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03-30-2011, 03:56 AM #1
Chromosome damage and cytotoxicity in cells after 2 month cycle (deca and winny)
Just looking around pubmed (online scientific journal database) and stumbled across this recently published article. I thought I'd post this as it is recent and I haven't read about this online.
The experimental group sizes are small which does slightly impact on the validity of this study.
"The following anabolic steroids were used: decadurabulin (50mg once a week intramuscularly) and Winstrol (stanozolol , 18 mg three times per week orally)"
"The aim of the present study was to evaluate DNA damage (micronucleus) and cellular death (pyknosis, karyolysis and karyorrhexis) in exfoliated buccal mucosa cells from anabolic steroid users after 2 months of exposure."
Exfoliated buccal mucosa = naturally, continually lost soft tissue layer on the mouth side of the cheek
"In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that chromosomal damage and cytotoxicity are induced by anabolic steroids after 2 months of administration in oral mucosa cells [oral mucosa = soft tissues lining the inside of the mouth]. Since DNA damage and cellular death are important steps in events leading to carcinogenesis [development of cancer], this study represents a relevant contribution to the correct evaluation of the potential health risks associated with the consumption of anabolic steroids."
Martins RA, Gomes GA, Aguiar O, Jr., Medalha CC, Ribeiro DA. Chromosome damage and cytotoxicity in oral mucosa cells after 2 months of exposure to anabolic steroids (decadurabolin and winstrol) in weight lifting. Steroids 2010;75(12):952-5.
03-30-2011, 09:53 AM #2
I would suspect this study was somehow funded or supported by the DEA or MABS, Mothers of Athletic Boys who use Steroids (jk)...while the statistics may support this conclusion it would seem as long as Deca has been around they would have some real world data with increased cancer death if the usage of deca actually did increase cancer.
03-30-2011, 03:42 PM #3
GH use certainly doesn't help either
Edit: These questions need to be addressed
Link me to the study
Why use a dead tissue sample to analyse
What exactly causes the DNA damage to these cells?
What was the control?
Maybe the body has a faster turnover rate of cell removal when they become damaged?
How does one measure that?
What part would antioxidants play in all of this in terms of protecting cells from free radicals?Last edited by PK-V; 03-30-2011 at 03:46 PM.
03-30-2011, 04:42 PM #4
Yeah true Far From Massive. I just did a search on deca and cancer and nothing came up.
PK-V. Here's the link to the article. You will only be able to read the abstract unless you have access thorough subscription or a tertiary education facility. Science Direct - Steroids Jornal
I've uploaded the full article here.
Rapidshare Link
Have a read.
The questions you ask are valid.
I believe the sample was not dead but was harvested from the inside of each participants cheek.
If you're really keen I believe they do go into the science of what causes DNA damage.
The study population is small however its unrealistic to think you'll get hundreds of participants admitting to juicing: "Two experimental groups consisting of 15 adult males who practise weight lifting and are anabolic steroid users or 15 adult males who practise weight lifting, but are non-anabolic steroid users, were recruited. In addition, 20 sedentary males, who do not practise any physical activity regularly, were matched by age with experimental groups."
I believe the cells are alive when harvested.
Antioxidants..? Good question. There is not mention of them. But there is a lot of other evidence and references to other studies which show other systemic effects of steroid use .
03-30-2011, 07:11 PM #5
Jawcep stick around these boards im liking this these type of threads
Thanks a tone for the RS link
Gonna look into it later
03-30-2011, 07:27 PM #6
Sounds like a BS study to me.
Why would they use two random steroids together?
03-30-2011, 09:48 PM #7
We can't just assume that this is a BS study just because its results don't shine well on the world of AAS use. The point of me posting this (and others like it in the future) is to make sure that people really understand the risks before they take this up.
Random steroid use or not I am sure that some people would have used these together during a cycle. What is concerning is just how low the dosage was.
"Decadurabulin (50mg once a week intramuscularly) and Winstrol (stanozolol , 18 mg three times per week orally)".
I've read of people taking 600mg of deca a week and 50mg ED of winny. These doses are so much more than the study - consider the potential sides at these levels.
03-30-2011, 10:20 PM #8
i dunno, i just cant see this being true, ive known people who have used both these products for years (one man whom has used both regularly for over 25 years now), and has had no problems even close to these...these are 2 of the most widely used products, i just think there would be alot more ppl in the bodybuilding and aas community talking about it..
03-30-2011, 10:22 PM #9
and i failed to mention some of these guys have had blood work done regularly (one is a doctor), and had none of these abnormalities arise...
04-02-2011, 01:31 AM #10
Yeah true I do know quite a few ppl who have done these with none of the sides. However, cancers and other pathologies can take years and years to develop in some circumstances. I think it depends on a number of individual factos like genetic predisposition: if one has a family history of prostate cancer - for example - it would be fair to assume that AAS could increase their risk of developing prostate cancer greater than someone who has no history of the cancer at all.
What I've taken away from this paper is that breaks between cycles are vital. I think it's imperative that you give your body an opportuniety to return to a normal state and allow it to stay in that state for a period of time. Getting regular blood work ups would be the only way to make this observation. If the results of this study are indeed valid then the last thing you'd want to do is run cycle after cycle - imagine the consequence at the cellular level. It only takes one rogue cell that the body fails to recognise to develop into a cancer.
I am sure there are people on this forum who have been cycling for decades and haven't experienced any sides so serious. I'd just like to point out one thing. There are people that have developed lung/oral/pharyngeal/esophageal/etc cancer after less than 10 years tobacco use; other smoke all their lives and have died of "natural" causes.
I've read this paper, identified the potential risks it outlines, and I now plan to adapt future cycles in light of my understanding of it's real world application.
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