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  1. #1
    parksy is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2011

    advice for what to take with winni to lubricate joints

    Hey guys,

    Never used oral winni in a cycle before by am using it for a summer cut cycle with test c...

    I was told that I should take somethign to help lubricate the joints while on winni... is there anything you guys can recommend or found worked other than fish oil... i hate the taste and burp taste it gives me after in the pill form

  2. #2
    X83's Avatar
    X83 is offline Member
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    Deca forces connective tissue to retain greater amounts of water meaning less pain in the joints.

    Also some HGH would be king.

  3. #3
    parksy is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2011
    Not a fan of deca myself... and you're right HGH would be king... however a tad too rich for my blood

  4. #4
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Try taking your fish oil pills in the middle of a meal as I have found this helps with the nasty burps. You need to also take glucosamine and cissus (google it) works great as well. I took oral winny for 6 weeks last year and never had the "drying out" of joints that most complain about while taking these 3 supps.

  5. #5
    KABOOM66 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2011
    all good advice above!..ive also found differant brands dry me out worse than others!...and deca wouldnt help you during a cutter anyway!counter productive!

  6. #6
    MattGU7 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2011
    Try taking some fish oil capsules or even chuck some in with a regular meal, they dont taste nice but they will definately help with the winny joint ache. You can also use Glucosamine Sulphate, u can get it from any health food store, it doesnt work that quickly but will definately help in the long run.

    Also please remember that winny gives you a massive strength gain on your muscle whilst also leaving your joints with less lubrication, remember that when lifting a heavier weight than usual that your joints do not repair and build up tissue around the joints as much as muscle.

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