I´m now in my 4´th week into my cycle.
Gained about 10lbs (mostly in the first week)
No noticeable strength increase.
No increase in Libido, energy, etc. (Not that I care, just sounds like other guys experience some kind of euphoria)
No sides.
Stats: 42/6'4"/240lbs/12%
Cycle: 10 weeks Cyp 500mgs/week, first 30 days 20mg Dbol ED, HCG 250iu EOD, Aromasin 10mg EOD
Did BW 2 weeks into cycle, here are some of the values:
Prolactin: 156 (<700)
Estrogen-17 beta: 0.31 (<0.18)
Testosterone: 45 (8-35)
SHBG: 6 (8-60)
Free Test: 79.5 (2.3-9.9)
BW was taken at 11am, approx 19 hrs after last 10mg Dbol pill.
Estrogen is high although I use an AI.
Is this because Aromasin works differently then other AI´s?...ie making the estrogen unable to bind to the receptors, but still letting the estrogen float around?
If this is the case, a high estrogen value on the BW, actually is a little deceptive in regards to risk of estrogen sides.
And by Aromasin letting the Estrogen float around instead of killing it, I actually get the benefits of the estrogen (lipid prof), without the sides?
SHBG is very low, which ofcourse is the reason to why free test is high.
Is the reason for the low SHBG the Aromasin working?
7´th injection today. But looks like I only have about 2 injections left of my 10ml bottle.....hmm...I inject exactly 1ml per injection (I thought). Either I can´t read the syringe or I´m wasting about 1-2ml per bottle in the needles etc.
Thats why I wrote 500mgs/week, my actual plan was 420mgs/week (250mgs E4D)