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Thread: First timer

  1. #1
    Embaus is offline New Member
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    First timer

    Hey all,
    Just looking for some advice for my first course.
    Bit of basic info...
    23 y/o
    76kgs ~170 p
    Working out approx 6 years
    3/4 way thru PT course
    Pretty much not unhappy with my body just want to put on some size. At the moment Im fairly cut and have been trying to put on some solid mass for about a year now to no avail.
    I'm using mass gainers, creatine, amino acids, muscle recovery and have a good diet, eating the right stuff over 5-6 meals a day.
    So I've decided to go down the steroid path.
    What I have available to me is trenabol and test enth. I've been told by a friend who uses steroids that I should stack them.
    I'm pretty much looking for advice on dosages and the best way to have maximum retention.anyone that could be of help would be greatly appreciated, in the mean time I'll keep doing my research

  2. #2
    Vullfromsc's Avatar
    Vullfromsc is offline Associate Member
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    alright so here is what i can tell you about this, this is a realistic view at it.. at 6'2" 170 lbs training for 6 years, you are not doing something right. it might be your training (i doubt that), or it is your diet (most likely this).. you say you are eating 5-6 meals a day, but what is your total Kcal intake / day? how many grams of protein are you consuming per day? what types of foods are you eating? steroids may not be the answer for you here, as you can still gain A LOT naturally

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    personaly for a first cycle

    30mg ED Dianabol

    500MG test a week

    Run this for 8-12 weeks and with it being the first cycle i would personaly think you would make some nice gains.
    But it is all dependant on your diet and your training bro.

    im interested to see what others think of my recomendation and to see what others will suggest.

  4. #4
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vullfromsc View Post
    alright so here is what i can tell you about this, this is a realistic view at it.. at 6'2" 170 lbs training for 6 years, you are not doing something right. it might be your training (i doubt that), or it is your diet (most likely this).. you say you are eating 5-6 meals a day, but what is your total Kcal intake / day? how many grams of protein are you consuming per day? what types of foods are you eating? steroids may not be the answer for you here, as you can still gain A LOT naturally
    I'd say vull hit the nail o the head. At 6'2 IMO u shouldn't even think about steroids till you're over 200lbs. Steroids won't help you do anything if you're not eating properly

  5. #5
    Capsule#41's Avatar
    Capsule#41 is offline New Member
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    So question here now I am 153lb 12% b.f how heavy can i get natural i was 130 a year ago and have moved up with the use of powder and NO. I am 5'6 and my goal is 170 can i get to that weight natural with out any test aid?

  6. #6
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    capsule it depends on your genetics. Everyones different, but i'm pretty sure you'll know when you can't grow anymore

  7. #7
    Bigjerdog is offline Associate Member
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    I would not incluse the Dbol in a 1st cycle. Many here on this board have advised against it. Test first is usually the safest bet and 1 compound, 1 ester. Everyone has their own ideas and while you may have done it this way for your first and it worked out great. Others may have different results. best to see how the body responds to 1 compound at a time

  8. #8
    harryperkins is offline New Member
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    hi guys im in the same boat pritty much i have been working out hard for about a year and im 18years of age... my wieght is about 80kgs and id say i have about 17% bf. due to the fact i dont do any where near enough cardio.. i stoped gaining as i was i have tried changing my diet to a higher protien and higher cals but still am struggling to put on any more mass.. its just put on more fat if anything... my upper body is looking in good shape just have a small gut want to put on some more weight and would love to reveal my abs that i have been working on for the last year and havnt had really a glimps of them... and sugesstions on cycles and what to take... i have had a few sugesstions from guys i gym with but would like to here different view thanks!!!!

  9. #9
    cro's Avatar
    cro is offline Anabolic Member
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    give it some more time natty .head over to the diet section.

  10. #10
    Embaus is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the advice everyone.
    My average daily diet is...
    2 whole eggs
    3 egg whites
    4 slices wholemeal break
    (alternatively 400g baked beans)
    Protein shake
    Mid morn
    1 chicken breast
    1/2 cup brown rice
    1 chicken breast (alternatively 200-300 g lean red meat)
    Steamed veggies
    Mid arvo
    200g tuna on rice cakes
    250 g brown pasta/rice
    Some sort of chicken pasta or beef stir fry etc
    Protiein shake

  11. #11
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Embaus View Post
    Thanks for all the advice everyone.
    My average daily diet is...
    2 whole eggs
    3 egg whites
    4 slices wholemeal break
    (alternatively 400g baked beans)
    Protein shake
    Mid morn
    1 chicken breast
    1/2 cup brown rice
    1 chicken breast (alternatively 200-300 g lean red meat)
    Steamed veggies
    Mid arvo
    200g tuna on rice cakes
    250 g brown pasta/rice
    Some sort of chicken pasta or beef stir fry etc
    Protiein shake
    As far as your diet goes, I don't even know where to put my finger. Not enough meals first and foremost. Miscalculated carb-protein ratio as well as miscalculated amount of protein per meal (your protein rates are either under or over). Tuna over rice cakes, seriously? This is a poor diet for a guy your age from many angles. You are far off from having a well calculated BB diet, which is most certainly why you have not been developing like you would like to. With a diet like this, you won't get the most out of a possible future AAS cycle either. So, go to the diet section and fix your diet and forget about messing with AAS at least until the age of 26 for your very own sake.

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