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Thread: Acne POST Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Acne POST Cycle

    Hey all,

    Acne was always a bit of an issue for me pre cycle yet strangely and surprisingly enough it seemed to clear up during the cycle (sust 500mg/wk for 8 weeks). Now that I'm almost finished PCT I'm noticing that the acne is starting to come back again around my face and upper back.

    Anyone got any ideas.


    Age: 25
    Weight: ~195lb
    Diet: Not optimal because of work but is strict.
    Height: ~185cm
    BF: 9%

    My diet has not changed since cycle cessation.
    Last edited by Jawcep; 04-09-2011 at 01:30 AM. Reason: Additional Information

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    BKK Thailand
    Hey bud I am on a cycle at the moment and am getting some bad acne on my back and shoulders. What did you use if anything to clear them up while on your cycle???

  3. #3
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meat&2veg View Post
    Hey bud I am on a cycle at the moment and am getting some bad acne on my back and shoulders. What did you use if anything to clear them up while on your cycle???
    Try washing EOD with some dish soap...

    Dish soap is great at getting off grease... Juwt dnt go oTT with it or you could dry yourself out too much and end up making it worse

    Sun bed is another option that will help with backne
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  4. #4
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    And to the OP it is an intresting 1....

    Maybe somthing to do with your Estrogen:Testosterone ratio...

    Possibly you suffer from E sides whill off cycle because naturally your E is high in comparison to your T....

    TBH tho that is a complete guess and i have no idea...

    Im sure that someone may have a better idea...
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  5. #5
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    Ah once I started on the cycle I was using Proactiv number 1 to exfol and then a supermarket cleanser and moisturizer every night during/after shower. I am still following this protocol not however I am finding that acne is starting to return.

    Skin care can be a bit of a masculinity challenge, but I prefer to be a closet-user of skin care products and be acne free than the alternative.

  6. #6
    Aromasin in your PCT is a life saver for acne . My last year cycle , I ended up with horrible back acne during my pct then I added Aromasin on my winter bulker PCT and worked like a charm.

  7. #7
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    acne post cycle for some is common myself included. for me it cleared when hormones leveled out.

  8. #8
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    For a home remedy: dab a bit of white toothpaste on your spots and keep on as long as possible especially while sleeping. Then wash off with lukewarm water. This will help calm a bit.

    White toothpaste only and NOT a gel.

  9. #9
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    there are some cheap over the counter acne scrubs that i have found work quite well..

    Also there are dry soaps you can buy to dry your skin out..

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    acne post cycle for some is common myself included. for me it cleared when hormones leveled out.
    Ah good to hear this is probably what's happening in my case.

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    For a home remedy: dab a bit of white toothpaste on your spots and keep on as long as possible especially while sleeping. Then wash off with lukewarm water. This will help calm a bit.

    White toothpaste only and NOT a gel.
    I believe it's the active ingredient "triclosan" in toothpastes (more so than the other ingredients) that interacts with acne. In Aus all the active ingredients are listed on the front of the toothpaste packaging, I don't know what the regulations are like in other parts of the world. Oral health, dental products etc etc is what I know best

    Quote Originally Posted by nevergymless View Post
    Aromasin in your PCT is a life saver for acne . My last year cycle , I ended up with horrible back acne during my pct then I added Aromasin on my winter bulker PCT and worked like a charm.
    True that might have to look at incorporating it into my next cycle.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2011
    since starting cycle i have had acne break outs but i use tea tree oil twice a day to try and prevent it

    but if i get a flare i just blast it with latic acid and they seem to dry up and go within a day or two !

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    acne post cycle for some is common myself included. for me it cleared when hormones leveled out.
    i only get it on my back really bad, i think its the clomid and the hormones trying to level out.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by nevergymless View Post
    Aromasin in your PCT is a life saver for acne . My last year cycle , I ended up with horrible back acne during my pct then I added Aromasin on my winter bulker PCT and worked like a charm.
    how did you run your pct

  14. #14
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    glad im not the only one experiencing this annoying acne. Dish soap huh? Never would have thought about that one.

    on the topic of leveling out hormones, does the clomid/nolvadex combo make anyone moody or irritable?

  15. #15
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    Apr 2009
    Im going through the same BS...dont really have a solution myself. I can say one thing though, DO NOT use reg hand soap (including antibacterial) or alcohol...this only made matters alot worse for me. Ive had post cycle acne going on 3 months now and i cannot get rid of it. All though it does appear to be clearing up week by week. Ive found that clearsil's face wash and cream are the best so far. I make several (2-3) application with the cream through out the day to rid the surface of any bacteria. Good luck.

  16. #16
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    Dec 2009
    I suffered from bad chest acne at the end of my last cycle and in PCT. Cycle was Test P and Masteron. I think since Masteron is a DHT derivate, it made things even worse for me. It took 2 month after PCT to clear up. I was using zinc, dry soap, mynocylin tabs and took daily bathes with sea salt and even massaged the sea salt on the acne spots.
    I am currently on my summer cycle (Test E only, 420mg/ W for 16wks) and I will introduce accutane the last 4 wks of the cycle and continue until 4-6 wks after PCT. My plan is to start at 20mg ed (first 4 wks) and then tapper down 20mg eod for the rest.

    I find the emotional down you experience when coming off the cycle combined with chest acne is not a good combo for my self confidence.......

  17. #17
    PCT acne is pretty common for me. Your body's trying to get your endogenous level of Test back to normal. The estrogen/test ratio's a little messed up right now. I had acne carpet down the front and back. It really was terrible. I tried all kinds of topical, about 11 different kinds of treatment in all. Accutane was the only thing that really stopped the acne cold. Accutane is pretty harsh so I'm not telling you to do it. Try the other topical methods first. Accutane should be the last resort

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