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Thread: tren e/deca/sos250? 1st cycle ever...

  1. #1

    tren e/deca/sos250? 1st cycle ever...

    Good friend of mine the other day recommended all three of these to get the results I want @ 1cc a piece, all in one shot, once a week until all gone. He recommended I get 2 10cc bottles each. Another friend of mine said NO! I'm confused now ...I'm trying to lean out and get some size as well...about 3 yrs ago i ripped out a bit by 6days a week cardio, gal of water a day, and 3-4 days a week strength train. I plan on using P90x as my catalyst to achieve my goal, seeing as how I really don't have time to use the gym. I know a lot of folks on here are gonna be like "what the heck, no huge weights?!" However my main goal is ripping out, some more size, but good rips. I am 33 this month, 5'8" and 175. I can pinch more than an inch on my waist. PLEASE HELP!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    How strict is your diet?

  3. #3
    test only for a 1st cycle....
    & read stickies at top of this forum page

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    too much for a first cycle bro, just stick to a basic test cycle w/proper pct planned. You can find some stickies for beginner cycles. Tren is not to be messed w/on your first cycle, it's very harsh, powerful, and aggressive sides are common. Stick to a test only cycle to see how your body reacts to aas. (basic test e or c cycle, 500mg per week pinned twice a week for 12 weeks)

  5. #5
    400-500 mg Test E/Week, Pinned Mon/Thursday.
    You will get excellent gains from this. The cycle your friend suggested sucks for a first timer. You'll be hurting if you tried it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    dose your "good friend" also happen to be your source...maybee hes just trying to make a sale and not have your best intrest in mind...dont do it keep it simple...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    400-500 mg Test E/Week, Pinned Mon/Thursday.
    You will get excellent gains from this. The cycle your friend suggested sucks for a first timer. You'll be hurting if you tried it.
    Agree...10000X... use only one compound for first cycle..GL

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by brandspankinew View Post
    Good friend of mine the other day recommended all three of these to get the results I want @ 1cc a piece, all in one shot, once a week until all gone. He recommended I get 2 10cc bottles each. Another friend of mine said NO! I'm confused now ...I'm trying to lean out and get some size as well...about 3 yrs ago i ripped out a bit by 6days a week cardio, gal of water a day, and 3-4 days a week strength train. I plan on using P90x as my catalyst to achieve my goal, seeing as how I really don't have time to use the gym. I know a lot of folks on here are gonna be like "what the heck, no huge weights?!" However my main goal is ripping out, some more size, but good rips. I am 33 this month, 5'8" and 175. I can pinch more than an inch on my waist. PLEASE HELP!
    Too many substances, not enough knowledge - at least in my opinion sir.

  9. #9
    Some of yall said read "stickies" at top of page...what are "stickies"?

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