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Thread: Woman Taking Tren Enanthate??

  1. #1
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    Woman Taking Tren Enanthate??

    Hi there;

    I'm thinking of putting my fianc'e on a little cycle. She has been on Clen & Anavar before an wants something for more gains.

    So I'm thinking of puting her on Tren Enanthate 100mg per week; 10mg Stanazol Tab per training day (5 days a week) and 1iu of HGH 5 days a week.

    I see everywhere that females shouldn't use Tren Enanthate, but I can't find any site that can give me a reason why a female souldn't.

    Can anyone help me out here?

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Dude if you cannot work out why it is advised women should not use test then you should really look a little harder

    100mg per week is a large dose for a woman aswell... Think the average male only produces around 70mg/week

    Do you want your wife to stay as a woman?

    I would just stick with the var

    Maybe experiment with increasing the HGH dose

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by baseline_9 View Post
    Dude if you cannot work out why it is advised women should not use test then you should really look a little harder

    100mg per week is a large dose for a woman aswell... Think the average male only produces around 70mg/week

    Do you want your wife to stay as a woman?

    I would just stick with the var

    Maybe experiment with increasing the HGH dose
    He is talking about Tren man, not Test.

    Tren is far to advanced for what your Girl is after man, Var, EQ...from what I've seen...but never really looking.

    Head over to RX, it has a bunch of girls that look like men.

  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    He is talking about Tren man, not Test.

    Tren is far to advanced for what your Girl is after man, Var, EQ...from what I've seen...but never really looking.

    Head over to RX, it has a bunch of girls that look like men.

    I missed that one... Must have been reading too fast

    Even more so a big no no...

  5. #5
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    I read it the same way...I think the mind was just not able to fathom someone wanting to pin their other half with 100mg of Tren.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeastGP View Post
    Hi there;

    I'm thinking of putting my fianc'e on a little cycle. She has been on Clen & Anavar before an wants something for more gains.

    So I'm thinking of puting her on Tren Enanthate 100mg per week; 10mg Stanazol Tab per training day (5 days a week) and 1iu of HGH 5 days a week.

    I see everywhere that females shouldn't use Tren Enanthate, but I can't find any site that can give me a reason why a female souldn't.

    Can anyone help me out here?
    As mentioned above, 100mg of tren per week is probably not going to be of the greater benefit for your girl. I say that with prejudice however, if she is pursuing a competitive level maybe you both feel differently. Regardless, you'll want to talk to some experienced women before you start pinning her.

  7. #7
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    i would not pin my women with tren since it is one of the most androgenic aas available per dose but that is just me. I look women to look feminine and act feminine i would stick to var, primo, and win the norm

  8. #8
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    Why would you experment on your girlfriend? You know when I was a lil kid.My parents said dont do that.I didnt need a reason.The warning was good enough.Why when you new guys come here and read the warning its not good enough.Now its bad enough when a young kid dont listen.And he has to suffer the consequences.But when someone else is calling the shots for a person.You would think they would be a lil more careful.But I can see you are the type who pushs things to the limit.I just pray to God she dont take this compound.Beacuse you have no clue what you are doing.And you sure as heck aint helping her.

  9. #9
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    If you want her to grow a penis . But seriously....Not a good idea.

  10. #10
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    tren is a no go bro.. Unless she is looking to compete at a very high level and is willing to pay whatever price it takes!! For casual use? That would just be irrisponsible to let her do that to herself. Tell her she will get fukin smashed with sides and prolly end up looking like a dude! I dated a chick who used some heavier compounds than what females normaly use and there clit Does grow and hormon fluxes all over just NO man haha

  11. #11
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    You might find this link helpful, Get her to the women section though. Does not sound like you know what you are doing.

    The Woman Section

    Women and Steroids

    Steroids and Woman’s Health

    Woman and HGH

    Test and Female Body Composition

  12. #12
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    Why would you want to put your old lady on steroids? Unless she's trying to compete on stage or play sports on a top level, she really shouldn't. And by the way, have you ever heard of virilization?

  13. #13
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    I was on 6mgs of compounded test cream ED and my friends told me I had become AGGRESSIVE plus I got HORRIBLE ACNE and I thought I was going to get skinnier with all of the Lean Mass talk but I actually ended up looking 10x's bigger instead. Plus I was on hgh too for 6 months which added to this amazonian woman outcome. Perfect result for a BB but not ideal for most females. But if she wants to gain, then this combo sure will do it.

    Another female member here injects 8mgs a week and she has concluded that anything more than that and she is aggressive with side effects no woman wants.

    If you are interested in her ramping up her sex life? Sex for women starts between the ears.

    And if she wants to compete? then she needs to really read a lot and get advice from the gals who compete.
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 04-04-2011 at 09:22 PM.

  14. #14
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    here is a good read from a female member is a good one!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by chi View Post
    i would not pin my women with tren since it is one of the most androgenic aas available per dose but that is just me. I look women to look feminine and act feminine i would stick to var, primo, and win the norm

    Trenbolone is the most androgenic compound there is. This means it has a very high potential to masculinize your other words, make her more like a man. This can cause so many problems other then physically repulsing, like health issues. Dont give her tren, very stupid mistake. As a matter of fact, dont give her anthing. Your question suggests that you have not one clue what you are doing and should do MUCH more research before you really f*ck up your girl man.

  16. #16
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    Thanx to everyone who actually did give good advice.

    But I got a cycle from a top figure champ, a cycle that worked very well for her (and she still looks like a woman LOL!)

    For people who want to know...... Tren Accetate 50mg every 3'rd day; 10mg Stanazol tabs per training day (5 days a week); 1iu GH per day (7 days a week).
    Last edited by BeastGP; 04-05-2011 at 07:22 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Why would you experment on your girlfriend? You know when I was a lil kid.My parents said dont do that.I didnt need a reason.The warning was good enough.Why when you new guys come here and read the warning its not good enough.Now its bad enough when a young kid dont listen.And he has to suffer the consequences.But when someone else is calling the shots for a person.You would think they would be a lil more careful.But I can see you are the type who pushs things to the limit.I just pray to God she dont take this compound.Beacuse you have no clue what you are doing.And you sure as heck aint helping her.
    @songdog - I'm not forcing her to do anything, and I can't see where you get this idea from. She asked me to find out and while waiting for a response from a top female figure competitor, I thought could get some opinions on here. But you didn't give any advice on this subject and this is the ANABOLIC STEROIDS - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS section.... you should rather go post in the fat guy section LMFAO!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post

    Trenbolone is the most androgenic compound there is. This means it has a very high potential to masculinize your other words, make her more like a man. This can cause so many problems other then physically repulsing, like health issues. Dont give her tren, very stupid mistake. As a matter of fact, dont give her anthing. Your question suggests that you have not one clue what you are doing and should do MUCH more research before you really f*ck up your girl man.
    @yungone501 - Obviously I don't have a clue on cycles for woman..... If I did, I wouldn't ask the question.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeastGP View Post
    Thanx to everyone who actually did give good advice.

    But I got a cycle from a top figure champ, a cycle that worked very well for her (and she still looks like a woman LOL!)

    For people who want to know...... Tren Accetate 50mg every 3'rd day; 10mg Stanazol tabs per training day (5 days a week); 1iu GH per day (7 days a week).
    Wait until you get more input before doing this to your girlfriend.....please~

  20. #20
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    I personally know a woman who uses test prop, tren ace, anavar, winny, and hgh......

    she is now 100% comitted to this lifestyle - it's taken her hostage. She uses really low dosages of test and tren..... and now she needs someone to shave her back for her twice a week. She shaves her face 3x a week..... her voice has deepend..... and shes horny 24/7 from an enlarged clit.

    This sin't something to fvck around with...... this "girlfriend" isn't your life partner yet. If she messes herself up with your help and you leave her..... she'll be left with these problems for life. I'd encourage her NOT to use anabolics..... atleast nothing more than a low dose of anavar and hgh.


  21. #21
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    Sex drive 24/7....really? Hmm, i could probably live with the back and facial hair.

    Honey! Where are you?........

  22. #22
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    Have her do her own research.This way she gets it right.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeastGP View Post
    @songdog - I'm not forcing her to do anything, and I can't see where you get this idea from. She asked me to find out and while waiting for a response from a top female figure competitor, I thought could get some opinions on here. But you didn't give any advice on this subject and this is the ANABOLIC STEROIDS - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS section.... you should rather go post in the fat guy section LMFAO!
    that type of remark isnt tolerated on these forums.
    on the question,if you want a she-man then go ahead

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeastGP View Post
    @songdog - I'm not forcing her to do anything, and I can't see where you get this idea from. She asked me to find out and while waiting for a response from a top female figure competitor, I thought could get some opinions on here. But you didn't give any advice on this subject and this is the ANABOLIC STEROIDS - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS section.... you should rather go post in the fat guy section LMFAO!
    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    that type of remark isnt tolerated on these forums.
    on the question,if you want a she-man then go ahead
    Your right dec, its not.

    Tren is probably the worst choice for women if she wants to stay away from virilization, any androgenic compound is.

    An extremely low dose of testosterone, Var, GH, primo would be my only suggestions, if any.

    But if shes looking to compete and doesnt mind about virilization (even though its marked down in womens BB'ing), other more androgenic and anabolic compounds can be used at higher doses, but thats a slippery slope with no return.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeastGP View Post
    Thanx to everyone who actually did give good advice.

    But I got a cycle from a top figure champ, a cycle that worked very well for her (and she still looks like a woman LOL!)

    For people who want to know...... Tren Accetate 50mg every 3'rd day; 10mg Stanazol tabs per training day (5 days a week); 1iu GH per day (7 days a week).
    No chance.

    Winstrol at 10mg/ED, EOD or training day is ok, with low dose Primo, but 50mg Tren 2x week is a dose a male could you use if they were a very well responder. I have friends that get extreme sides from Tren at that dose, or around, and cannot use it.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I personally know a woman who uses test prop, tren ace, anavar, winny, and hgh......

    she is now 100% comitted to this lifestyle - it's taken her hostage. She uses really low dosages of test and tren..... and now she needs someone to shave her back for her twice a week. She shaves her face 3x a week..... her voice has deepend..... and shes horny 24/7 from an enlarged clit.

    This sin't something to fvck around with...... this "girlfriend" isn't your life partner yet. If she messes herself up with your help and you leave her..... she'll be left with these problems for life. I'd encourage her NOT to use anabolics..... atleast nothing more than a low dose of anavar and hgh.


    Listen to this post. This is exactly what will happen to her. Steroids mess with females bad enough when they use tiny doses of mild compounds when they start messing around with this stuff she will be change by this.

    Sad part is she is prob just doing all this to make you happy thinking its what your into and whe she turns into a tranny looking chick you will leave her and she will be stuck with these problems. Thats evil shit bro, think it through

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I personally know a woman who uses test prop, tren ace, anavar, winny, and hgh......

    she is now 100% comitted to this lifestyle - it's taken her hostage. She uses really low dosages of test and tren..... and now she needs someone to shave her back for her twice a week. She shaves her face 3x a week..... her voice has deepend..... and shes horny 24/7 from an enlarged clit.

    This sin't something to fvck around with...... this "girlfriend" isn't your life partner yet. If she messes herself up with your help and you leave her..... she'll be left with these problems for life. I'd encourage her NOT to use anabolics..... atleast nothing more than a low dose of anavar and hgh.


    I agree with this viewpoint 100%. I don't know who the figure competitor is who recommended this but this is a very unusual drug for a figure competitor, usually its more for the heavywieght body builders. I would also wonder how long she has been on the cycle herself, that is to say that like most things the sides are progressive over time and as Haz said it kinda takes you hostage so you she will be likely to defend it (just like any crackhead or junkie) although privately she may regret the hell out of it. If not now in the near future with more time and cycles, one last thing is that from the little I know females response to AAS as far as sides varies greatly depending on genetics etc. so maybe she is one of the lucky ones.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Why would you experment on your girlfriend? You know when I was a lil kid.My parents said dont do that.I didnt need a reason.The warning was good enough.Why when you new guys come here and read the warning its not good enough.Now its bad enough when a young kid dont listen.And he has to suffer the consequences.But when someone else is calling the shots for a person.You would think they would be a lil more careful.But I can see you are the type who pushs things to the limit.I just pray to God she dont take this compound.Beacuse you have no clue what you are doing.And you sure as heck aint helping her.
    while i agree that she should not be on tren. i completely disagree with the bold. you sound like a teacher. you have warned him and if he wants to do it anyway. who gives a ****? i sure as hell dont

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by junkiescumbag View Post
    while i agree that she should not be on tren. i completely disagree with the bold. you sound like a teacher. you have warned him and if he wants to do it anyway. who gives a ****? i sure as hell dont
    Because repetition is how people learn sometimes? or trying a different angle?


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