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Thread: Which steroid to use?

  1. #1

    Which steroid to use?

    So as of right now, ive been lifting for about 3 years mainly based for javelin. Ive never taken steroids before but have been researching/thinking about it for the past few months and am wondering what the best steroid is for me. Im on a low budget, and am looking for strength gains mainly, with very small numbers in size gain. Im about 185 6'1 with about 8% bodyfat. I cant afford to gain much more than 15 pounds but need to gain more strength. Any ideas what steroid would be cheap but at the same time would effectively increase strength while not gaining much mass would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    hey man, welcome to the forums. i'm assuming you are competing at a collegiate level if you are taking the javelin that seriously? i would probably just recommend a typical beginner cycle, just testosterone enanthate or testosterone cypionate @ 400-500mg for 8-12 weeks. read up on the educational threads (just below the "Question and Answer" section in the subforum) look at the stickies at the top, and educate yourself. btw, no price discussion! it is against the forum rules, but i can say that testosterone is not going to break the bank

  3. #3
    Yea im competing in college. Everywhere i looked was saying testosterone, but im afraid of huge mass gains with it, any idea how much mass would be gained while taking test with an olympic based workout (snatches, clean and jerks, front/back squats, power cleans, lots of assistants)? i cant imagine gaining too much because i never exceed 4 reps but i just wasnt sure

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Javelin152 View Post
    So as of right now, ive been lifting for about 3 years mainly based for javelin. Ive never taken steroids before but have been researching/thinking about it for the past few months and am wondering what the best steroid is for me. Im on a low budget, and am looking for strength gains mainly, with very small numbers in size gain. Im about 185 6'1 with about 8% bodyfat. I cant afford to gain much more than 15 pounds but need to gain more strength. Any ideas what steroid would be cheap but at the same time would effectively increase strength while not gaining much mass would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
    you are not going to get to many replies with out all your stats listed. How old are you? I think your goals can be achieved very easily with proper diet! With only 3 years lifting i really doubt you have reached your genetic potential. very few on here would suggest doing any steroid with out Test as a base!

  5. #5
    19 y/o 185 6'1 ~8% bf 3 years lifting experience. I knew test would be vital, just didnt know which type to choose, since propionate is not suggested for first time users but enanthate and cypionate promise large mass gains

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