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Thread: Cutting - Any Advice?

  1. #1

    Cutting - Any Advice?

    I'm coming to the end of my first cycle...

    I'm doing a 12 week cycle...

    4 weeks of Dbol where i worked my way up to 40mg a day and for 12 weeks i have been doing 2ml of test enanthate.

    I'm now considering using test prop and winstrol for cutting but wasnt't sure if some who was more expeirneced had any better ideas. Whart do you think guys?

  2. #2
    Mark-Bluebird, you need to do more reading and research. You need to PCT and wait for at least as long as you've been on cycle + PCT time. You're 21, you're going to hurt yourself. Don't do another cycle of any type. Finish your current cycle and do a good PCT. I'll let the vets give you more advice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02;55***91
    Mark-Bluebird, you need to do more reading and research. You need to PCT and wait for at least as long as you've been on cycle + PCT time. You're 21, you're going to hurt yourself. Don't do another cycle of any type. Finish your current cycle and do a good PCT. I'll let the vets give you more advice.
    this is spot on advice. You need to run a proper pct and re evaluate your goals.

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