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Thread: Hcg

  1. #1
    warren916's Avatar
    warren916 is offline Associate Member
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    Do you think HCG is necc on this small of a cycle? Or will it not hurt, if on hand to use.

    Dianabol 30mg/ed 1-4
    Test E 600mg/week 1-12

    Or should he just use a few 250iu shots in the last 3-4 weeks of his cycle??

  2. #2
    5x10's Avatar
    5x10 is offline Associate Member
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    Firstly, we must understand the clinical history of HCG to understand its purpose and its most efficient application. Many popular “steroid profiles” advocate using HCG at a dose of 2500-5000iu once or twice a week. These were the kind of dosages used in the historical (1960’s) HCG studies for hypogonadal men who had reduced testicular sensitivity due to prolonged LH deficiency. (21,22) A prolonged LH deficiency causes the testes to desensitize, requiring a higher HCG dose for ample stimulation. In men with normal LH levels and normal testicular sensitivity, the maximum increase of testosterone is seen from a dose of only 250iu, with minimal increases obtained from 500iu or even 5000iu. (2,11) (It appears the testes maximum secretion of testosterone is about 140% above their normal capacity.) (12-18) If you have allowed your testes to desensitize over the length of a typical steroid cycle, (8-16 weeks) then you would require a higher dose to elicit a response in an attempt to restore normal testicular size and function – but there is cost to this, and a high probability that you won’t regain full testicular function.

    One term that is critical to understand is testosterone secretion capacity which is synonymous to testicular sensitivity. This is the amount of testosterone your testes can produce from any given LH or HCG stimulation. Therefore, if you have reduced testosterone secretion capacity (reduced testicular sensitivity), it will take more LH or HCG stimulation to produce the same result as if you had normal testosterone secretion capacity. If you reduce your testosterone secretion capacity too much, then no amount of LH or HCG stimulation will trigger normal testosterone production – and this leads to permanently reduced testosterone production.

    To get an idea of how quickly you can reduce your testosterone secretion capacity from your average steroid cycle, consider this: LH levels are rapidly decreased by the 2nd day of steroid administration. (2,9,10) By shutting down the LH signal and allowing the testis to be non-functional over a 12-16 week period, leydig cell volume decreases 90%, ITT decreases 94%, INSL3 decreases 95%, while the capacity to secrete testosterone decreases as much as 98%. (2-6) Note: visually analyzing testes size is a poor method of judging your actual testicular function, since testicular size is not directly related to the ability to secrete testosterone . (4) This is because the leydig cells, which are the primary sites of testosterone secretion, only make up about 10% of the total testicular volume. Therefore, when the testes may only appear 5-10% smaller, the testes ability to secrete testosterone upon LH or HCG stimulation can actually be significantly reduced to 98% of their normal production. (3-5) The point here is to not judge testosterone secretion capacity by testicular size.
    References -

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  3. #3
    vishus's Avatar
    vishus is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    ^^^ nice post

    wouldnt hurt to use 250iu twice a week

  4. #4
    dsldsl1980 is offline Associate Member
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    Do most people generally pin it IM with their juice?

  5. #5
    azizi123 is offline Banned
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    No, use a slin pin.

  6. #6
    blastedlooger is offline Junior Member
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    12 weeks is a long time for full shut down. I will use it on every cycle I ever do, even an 8 week cycle if I ever do one that short.

    No most people don't do it IM with their gear. You're supposed to keep it cold so it doesn't go bad (put it in the fridge). Shoot it with an insulin pin into your stomach fat. On the cycle I'm doing now I noticed testicular atrophy (test e 500/wk) in the 3rd week and started the hcg that same week and it made a noticeable difference.

    Also I'm only running 500 iu a week. Works great.

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