. All because your going to do the cycle anyway doesn't change the correct advice being given, we give the best, safest and healthiest advice for someone of your age if your aren't mature enough to take that in go to another forum what suits your needs.

    I will leave your thread do you can get the bad advic from another 20yr who doesn't know what he is doing
    Marcus, the truth is that I appreciate the veterans giving me their honest advice that in the long run is probably the best and safest advice I could receive. I am mature enough to realize this and I am not against the idea of waiting until I am around 25. However, I would still like to know for my knowledge when I eventually do decide to venture into the world of steroids how to take them. I would like to use Test Cypionate as my first compound, how would you guys break that down using cc's in a 12 week cycle. Also, are my PCT concerns normal? I do appreciate the honesty guys and I am listening, but advice / cycle editing is what I am really looking for whether I do the cycle now or when im 30.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your 4 to 5 yrs away from cycling, use your time wisely and research diets and training its pointless doing any kind of research now and to be honest I don't believe you anyway when you say you want the knowledge now for later, come on.

    Go to the diet section and post your diet and start building some muscle. Forget steroids they are not the answer for you.

  10. #10
    TheNewGuyHere's Avatar
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    Anyone other than Marcus care to aid me in putting together an effective and safe cycle? I realize it needs work and I would really appreciate some help with it rather than hearing "you are too young".

    Thank you

  11. #11
    kelevra is offline Member
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    Not at 20 my man!

  12. #12
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    Listen to Marcus bro. You won't regret it.

  13. #13
    manblue's Avatar
    manblue is offline Junior Member
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    read this post :

    this is some powerful stuff pal listen to the experienced members they know best !

  14. #14
    TheNewGuyHere's Avatar
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    The fact of the matter is, that I ultimately will make my own decision regarding the use of steroids whether some users agree or disagree with cycling at my age. I truly am open to your constructive criticism and do appreciate it and I will weigh the advice i receive accordingly. After all, most of you have many many years of experience and knowledge on me, I am smart enough to realize this. I do not want to damage my body permanently, and that is a big concern and may be the reason I do not cycle for another 4-5 years like Marcus said. However, just in case I do decide to cycle and realize the good outweighs the bad, I would like to have accurate information and a solid cycle / knowledge at my disposal.

    With that being said, I would like help constructing this cycle using test cypionate if the pyarimid technique is frowned upon.
    Thank you.

  15. #15
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNewGuyHere View Post
    Anyone other than Marcus care to aid me in putting together an effective and safe cycle? I realize it needs work and I would really appreciate some help with it rather than hearing "you are too young".

    Thank you
    Kid, nobody is going to help you. It would be immoral in my mind (and most of us here) to aid a kid in harming himself. And as far as information goes on how to, even if you were being honest (and we know you're not), a good cycle today probably wont be good 5 years from now when you're old enough because new drugs and information will promote change, so it's pointless to learn what's good for 25 year olds now.

    I recommend you listen to what Marcus says, he knows more about steroids and cycling than just about every single one of us here do. So if he tells you something, it's probably in your best interest.

  16. #16
    TheNewGuyHere's Avatar
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    Guys I could have easily been like the hundreds of kids on here that lie about their age to get cycle advice from you. However, I did not, so call me dumb for being truthful but I am just trying to get some advice from the experienced members like yourselves. I am not asking you to sell me steroids , I am not asking you where to buy it, and I am not asking you to inject me with steroids. I am simply looking to become informed, so if I do end up cycling, I know that I have accurate information and a solid cycle that I can trust. So with that being said, Can you guys please offer some help.

  17. #17
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your not listening!

    The best advice for someone with your stats is NOT to cycle and wait 4-5 years. The advice doesn't change because your going to do it anyway, our morals and principles don't change all because you haven't heard what you want to hear,

    Why would our advice change because your going to do it anyway!

  18. #18
    kelevra is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Your not listening!

    The best advice for someone with your stats is NOT to cycle and wait 4-5 years. The advice doesn't change because your going to do it anyway, our morals and principles don't change all because you haven't heard what you want to hear,

    Why would our advice change because your going to do it anyway!
    Are you a part time therapist to Marcus? LOL

  19. #19
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you are seriously going to pursure being a professional body builder, you will have to get into steroids . If you are not going to do body building as a professional, wait until you are older.

    At the age of 20 I trained hard offseason (I wrestled in HS and college). I could put on 10lbs of muscle over the summer break (3 months) and I was not pushing muscle gain or eating for it. I was pushing myself in the gym, though and that made a big difference. Push yourself hard in the gym first. At 6'1" and 195 lbs you either are not going about your weight training and diet correctly or you simply don't have the genetics for body building. If you don't have the genetics then forget any dreams of being a bodybuilder. If you do have the genetics but are not pushing doing the workouts then learn to workout and eat properly first. Steroids will give you gains, but if you don't throwup during squats, if you don't forcefeed that extra 80g of protein a day, then you won't benefit from the steroids that much.

  20. #20
    dsldsl1980 is offline Associate Member
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    I know the guys can seem harsh here and that is only because there are tons of kids on here every single day asking this same question. The bottom line is the answer is always the same. Don't cycle, and they are not telling you that because they think you are young and stupid. They are telling you that because science says that it is a HORRIBLE idea. So many people come back to this site at 22-25 saying man I wish I would have listened to you guys. The bottom line is if you are going to do it, then go do it. You will not receive help from anyone here only because they all want you to still be able to get it up, recover your natural test, and not be on TRT for the rest of your life. If you don't care if you can maintain an erection, and want to have to inject steriods every week for the rest of your life then look for advice elsewhere.

    As a side note, if you have done any research (on a reputable site) you would realize how off base your post is and shows you have little to no real knowledge about steroids .

  21. #21
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNewGuyHere View Post
    The fact of the matter is, that I ultimately will make my own decision regarding the use of steroids whether some users agree or disagree with cycling at my age. I truly am open to your constructive criticism and do appreciate it and I will weigh the advice i receive accordingly. After all, most of you have many many years of experience and knowledge on me, I am smart enough to realize this. I do not want to damage my body permanently, and that is a big concern and may be the reason I do not cycle for another 4-5 years like Marcus said. However, just in case I do decide to cycle and realize the good outweighs the bad, I would like to have accurate information and a solid cycle / knowledge at my disposal.

    With that being said, I would like help constructing this cycle using test cypionate if the pyarimid technique is frowned upon.
    Thank you.
    Don't be stubborn. Go to google images and search erectile dysfunction or testicular hypertrophy. THAT IS WHAT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU IF YOU DO STEROIDS. Get the picture ? Testosterone isn't even the only good steroid , there are tons of options. Do you even know what Test-C is, or did some friend just tell you take it because he doesn't know about Equipose, Anavar , or other juice?

    You don't even know what the compounds are made up of. I'm a Biomed student, only 19 and I've SEEN steroid-esque compounds being made for my biochem classes, and I still thought about juicing. Do yourself the favor, listen to these people, be independent
    and research and don't take steroids.

    I guarantee your diet is the problem.
    Last edited by Windex; 03-28-2011 at 11:28 AM.

  22. #22
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    It is true that ultimately you will make your own decision regarding the use of steroids . And if you ignore the advice given here, it will be a bad decision.

  23. #23
    fightnews is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsldsl1980 View Post
    I know the guys can seem harsh here and that is only because there are tons of kids on here every single day asking this same question. The bottom line is the answer is always the same. Don't cycle, and they are not telling you that because they think you are young and stupid. They are telling you that because science says that it is a HORRIBLE idea. So many people come back to this site at 22-25 saying man I wish I would have listened to you guys. The bottom line is if you are going to do it, then go do it. You will not receive help from anyone here only because they all want you to still be able to get it up, recover your natural test, and not be on TRT for the rest of your life. If you don't care if you can maintain an erection, and want to have to inject steriods every week for the rest of your life then look for advice elsewhere.

    As a side note, if you have done any research (on a reputable site) you would realize how off base your post is and shows you have little to no real knowledge about steroids.
    Im not asking this to be a wise ass but say you do use a test cycle at 21, Why would you be more likely to do permanent damage then when you are older. If you do the cycle and pct properly You would thing you would have a better shot at full recovery then when you are older?

  24. #24
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fightnews
    Im not asking this to be a wise ass but say you do use a test cycle at 21, Why would you be more likely to do permanent damage then when you are older. If you do the cycle and pct properly You would thing you would have a better shot at full recovery then when you are older?
    There has been a huge debate over the years about when the endocrine system is fully developed. Bottom line is at 21 your hormones are still really high and shutting down your endocrine system at that age is risky. Why would you want to risk a lifetime of trt when you could still make gains natty for several years. Most are no were near there genetic potential at the age of 21

  25. #25
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Another way to look at it......why use the same compound that your body is already producing a high amount of.....take advantage of that and build the best base that you can. Simple economics ....then once you are in your mid 20's decide if cycling is right for you.

  26. #26
    naxxy is offline New Member
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    As far as I'm going to say, you can still be 20, and go on a mild cycle to boost your testosterone levels , and come off of it as healthy (if not healthier) than you were before your cycle. With a proper PCT, taking the precautions of blood tests (cholesterol, ldl, lipids, free test, thyroid, etc), one can still cycle correctly and in a healthy mannor.

    I don't see anything wrong with or feel "immoral" for giving advice on safe cycling. If someone if after advice: give it to them (within reason), and as far as i'm aware: this is within reason.

    Hope i have't broken any rules here, but a nolvadex pct would work fine for this cause. Will also be worthwhile investing in an anti estrogen for safety.

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