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Thread: Question about muscle memory and test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Question about muscle memory and test

    OK so obviously after a cycle youre going to lose gains. The bloat is the first to go of course, then the muscle.

    My question is, even though one might lose muscle gains after a cycle wouldnt they still be able to get it back fairly quickly once their natty T is back and with muscle memory?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Not really depends on how big you get and how much over you natural potencial you are. The body doesnt like change and tries to stay in a state of homeostasis. In other words if your natural body weight without working out is 150lbs you body through genetics knows that this is you natural body weight and it will try to stay there.

    Within reason you can "cheat" the body and keep mass but only to a certain extent...the body will make it harder and harder the more that you gain. Calories are king when it comes to holding onto mass and gaining it.

    If your natural body weight is 150 and you get up to 195lbs then yes you can prob stay there with hard work and diet.

    If your natural weight is 150 and you get to 230 then no you prob will never stay that large without the aid of steroids...its just the way the body works.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    There is somthing that I feel hold true for 99% of steroids users out there. In my opinion if you have hit your natural max meaning you have gained as much as possible naturaly and then use steroids you will not be able to hold onto more then 10-15lbs of muscle you have gained while on cycle over the long haul...some people are lucky and can but most our bodies just wont allow it. You can usually keep most of what you gain on your first cycle, and some of what you gain on your second cycle but after that its a guessing game.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    There is somthing that I feel hold true for 99% of steroids users out there. In my opinion if you have hit your natural max meaning you have gained as much as possible naturaly and then use steroids you will not be able to hold onto more then 10-15lbs of muscle you have gained while on cycle over the long haul...some people are lucky and can but most our bodies just wont allow it. You can usually keep most of what you gain on your first cycle, and some of what you gain on your second cycle but after that its a guessing game.

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