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a little back story...
i'm 22 years old, 2 years ago i injured my shoulder, not sure how but just started feeling pain and a lot of clicking, went to the doctor, got referred to an ortho, did mri/arthogram and x ray, showed nothing, did an arthroscopy, my shoulder joint was fine but there was a grade 2 cartilage tear discovered on the edge or surface of the glenoid joint (not the labrum) the surgeon says there was nothing he could do about it and its one of those things i have to naturally let it heal, 2 years of the injury and 5 months since the surgery and not feeling much better, the physical therapy gave me my range of motion back but the pain and irritation remains, i am currently looking to get a second opinion but have to wait on the waiting list for some time.
anyhow i've been researching on a few different types of steroids and GH's but i'm not too sure what to do or where to start, IGF1 looks like the best option for me but i have no idea where to get that, HGH looks like the next best thing but it is very expensive and i am a little worried about taking artificial growth hormones at such a young age, also did some research on anavar and deca and apparently they help promote collagen.
please guys im lost, depressed and have nowhere to go!
i've been lurking this forum for some time and know if anyone can help its you guys, so i look forward to reading the replies.