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Thread: Time to re-consider when to start pct

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Time to re-consider when to start pct

    I found this half life calculator in the educational threads.

    if common protocol says to start serms 2 weeks after your last test e shot(250mgs, 2x a week), you would be starting your serms with aprox 321mgs of test still in your blood, which i would think would be enough to keep your hpta suppressed
    this calculator says to start your serms 3-4 weeks after your last shot, with aprox 119-80mgs left in you
    i really have no studies to reference on how much mgs of test in the blood will allow for the start of recovery(please post em if you do)

    and this really explains why deca is so hard to recover from
    in reference to this study:, 1 100mg shot of nandrolone will almost completely shut down your hpta
    and it takes aprox 30 days to recover from 100mgs to baseline
    according to this calculator, it says to start serms while you have 100mgs left in your blood, which, according to the study above, is still to early to start serms
    according to the graph of the same study above:
    it takes an additional 2 weeks to be able to start the recovery for deca
    by doing the math, you would start the serms no earlier than 6.5 weeks after your last 300mg shot
    anything before that is a waste due to nandrolone suppresive nature and standard protocol calls for ending deca 2 weeks prior to test, then 2 weeks for serms, leaving an additional 2.5 weeks needed to get the nandrolone low enough to recover from
    most pcts are run for 4 week, only of which 1.5 would be effective

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    forget about that pct calculator

    "i really have no studies to reference on how much mgs of test in the blood will allow for the start of recovery(please post em if you do)"

    doesn't work like that!

    yep deca and all 19-nors are suppressive as fuk

    look at the profiles and use the corresponding active lives of the ester attached as a guide

    the reason why pct is 4-6 weeks is to compensate this problem as everybody is deferent

    good luck keeping your gains after waiting 3 weeks after your last shot to start pct

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    forget about that pct calculator

    "i really have no studies to reference on how much mgs of test in the blood will allow for the start of recovery(please post em if you do)"

    doesn't work like that!

    yep deca and all 19-nors are suppressive as fuk

    look at the profiles and use the corresponding active lives of the ester attached as a guide

    the reason why pct is 4-6 weeks is to compensate this problem as everybody is deferent

    good luck keeping your gains after waiting 3 weeks after your last shot to start pct
    then how does it work?

    also, are you saying there is a benefit of taking serms, before allowing the steroid to clear your blood enough for recovery?
    and i dont think 1 more week of waiting on serms is going to make that much of a difference on keepable gains, just thought it would be a waste of a week of pct which would also eliminate a needed week on the backend which might be needed for full recovery

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    There is little point in worrying about the half life of drugs, since they are not radioactive isotopes with a set rate of decay. Just look at the active life, which is 2 weeks for Enanthate, 3 for Decanoate, etc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    There is little point in worrying about the half life of drugs, since they are not radioactive isotopes with a set rate of decay. Just look at the active life, which is 2 weeks for Enanthate, 3 for Decanoate, etc.
    i hear what you are saying, but this thread in the educational section totally contradicts what your saying
    Active life: Refers to the period in which the amount of a drug in the body is enough that it will still produce the desired effects for which it was administered. Or conversely, inhibit natural recovery of normal bodily function. It is dose dependent.

    Example: The active life of 1,000mg of testosterone decanoate would be more than one month. At day 30 after injection, 250mg or more of this drug would still be present in the body.
    are you saying that when there is still 100mgs left of nandrolone in your system, that it wouldnt matter as this 100mgs would no longer be active?
    Last edited by 5x10; 03-30-2011 at 04:13 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    That thread is 7 years old and I disagree with it.
    Her's the thing: from everything I've gathered, only the first half-life is accurate. The rest of the drug is then wiped out during the second "half life".
    So if you inject 500mg of Test E, you might have 250mg after 6-7 days, and close to nothing by day 14. The amount of the drug in your system doesn't keep halving itself indefinitely.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I always wait 3 weeks. Last cycle I waited 3 weeks and used an oral while I was waiting for it to leave my system...kept the gains coming until the last day.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    That thread is 7 years old and I disagree with it.
    Her's the thing: from everything I've gathered, only the first half-life is accurate. The rest of the drug is then wiped out during the second "half life".
    So if you inject 500mg of Test E, you might have 250mg after 6-7 days, and close to nothing by day 14. The amount of the drug in your system doesn't keep halving itself indefinitely.
    so there truely no "build up" of the hormones in your system?(pct calc)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    so there truely no "build up" of the hormones in your system?(pct calc)
    Sure there is.
    But it has little effect on when to start PCT.
    Besides, you want to err on the side of caution and start PCT sooner rather than later. At worst, it will just allow the SERMs to build up to decent levels in your body by the time they are really needed.

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