Good friend of mine the other day recommended all three of these to get the results I want @ 1cc a piece, all in one shot, once a week until all gone. He recommended I get 2 10cc bottles each. Another friend of mine said NO! I'm confused now...I'm trying to lean out and get some size as well...about 3 yrs ago i ripped out a bit by 6days a week cardio, gal of water a day, and 3-4 days a week strength train. I plan on using P90x as my catalyst to achieve my goal, seeing as how I really don't have time to use the gym. I know a lot of folks on here are gonna be like "what the heck, no huge weights?!" However my main goal is ripping out, some more size, but good rips. I am 33 this month, 5'8" and 175. I can pinch more than an inch on my waist. PLEASE HELP!