Quote Originally Posted by blastedlooger View Post
No, he is trying to do slingshot training but he didn't read it correctly obviously. That's too long on cycle if you're doing slingshot. Should be 6wks then 1-2 week deload and you don't have to do pct you just have to lower the amount of anabolics in your system. so do 300mg prop instead of 700mg.

Read up on it more, I only know the basics of it and haven't read it in a while but you're doing it wrong.
I believe that was Ronnie's old method. I believe he had adjusted it ( due to feed back) some time ago.
As for Machine. I think you should give it a run. Not for sure why guys fuss so much over prop. Is it that much better than E? I know there is a bit more Test to ester ratio with prop than E, but E is so much easier to use. Less pins, less pains, less problems. Ronnie seems to recommend it a lot over prop as well.
Good Luck Guy