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  1. #1
    cb714's Avatar
    cb714 is offline Member
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    First Time Advice

    Hey everyone... first time posting here. I've been thinking about trying out one cycle for some time now. Here is a quick breakdown of me

    32 years old
    227 lbs
    6 ft
    36 waist
    not sure on the body fat

    I've been working out on and off since high school. I go in spurts.. I'll work out really hard for a bout a year and then take some time off 3-4months... not lazy... just get super busy with work. My diet consists of breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner and lots of protein shakes throughout the day. I think im an ok size but not happy. Never done a cycle before because I was always told to wait til my 30s... so 30s are here and I need some advice.

    Which one is the best for first timers?

    Which pill do I take to counter the side effects?

    Dosage for my weight? How many times, how often?

    Any info, tips, advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks...

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    Test Beginner Cycle Guide
    Written by Phate

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Start by reading the educational threads and stickies. I gave you some links to start you off with.

    Feel free to come back with more specific questions

  4. #4
    cb714's Avatar
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    is 500mg pretty standard? I guess my question is does it have anything to do with weight as far as how much?

    On the thread you posted I was curious as to what 1-12 where it talks about test enth. Is that number of weeks?

    Sorry Im a complete noob... just want to do it right the first time.

  5. #5
    SAMS_DAD's Avatar
    SAMS_DAD is offline Junior Member
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    yes, 500mg is standard broken up into 250mg 2x per week. Weight doesn't come into play when taking anytype of AAS, it would be wise to keep your bf% low when starting a cycle to keep the sides at a minimum. 1-12 is the amount of weeks to run a beginner cycle of test e or c. Test p is not recommended first time around since it is inj everyday or every other day which could be a pain if your not use to sticking yourself. A pct would have to be laid out before starting a cycle and you could aquire all your pct needs at the banner, top of this page (arr). Please also view our diet section since food consumption plays a huge role, if your not eating properly your not going to see the best results if you plan to cycle in the near future.

  6. #6
    cb714's Avatar
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    Sams Dad... thanks for the info. When you say BF should be low, how low are we talking about? I haven't measured my BF in a while so I dont even know where im at but I'll go get that checked out with a DR. As far as diet, im pretty good about it. I eat complex carbs in the morning, fruits and veggies for snacks throughout the day, chicken/fish/steak as meals with brown rice and more veggies. I take extra protein as well.

    Would it be wise to cut off any additional supplements while Im taking this?

  7. #7
    cb714's Avatar
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    Only problem I have is finding a legit source for it. I've talked to people that have ordered stuff online and is wasnt what it said it was. I guess it's trial and error.

  8. #8
    cb714's Avatar
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    ok so I was able to get my hands on some Test E but I cannot for the life of me find dbol . Is there anything else I can take to "kick start" the cycle that would be just as effective. Remember this is my first cycle.

    Also, I appreciate the links you guys posted above, very helpful.

  9. #9
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    post a pic and someone will tell u your bodyfat percentage is. Kickstarting a cycle is optional. Other good beginner oral kickers would be tbol or anavar either at 50mg ED

  10. #10
    kelevra is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    ok so I was able to get my hands on some Test E but I cannot for the life of me find dbol . Is there anything else I can take to "kick start" the cycle that would be just as effective. Remember this is my first cycle.

    Also, I appreciate the links you guys posted above, very helpful.
    you don't need a kick start for 1st cycle. 4 weeks would only provide some strength that you would lose a few weeks after due to the Dbol leaving your system. Besides Dbol can add some serious strength gains in a short time. Sounds great right, however it opens a first time user up for some very bad injuries.
    If your health is good all around. Then take the Dbol for 8 weeks. Just don't do extended runs of orals and get your blood work done to keep an eye on liver enzymes. and don't go to full failure until you have had time to adjust to the strength gains. and,, well that is all i can think of.
    Be careful on first cycl, no need to hurry.

  11. #11
    cb714's Avatar
    cb714 is offline Member
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    ^^^ Thanks for the advice

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