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Thread: Using ice to numb injection ??? HELP

  1. #1

    Using ice to numb injection ??? HELP

    i recently came of a 8 week 500mg per week sustanon only cycle and used ice to numb the skin (cause im a *****) i was just wondering will that effect the juice going in properly...? because i'm starting another cycle in 2 weeks wich is a deca and sustanon cycle so could someone with a bit more knowledge give me some advice on maybe how to start of on the deca and sus i know ill have to jab more sus than deca but not sure how much? your advice will be appreciated thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Firstly you need to do pct after a cycle if you have not done that then you will loose most of your gains.

    you should wait a minimum of about 12 weeks between cycles

    you need to stop now before you destroy your self

    you need to do research bro sound like you haven't got much knowledge of what you are doing

    I'm not trying to put you down i am trying to help you ...

    good luck

  3. #3
    Ive been reasearching for about three years before i started them mate ive got knowledge on them an pct etc.. just wasnt sure wether ice would make the juice not effect the muscle as much or whatever?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    ice isnt going to do a damn thing to the juice or muscle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    Yep you are too young to be cycling especially without proper PCT and time off.

    But the ice could cause an infection and can interfere with dispersion of the oil in the muscle.

  6. #6
    I used pct i just didn't mention it above i used novladex and its been 10 weeks since my last cycle i have reaserched alot about steroids an how to inject an pct etc etc... just was not sure wether ice could effect how the juice went into the muscle i only use the ice pressed down for say a minute just to numb the skin anyway an not the actual muscle so what do all you think? an when i start my deca an sus i'll be taking 500mg of sus an 200mg of deca is that ok? more deca? less deca?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    be a man!
    I just jab it in there, and when i hit bone, i just back it off a bit

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    for a minute i say no big deal any longer and the cold could tighen the muscle and mak it more difficult for the oil to dispurse.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    stick in a 16 gauge needle super slow and you can feel it as it goes through all the layers of skin and muscle and everything lol and there is a big hole when you pull it will make you into a man lol

  10. #10, get 2 big balls and pin right after. Best thing I can say, ice will do a vasoconstriction and slow the dispertion. Inject in vessels= death in 2 mins so be carefull

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