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  1. #1
    mtlbiceps's Avatar
    mtlbiceps is offline New Member
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    Taking a crap while on a cycle!

    I know, silly sounding thread and I'm sorry if this has been discussed previously but shit does change when on a cycle (at least for me)

    I'm a pretty regular guy but when on cycle (currently on a 20 week combination of Dbol , Test, EQ, and Sust) I don't nearly go to the washroom to take a #%@! as often as usual. Once a day only and even then its not much.

    I'm not constipated and feel great, just don't go as often. Is this perhaps a sign of my body absorbing or consuming more of the food that I eat? Maybe its all in my head.

    Perhaps I'm the only one who experiences this but it happens every time I have Test in my body of almost any quantity.


  2. #2
    MBMETC's Avatar
    MBMETC is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've been running prop for a week now and i to have noticed less frequent trips to he thrown.

  3. #3
    dirtybrd's Avatar
    dirtybrd is offline Associate Member
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    Eating really clean foods does it to me, less "waste" I assume

  4. #4
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mtlbiceps View Post
    I know, silly sounding thread and I'm sorry if this has been discussed previously but shit does change when on a cycle (at least for me)

    I'm a pretty regular guy but when on cycle (currently on a 20 week combination of Dbol , Test, EQ, and Sust) I don't nearly go to the washroom to take a #%@! as often as usual. Once a day only and even then its not much.

    I'm not constipated and feel great, just don't go as often. Is this perhaps a sign of my body absorbing or consuming more of the food that I eat? Maybe its all in my head.

    Perhaps I'm the only one who experiences this but it happens every time I have Test in my body of almost any quantity.

    Get some Metamucil and Activia..use it daily.

  5. #5
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    I shxt every few hours on cycle. You're welcome

  6. #6
    T-99's Avatar
    T-99 is offline New Member
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    Same thing happened to me on my first cycle of Dbols and Test-C. I was pretty regular pre-cycle and then it became less frequent....even the texture softened up and got a little sloppy, haha.

  7. #7
    mtlbiceps's Avatar
    mtlbiceps is offline New Member
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    Its a graphic subject but interesting to note how it effects everyone a little differently.


  8. #8
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    why 20 weeks?

  9. #9
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    I'm curious about the duration also. I find that when I'm on cycle that my body gets pretty efficient in processing food. I eat crappy, no pun intended, I visit the throne room more often sometimes three times a day. I also mix physillum powder into my protein to add more fiber to my diet. That stuff really makes me regular.

  10. #10
    mtlbiceps's Avatar
    mtlbiceps is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    why 20 weeks?
    I find (after numerous cycles) that my body reacts better to a 20 week cycle (rather than a 10 week) THOUGH I keep compounds limited (usually) to 400mg/week max and limit orals to the first 4-6 weeks of the cycle. I also have protection on hand and PCT for afterwards.

    Usually take a 20 week break afterwards to clean system.


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