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Thread: Cutting cycle: Test Prop., Tren Ace., Winny

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Southern Cali

    Question Cutting cycle: Test Prop., Tren Ace., Winny

    Hey guys Im new to this site and just wanted some advice/tips on my cyclce. This is my second cycle and I have done research on this cycle for about 6mo. but wanted some feed back from experienced guys. Im almost 5 weeks in to Test Prop. Tren Ace. at 100mg of each every other day and have no ill affects. My plan is to run 100mg of each for 12 weeks and run 50mg pills of Winny everyday for the last 8weeks. I already have my PCT on hand and was planning to start 2 days after my last stick of 40mg of Nolvadex for 2 weeks then dropping to 20mg for 2 more weeks and doing 500 iu's of HCG every other day for 3 weeks. Any possotive feed back would be appreciated, thanks guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    What are your stats?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Southern Cali
    Im 5' 11' , 225pnds., about 18-19% body fat. I been eating pretty clean, 3 meals and 2 snacks in between about every 3 hrs. and intaking about 190-220 grams of protein a day. been going to the gym every other day on inject days. Also been taking vitamin B-6, B-12, BCAA's w/ glutamine. and just started taking 1 more rep pre workout powder.
    Last edited by juicer805; 04-07-2011 at 08:28 PM. Reason: add to it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    way too long to be taking oral winny, Your bf is way too high to notice any results anyways. Post this "clean" diet please.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Southern Cali
    How long do you think 5-6 weeks? That BF is from my scale at home so I dont know how accurate it is. I'll start out with a egg whit veggie omlete with a small whole wheat waffle w/ blue agave syrup, then a 220 cal. 60 gram protein shake with half a bannana tbl spoon of peanut butter some oats, then a tuna sandwhich w/ lite mayo on whole wheat bread or turkey/chicken sandwhich, then another protein shake, then skinless chicken or fish with veggies no butter and mashed potatoes, after my workout I will take a 200 cal. 50 gram protein shot after my workout. These are all about 3 hours apart.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Van Nuys, CA.
    I'm assuming at 18 to 19% BF that you haven't been on this diet long. You are not going to see the results from the winny at that BF%. Also, that's a long cycle for prop and ace. I'd only run the prop for 10 weeks and the ace till week nine. Cut the winny all together and save it for when you have dropped your BF% to around 12%. The HCG should be started and finished before you PCT. If you're going to run your cycle that long then start the HCG week 9... if you take my advice on cycle length than start the HCG at week 7

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Southern Cali
    Like I said that BF is according to my home scale so I dont know if its accurate, I think I look leaner then that.... Im gonna get a actually BF check. I've been on this eating routine for about 2 months. What do you think about the HCG 500 iu's every other day for 3 weeks and when I do run winny what do you think about the length? I have a 8 week supply of winny at 50mg.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Would be alot easier if you could post a pic. Then we can determine your bf%

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    the scales to measure BF% lie. dont go off them

    you said no ill effect? i take it you mean side effects?

    how are the results? so far.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Southern Cali
    Yeah no bad side affects. So far results have been good I can see more definition in my muscles and looking leaner, my strength and endurance have increased and its only been about 5 weeks. I was just looking to see what everyone thought as far as leaving my cycle and pct the same or maybe if I should tweak something.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Southern Cali
    I decided to cut the winny back to 5 weeks instead of 8. And how does 500 iu's of hcg sound every other day for 3 weeks?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    R.I.P My friends
    you dont need that much HCG. twice a week @ 500 in plenty

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Southern Cali
    Cool thanks, 3 weeks is a good length though?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    have you noticed anything like "tren cough"? ive heard horror stories of tren side effects, just wanted to know your experiences... sounds like a pretty good cyle bro

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Southern Cali
    No tren cough, tren dick or any other sde effects they say.... The only thing I noticed is about 4 weeks in when I tried to run my usual mile my legs got tight and started burning like that fatigued feeling, havnt ran at all since.( I dont know if it was from the tren or if my legs were just tired from doing the jump rope earlier in the week or what)

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Southern Cali
    I had great results..... My max went from 275 to 335 also leg pressing over 1,000 pounds and looking bigger and very lean. Im going to run this cycle again after a bulking cycle of TEST E, DECA and D-BOL, but bumping the TEST PROP. to 125mg.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Van Nuys, CA.
    Quote Originally Posted by juicer805 View Post
    bumping the TEST PROP. to 125mg.
    How often are you going to be pinning that prop?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I Just finished a 12 week of this cycle at 100mg tren=A, Prop, and 50 mg/ ED Winny for the last 4 weeks/ I liked the cycle, some sides, such as not sleeping, Tren cough wk 5-10, night sweats, acne, and aggression were the list. I saw a jump from 192 @ 10% to 215 @ 7% bvut i didnt see anything with the winny orals. this is the 2nd time i run them because everyone says they work miracles, but i didnt see much, so i might switch for var in the next cycle. Now PCTand On the 1st Oct start a Cyp/Deca/ Dbol (kickstart) cycle for some "REAL" mass =D

    but in short.... my favorite cycle thus far, except for pinning everyday

  20. #20
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    Aug 2011
    I did 500mg Test Prop ED for 12 weeks and 75mg Trenbolone Acetate ed for 10 weeks with Letro for safety sake and had great results with PCT. Had some side effects, couldn't sleep, felt crappie, night sweats, aggression but it ws all worth it for the results. You should save the Stanazolol if your BF is 18 or 19%. The Tren will lean you out and improve your feed efficiency so with a clean diet you will gain more muscle than on another compond.As far as the fatigue from running Tren does nothing for endurance sports like running or soccer etc. Maybe just from jump rope. But don't expect improved enderance on Tren.

  21. #21
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    Jul 2011
    I second the notion of less endurance, especially since its a bronchiodilator (hence tren cough), And Neo, was the 500mg ED prop a typo

  22. #22
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  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Southern Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by The Polish Prince View Post
    How often are you going to be pinning that prop?
    Every other day.... Last cycle I did 100mg E.O.D

  24. #24
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    Southern Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Devil_Doc View Post
    I Just finished a 12 week of this cycle at 100mg tren=A, Prop, and 50 mg/ ED Winny for the last 4 weeks/ I liked the cycle, some sides, such as not sleeping, Tren cough wk 5-10, night sweats, acne, and aggression were the list. I saw a jump from 192 @ 10% to 215 @ 7% bvut i didnt see anything with the winny orals. this is the 2nd time i run them because everyone says they work miracles, but i didnt see much, so i might switch for var in the next cycle. Now PCTand On the 1st Oct start a Cyp/Deca/ Dbol (kickstart) cycle for some "REAL" mass =D

    but in short.... my favorite cycle thus far, except for pinning everyday
    Yea I liked this combo, had great results and gained about 12 pounds of muscle. Anavar is real similar to winny but way more expensive. Im going to start a 18 week bulk with TEST E @ 500mg a week DECA 450mg a week for 16 weeks pinning on mondays and thursdays also 50mg of D-BOL for the first 5 or 6 weeks.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    26 y.o.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devil_Doc View Post
    I second the notion of less endurance, especially since its a bronchiodilator (hence tren cough), And Neo, was the 500mg ED prop a typo
    Yeah man 500mg TEST PROP is pretty high most people run PROP like 50-200mg a day!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    yes Devil Doc it was a typo it was Test E 250mg twice a week and 75mg of Tren A ED got great results. I did do a Test Prop 100mg ED with 75mg Tren A ED mixed in the same syringe since it's an ED injection. Had great results with Prop because don't need a kick start till the Test E kicks in after 2 weeks. I usually kick start with A50's they are amazing or kick start with Prop then stop after the Test E kicks in. It depends what I have on hand tried Dbol but sold on A Bombs.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Good part about Abombs is that they work off ARs whereas Dbol is a bit more dependent on protein intake (and protein synthesis)

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