i do respect your opinion...... But i've tried to seach for any study showing eq helps the joints/tendons and i came up empty handed.
All i found was an unpublished article claiming that eq can increase collagen synthesis but not crosslinking connectivity....... Similar to winstrol. What this means is that while the tendon grows and gets larger..... It becomes brittle or frail. If you have anything showing that it helps the joints - i'd like to read it.
I just don't get why somebody would want to use a high dosage of a compound for a long period of time when anavar does the same thing (according to broscience) albeit adds more mass and is not immunosuppressive. I can understand not wanting to take a 19-nor..... And i suppose maybe the cost of anavar would be the main reason not to use it. Then again..... If you are just looking for tendon/joint health then anavar wouldn't need to be run at higher dosages.