I found this half life calculator in the educational threads.
if common protocol says to start serms 2 weeks after your last test e shot(250mgs, 2x a week), you would be starting your serms with aprox 321mgs of test still in your blood, which i would think would be enough to keep your hpta suppressed
this calculator says to start your serms 3-4 weeks after your last shot, with aprox 119-80mgs left in you
i really have no studies to reference on how much mgs of test in the blood will allow for the start of recovery(please post em if you do)
and this really explains why deca is so hard to recover from
in reference to this study: http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/281/1/93.full, 1 100mg shot of nandrolone will almost completely shut down your hpta
and it takes aprox 30 days to recover from 100mgs to baseline
according to this calculator, it says to start serms while you have 100mgs left in your blood, which, according to the study above, is still to early to start serms
according to the graph of the same study above: http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/conten...3/F4.large.jpg
it takes an additional 2 weeks to be able to start the recovery for deca
by doing the math, you would start the serms no earlier than 6.5 weeks after your last 300mg shot
anything before that is a waste due to nandrolone suppresive nature and standard protocol calls for ending deca 2 weeks prior to test, then 2 weeks for serms, leaving an additional 2.5 weeks needed to get the nandrolone low enough to recover from
most pcts are run for 4 week, only of which 1.5 would be effective