Hello guys. I was wondering if I could get your advice on my 3rd cycle. The kicker to this whole deal is I had surgery on a torn bicep back in October and I want to make sure I am not jumping into this too early. I went to the doctor the other day for my final visit and he stated that it is completely healed. I would still like to wait a full year before I jump back into AAS though. What are you thoughts?
Stats: 26yr old
195lb @ 14-15%BF
6’0 tall
Past cycle history
1st- sustanon 500wk for 10weeks. No proper pct ( Young and had no idea what I was doing)
2nd- Test E @500wk 12 week Nolva &Clomid for PCT
Now I am not sure what compound(s) to run for my 3rd. I am obviously hesitant on taking too much gear because of my arm but at the same time I want to take enough to make it beneficial… Here are the options I was looking into
1. Test E @500wk for 12 weeks again
2. Test E @ 750 wk for 12 weeks ( just up the dosage a bit)
3. Test Prop @75 ed for 10weeks
4. Test E @ 500 for 12weeks and Deca @ 400wk for 10weeks
All cycles would include a proper PCT for the type of cycle
Look forward to hearing your opinions. Thank you