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  1. #1
    boxer08's Avatar
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    3 weeks in/torn ligaments

    This is week 4 of my ten week cycle and i hurt my wrist training kickboxing last thursday, didn't realise it was as bad as its turned out to be. The day after which was friday i went to the gym but had to stop half way through my session because of the pain. I decided to go to the hospital on saturday to see what i had done and they said i have torn the ligaments.

    Last week was when the sust started to kick in nicely, lifts were starting to go up ect. What should i do, how long will it take to heal and how can i speed up the healing process? Im going to take this week off and see how things go.

  2. #2
    F-Genetics's Avatar
    F-Genetics is offline Associate Member
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    I have had several torn ligaments. They do not heal. They body never re-builds ligament tissue. Instead scar tissue takes it's place which is not nearly as strong as the ligament was, approximately 75% the docs say. I tore a ligament in my knee and had to have surgery to replace it. When I tore a few in my ankle, the docs said let's wait and see. It has been over a year. I went through physical therapy after the injury and things got a bit better, but I have consistent issues with it now. You should really stop training. You could end up tearing it more and completely solidify the need for surgery. You should be in a brace where your wrist can not flex at the minimum. If not a cast so the tear can have time to build up scar tissue and heal as best as possible. But you should see an Orthopedist as soon as possible. You will most likely need an MRI to tell the extent of the damage. Which your Ortho should prescribe. But I would say your done for at least 2 1/2 -3 months easy. Unless you need surgery, you are looking at about 5-6 months including Physical therapy. I speak from experience with several torn ligament injuries. But go see an Ortho.

  3. #3
    boxer08's Avatar
    boxer08 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by F-Genetics View Post
    I have had several torn ligaments. They do not heal. They body never re-builds ligament tissue. Instead scar tissue takes it's place which is not nearly as strong as the ligament was, approximately 75% the docs say. I tore a ligament in my knee and had to have surgery to replace it. When I tore a few in my ankle, the docs said let's wait and see. It has been over a year. I went through physical therapy after the injury and things got a bit better, but I have consistent issues with it now. You should really stop training. You could end up tearing it more and completely solidify the need for surgery. You should be in a brace where your wrist can not flex at the minimum. If not a cast so the tear can have time to build up scar tissue and heal as best as possible. But you should see an Orthopedist as soon as possible. You will most likely need an MRI to tell the extent of the damage. Which your Ortho should prescribe. But I would say your done for at least 2 1/2 -3 months easy. Unless you need surgery, you are looking at about 5-6 months including Physical therapy. I speak from experience with several torn ligament injuries. But go see an Ortho.
    They never gave me no brace or support in the hospital, infact they told me not to wear any sort of support and keep it moving around as it will heal better and i won't lose mobility of the wrist. Im confused what to do now and whether or not i should stop my cycle or not plus i need to pay for a new gym membership next week and i don't want to be wasting £75.

  4. #4
    wilsonw25's Avatar
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    I am a certified Athletic Trainer and what R-Genetics said is mostly true.. it really depends on the extent of the tear. Whenever you hear of someone with an ankle sprain or something of that sort it actually is just a tearing of the ligament(s). if you had a mild tear (sprain/strain) then you will not require surgery, but definitely rest. If you are able to move it around then its obviously not a full tear and you probably wont require surgery. If you are on cycle your recovery time wont be as long as if you were natural so you shouldnt need to rest for that long.. If I were you I would stay on cycle and dont train for about 2 weeks. then go see your ortho if the pain continues.

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    Also I wanted to add this as an FYI.. one of the best obvious benefits of taking steroids is they make your muscles much stronger.. this is a well known fact.. but what most people are unaware of is that steroids do not strengthen ligaments. so you are getting much stronger and lifting weight and doing activities that are able to be handled by the muscle but you dont give enough time for your ligaments to catch up. so my advice is monitor your gains and dont push it tooo hard bc what youll end up with is strong muscles and torn ligaments and joint capsules.

  6. #6
    boxer08's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wilsonw25 View Post
    I am a certified Athletic Trainer and what R-Genetics said is mostly true.. it really depends on the extent of the tear. Whenever you hear of someone with an ankle sprain or something of that sort it actually is just a tearing of the ligament(s). if you had a mild tear (sprain/strain) then you will not require surgery, but definitely rest. If you are able to move it around then its obviously not a full tear and you probably wont require surgery. If you are on cycle your recovery time wont be as long as if you were natural so you shouldnt need to rest for that long.. If I were you I would stay on cycle and dont train for about 2 weeks. then go see your ortho if the pain continues.
    So should i leave it out of any sort of support or use a support? I can move my wrist around in circular motions and back and forth but with pain. It is tender to touch on top of the, side and just under the right side of the right wrist. If i press on a certain part of the palm of that hand it causes a shooting pain into the area that is injured.

  7. #7
    boxer08's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wilsonw25 View Post
    Also I wanted to add this as an FYI.. one of the best obvious benefits of taking steroids is they make your muscles much stronger.. this is a well known fact.. but what most people are unaware of is that steroids do not strengthen ligaments. so you are getting much stronger and lifting weight and doing activities that are able to be handled by the muscle but you dont give enough time for your ligaments to catch up. so my advice is monitor your gains and dont push it tooo hard bc what youll end up with is strong muscles and torn ligaments and joint capsules.
    I injured it kickboxing and not weight lifting. I forgot my straps and the person that was holding the bag was not holding it correctly.

  8. #8
    wilsonw25's Avatar
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    i would leave it out of support if you are able to move it. dont do too much extensive motions such as repetitive flexion/extension and try to rest it as much as possible. take some ibuprofin for the inflammation and do passive range of motion (PROM) whenever you have some free time (use your good hand to move the bad one around in all planes of motion) helps move synovial fluid through the jt and recruitment of white blood cells to the area. when you have pain free motion start doing some strengthening exercises but DO NOT TRAIN HARD, you will just reinjure and be worse than before.

  9. #9
    magic32's Avatar
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    I agree with Wilson's initial statement, " really depends on the extent of the tear."
    You gave us differing (and of course it could have gotten worse) viewpoints 1) you made it halfway through a kickboxing session (that's a lot of indirect banging and jarring even if you didn't use the wrist, 2) it's tender to the touch and can't be pressed.

    The quintessential question is: Can you effectively (with whatever supports are required: wraps, braces, Aspercreme, Ibprofen, etc.) lift? The answer to that, is the answer to your thread.
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