So im running T3/Clen Sust 250 right now 4 weeks Sust and 1 week on 1 week off Clen cycle dosing T3 as planned 6 weeks total.
15% BF
Im planning on this T3/Clen to get me down to around 210 or under.
I have a stable competition diet with a couch so my workouts and diet are solid just trying to play out this next cycle for success.
Im going to be competing in July in my first NPC contest and im trying to decide on if the best stack next to run should be.
Test Prop
Tren or Deca I do not have joint pains while running Winni. But Im slightly worried about the sides I have heard about from Tren but I can look past those.
The goal is for me to come in around 190-197 8% or under I have 14 weeks left on my prep with 2 weeks left on my current cycle.
All criticism is welcomed...