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Thread: Deca or EQ for next cycle?

  1. #1
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    Deca or EQ for next cycle?

    Planning my next cycle this june or july.

    I was planning on

    Test E 500mg 1-12
    Deca 300mg 1-10
    Tbol 1 -5 50mg.
    HCG 2x a week @ 250iu during.
    AI - aromasin 12.5 EOD.
    Dostinex .5 E3d

    I decided as of now to leave the Tbol out. I want to give my liver a break. I ran var last cycle and think it may be best.

    Now after reading so much about the water weight you get from deca, deca dick, longer recovery etc im not sure.

    My goal for this cycle is mass, im a little guy on a small frame and want to get as much mass as possible before a cut next spring.

    After this I was then thinking of a longer cycle that included EQ.

    So perhaps 500mg of each and go out to 14 weeks.

    I research so much and see people that love EQ and then those like marcus that think its worthless.

    which do you guys prefer for my cycle.


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    I don't know of any information about yourself; please put up some information about yourself.

  3. #3
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    35 years old this June.
    Around 180
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    Bf like 13-14%

  4. #4
    if you decided to use deca at 300mg/wk you might be able to get by without your caber just make sure to keep an eye on your prolactin because caber works very well and it will lower your prolactin significantly specially if you're planning to take 1mg a wk. So keep on hand just in case.

  5. #5
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    I'm one of the guys who love EQ...Not necessarily because it's an amazing mass builder, but for other factors. It's a mild injectable compound, good on the joints, raises RBC, hardens you up, and the massive increase in appetite helps me get all the cal's I need to fit in so i do see great size gains off of it because of this + the test...Test/EQ is one of my favorite stacks. I HATE deca (I'm very prone to the deca dick)...Tried it once and will never touch it again

  6. #6
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    Yeah I've actually seen a few of your posts battling Marcus about eq lol.

    Couple guys at my gym say they love eq as well so I'm stuck.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Yeah I've actually seen a few of your posts battling Marcus about eq lol.

    Couple guys at my gym say they love eq as well so I'm stuck.
    The main issue with EQ is that it's a hit or miss compound...I have plenty of buddies that have taken it and have seen literally nothing from it except maybe slightly more vascular. Then you have guys like me on the other hand who respond very well to it where I get hard as a rock, veins start to pop out everywhere, I eat like a horse, my joints feel great, and I even see some good strength gains off of it; much more so than I saw with deca. It's a gamble, which is why a lot of people I know stay away from it.

  8. #8
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Id go with deca. Id bump it up to 400mgs / week. I personally would up cycle length to 14 weeks stopping deca 1-2 weeks earlier than test - but that is a very personal decision /determination.
    Dostinex - eh fine whatever - i ran 19 nor sycles for years with no problems. If you manage estrogen you WILL effectively control any sides.
    I LIKE Eq - but as an ancillary compound. Why not give deca a go - its a great steroid with many benfits and most (liek even those that like eq) respond much better to it than to EQ.
    Nice test based / 19 nor stack .
    Follow up with solid pct , hcg upo to pct ...sounds pretty good to me....

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    ld go with deca and forget about EQ imho, many people think they are truly getting results from eq but in reality they are not and its coming from the other compounds in the cycle rather than eq. There are thousands of threads and posts all over the net what ask "is eq any good" the reason being is because many people give their experience regarding eq and its not good, kind of hit or miss but more miss in my opinion because they are blinded by the gains from the other compound in the cycle. So I ask why would you want to run a compound what isn't well known to build tissue and many people don't experience any results what so ever!! pick a compound what will aid tissue building and just increase your RBC's to a dangerous level

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    My goal for this cycle is mass, im a little guy on a small frame and want to get as much mass as possible before a cut next spring.
    ^If your goal is mass, then go with Deca. Hands down it will put more mass on you than EQ.

  11. #11
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    Thanks guys, my next post was going to read how I know Marcus will say choose a compound that builds tissue!

    Well you beat me to it.

    I already have the deca so this will save me money not having to buy a ton of eq.

    I was thinking of going 400mg of deca as well. I'll get the caber but just take as needed.

  12. #12
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    Regarding EQ and joints..... I have seen one study where it shows it may help the cross linking connectivity in the tendons...... but shows nothing for it being beneficial for the joints. If there is a study out there showing it helps improve joint health..... i'd like to see it.


  13. #13
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    Well one reason I was looking forward to running deca was for joint comfort. My arms kill me some workouts and I got a bad left shoulder.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Regarding EQ and joints..... I have seen one study where it shows it may help the cross linking connectivity in the tendons...... but shows nothing for it being beneficial for the joints. If there is a study out there showing it helps improve joint health..... i'd like to see it.

    By aiding the connectivity in the tendons it helps protect the joints and ligaments when your strength is increasing on cycle (ie when growth and strength go up too fast and joints become the weak link)

  15. #15
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    deca, just make sure you space out at least 5-6 weeks from last shot to beginning of serms(due to the long half life of decanote and the highly suppresive nature of nandrolone)
    and start hcg from week 1 with deca, it will shut you down 100% from the first shot

  16. #16
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    5-6 weeks after last shot?

    I was thinking test 1-14

    Deca 1-12

    That would give me 4 weeks.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy20 View Post
    By aiding the connectivity in the tendons it helps protect the joints and ligaments when your strength is increasing on cycle (ie when growth and strength go up too fast and joints become the weak link)
    I'm sorry I was mistaken with what I said..... EQ DOES NOT aid in crosslinking connectivity..... it aides in collagen syntesis.

    Here's a post of mine from another EQ thread...... this info was taken from the study I found. If I can find it again I'll surely link you to it.....

    i do respect your opinion...... But i've tried to seach for any study showing eq helps the joints/tendons and i came up empty handed. All i found was an unpublished article claiming that eq can increase collagen synthesis but not crosslinking connectivity....... Similar to winstrol. What this means is that while the tendon grows and gets larger..... It becomes brittle or frail. If you have anything showing that it helps the joints - i'd like to read it.

    I just don't get why somebody would want to use a high dosage of a compound for a long period of time when anavar does the same thing (according to broscience) albeit adds more mass and is not immunosuppressive. I can understand not wanting to take a 19-nor..... And i suppose maybe the cost of anavar would be the main reason not to use it. Then again..... If you are just looking for tendon/joint health then anavar wouldn't need to be run at higher dosages.


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I'm sorry I was mistaken with what I said..... EQ DOES NOT aid in crosslinking connectivity..... it aides in collagen syntesis.

    Here's a post of mine from another EQ thread...... this info was taken from the study I found. If I can find it again I'll surely link you to it.....

    Hmmm I'll see if I can find that article I read awhile back and post it here. As of right now I can only go off personal experience of how it kept my joints feeling good even though the weight I was putting up was rapidly increasing, but until I find that article, you sir are currently winning the debate haha

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy20 View Post
    Hmmm I'll see if I can find that article I read awhile back and post it here. As of right now I can only go off personal experience of how it kept my joints feeling good even though the weight I was putting up was rapidly increasing, but until I find that article, you sir are currently winning the debate haha
    LMAO I don't care about winning anything..... I searched for hours and hours on this subject and came up empty handed. It seems like the only benefits people claim from EQ are Increased hunger, vascularity, and joint health/lubrication. EQ can raise hunger..... because of the increase in red blood cells. Same for vascularity..... so those benefits hold a little weight. The joint thing tho..... not so much.


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    LMAO I don't care about winning anything..... I searched for hours and hours on this subject and came up empty handed. It seems like the only benefits people claim from EQ are Increased hunger, vascularity, and joint health/lubrication. EQ can raise hunger..... because of the increase in red blood cells. Same for vascularity..... so those benefits hold a little weight. The joint thing tho..... not so much.

    If that's the case, how come compounds like tren or anavar which also increase RBC to a degree actually decrease my appetite? Tren actually makes food look disgusting to me.

  21. #21
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Does Eq increase collagen synthesis ? I mean like its proven? If so thats one of the benfits hgh provides and can be attributed to its increased healing capabilities.
    At any rate ....ive used a lot of EQ...I feel good when i take it ...but my joints feel great when i take deca. In fact 150mgs/week of deca is almost a staple in every cycle for me going forward. Maybe its becuase im getting older i dunno....
    Some people made great points that i agree with ...eq offers ancillary situatuional benfits. Deca offers direct benfits. One or the other - even liking EQ as i do.. its no contest - deca wins.
    Does it matter HOW eq raises appetite? It is believed that due to increased O2 capacity (because of increased rbc) directly results in an appetite increase. Just as decreased O2 , like at high altitude, results in decreased appetite.
    Many factors dicate which drugs cause which effects. I mean test slightly raises rbc and also raises appetiote in most as well. However some drugs ...due to toxicity or what ever , like say anadrol , which DEF raises RBc (note Brazilian name for drug -HEMOGENIN) , kills my apetite for sure. Could be alot of things but the point is just because increased rbc results in increased apetite umder most circumstances or using some compounds - doesnt mean other effects a compound exerts may not eliminate this side effect.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    5-6 weeks after last shot?

    I was thinking test 1-14

    Deca 1-12

    That would give me 4 weeks.
    theres a study that shows 100mgs completely shutting you down
    run the #s yourself on this calc

    4 weeks after your last shot will still yield 129mgs of nandrolone in your system

  23. #23
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    Thanks for all the posts.

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