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Thread: Tren ONLY Cycle- Thoughts.
04-09-2011, 11:05 AM #1
Tren ONLY Cycle- Thoughts.
First and foremost, I would like to start by saying, if you clicked on this thread to post some negative feedback concerning Trenbolone only cycle's.. then please see fit that you don't waste your time posting here for things such as ..
"Test needs to be the base of every cycle", etc.
I am aware- I also am fairly educated and have run a Tren only cycle, with AMAZING results and no side effects. With out further a due.. my cycle:
8 Week Cycle
Tren Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate - 100mg/mL will be the base of my cycle.
HCG 5000iu's
Clomid 60mg/1mL
Exemestane 25mg/mL
The Break Down
Tren 300mg/week
Tribulus 800mg/day
**at week 4 (or when necessary) shoot 500iu's of HCG to regulate testes
Exemestane 25mg/mL EOD for Estrogen
Post Cycle
HCG 500ius E3D for 2 weeks
Exemestane 25mg/mL EOD for 2 weeks
Clomid 100/mg ED for 7 days- then tapering off to 50mg ED for 4 weeks
04-09-2011, 11:07 AM #2
Then change the heading in your post, IF you dont want people thoughts....
04-09-2011, 11:09 AM #3
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04-09-2011, 11:16 AM #4
So the title says you want our thoughts, then you say you don't want our thoughts. Why bother to post this then? You're obviously "very educated."
04-09-2011, 11:20 AM #5
Plus he started another post on Winny tabs (to see if they werereal)... maybe thats for an " Winny only cycle. Thoughts"
04-09-2011, 11:39 AM #6Junior Member
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Interesting. So if you know the problem, you understand it, and you even try to bypass it... why not properly address it? Add some test. It sounds to me like you are just being cheap; rather dish out $25 for the tribulus than the cost of some testosterone . Which is fine, it is your body. I know, personally, I'd never take the cheap route when it comes to my physical well-being.
Also, as mentioned above, when requesting feedback you cannot be selective in the feedback you'll receive. This is especially true when you request feedback on something as illogical as you have proposed in your original post. Keep in mind this isn't a service you are paying for, these people are generously giving up their time to assist you.Last edited by tony1032; 04-09-2011 at 11:45 AM. Reason: typo
04-09-2011, 11:59 AM #7
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04-10-2011, 10:15 PM #8
Not a troll-
Yes, you know what? Perhaps it does seem illogical, I appreciate your concern. Here is where the "thoughts" section comes into play. I have simply stated that I would prefer that if you were to give me your thoughts concerning my cycle, to with hold statements concerning adding test to my cycle. Plain and simple. I understand the benefit of adding testosterone to a cycle, I also understand that not having it as a base- is not 'wisest' of decisions. However; in all honest, I do not want to run test.
I would however appreciate all your thoughts concerning my dosage for this cycle- I understand that this is not a paid service, and appreciate all the help you guys do for the forum members here.
04-10-2011, 10:21 PM #9
If its not the wisest decisions then why are you doing it. Just cause you don't want to.
My thoughts is its a dumb idea. What are your reasons for not having at least a TRT dose of test
Makes no sense. Just do whatever you want with your cycle and doses. No one can tell you what will happen. I wouldn't do it
04-10-2011, 10:25 PM #10
damn kids
04-10-2011, 10:27 PM #11
The reason I don't want to run a test; all the sides. I am Gyno prone- and have a little puffiness from close to two years ago when I cycled Test E & Deca .
I just would prefer not to run a test solely based off the fact I am prone to Gyno. I also know that Tren doesn't convert to estrogen... Meaning I wouldn't have to worry (as much). I understand my natty test levels would drop substantially- which is where the HCG comes into play.
04-10-2011, 10:30 PM #12
How about when you use test add an AI, then you wont get those sides?
Trust me the test sides of a bit of gyno are much more manageable to the possible sides from running tren only!
The answer is NO do not run a tren only cycle.
04-10-2011, 10:31 PM #13
04-10-2011, 10:35 PM #14
04-10-2011, 10:36 PM #15
Well then perhaps you seem to know some of the other possible 'Major' side effects would be from a Tren only cycle.
I usually attempt to read as much as possible concerning the drug, and how it effects the body (when it's used without any other compounds).
For instance- When looking at Tren, I see that it has close to no side effects with Estrogen, and conversion. Which in my book, is HUGE.. again, based off the fact that I have a little left over Gyno from a cycle I ran with Test and Deca .
04-10-2011, 11:10 PM #16
04-11-2011, 12:00 AM #17
04-11-2011, 02:30 PM #18
Alright- then here's another question for you. (And great reply by the way- thanks). What would be good ways to combat the side effects of Progesteren and Prolactin, outside of using test with this cycle? Additionally: if the answer would be running a low dosage of test with the cycle- could I achieve this by running a pro-hormone with my Tren cycle- to help raise test levels? Again, in all honesty- I'd like to avoid running a test, and would be more inept to run a pro-hormone before I added a test to the mix. Has anyone had experience with this?
04-11-2011, 02:36 PM #19
Pro-hormones will not help reduce progesterone or prolactin side effects. Only a compound like caber or bromo would do that .
04-11-2011, 02:43 PM #20
I understand that pro-homones won't help reduce prolactin or progesterone levels. I was merely asking if perhaps in an attempt to boost test levels, running a pro-hormone w/ my Trenbolone . I am going to look into Caber and Bromo. (Thanks Redz)
04-11-2011, 02:44 PM #21
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04-11-2011, 02:53 PM #22Junior Member
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Why is it that you know how to supplement the sexual drive aspect of the loss of testosterone (with a shitty supplement I might add), but do not know how to address ERSE's on a cycle? Simply pick up an AI and keep it on hand, in fact, if you are that nervous run the AI through the entire cycle.
Just seems to make a lot more sense to me.
After reading more of your responses I just don't think you're ready to cycle anything.
04-11-2011, 04:01 PM #23
Years ago I did it when I was young dumb and there was no internet. Used the old Finaplex Gold. (I think that was tren ). Put on a lot of weight and strength but seemed like soft muscle and somehow I still put on a lot of water weight. I didn't have any shutdown problems or side effects but at the time being 25 my natty test was probably good and I have never been prone to that.
Would I do it again. No. If I had to do a no test cycle (not that I ever would again) I would go with winny tabs to harden up a bit but that's about it.
04-12-2011, 10:23 PM #24
I agree- I have also done a Tren only cycle prior to this. Ran a fairly uneducated PCT- and came off fine.
I have started this cycle as of this morning. I am running 400/mg Tren a week.
I am sure most of you don't care- but I plan on keeping this updated. It appears that most people are firm believers on not running a Tren only cycle.
I have plenty of HCG I will be running to keep my "men" large and running. Additionally; I have an AI on hand to run during the length of the cycle. (which is a short one, 6 weeks).
My PCT will end up NOT consisting of HCG, out side of 500iu ED for 7 days- as I will be using this as the majority for maintenance during the cycle.
For PCT- I will be running Nolva and Exemestane.
As always- feel free to poke and prod. I suppose I will be the "guinea pig" for a lack of a better term. Again- this is something I've ran before, however; not at this dosage, or with the HCG to maintain during the cycle.
24 y/o
Hard Gainer
12-15% bf
Thanks, more to come.
04-12-2011, 10:59 PM #25
Im not going to wish bad luck on you for running this, its your choice, i just worry about your sex drive throughout the cycle, because you will have no testosterone what so ever. yes hcg will stimulate your testies but the tren will shut it down so you will not produce test in my understanding.
Deff keep us posted to how you go.
04-12-2011, 11:34 PM #26Junior Member
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I think its a horrible idea like everyone else and I only have one comment to offer.
I am ALSO gyno prone. Extremely. It runs in my family actually because my brother already got gyno and got it from superdrol of all things. A $35 cycle turned into a $4000 surgery. So I understand your fear.
I've always had big puffy nipples even before I started cycling and had 2 very close calls prior to coming to this site when I was doing compounds and not running a PCT. Puffy/itchy nips, and on one cycle developed hard tissue that fortunately went away within 6 months after ending my cycle.
Ever since that all I do now is run .65mg of letro anytime I'm on test. I have ran several test cycles since, and have had absolutely no issues with puffiness/gyno symptoms. So just because your gyno prone, doesn't mean anything. I tend to think regular people who aren't gyno prone are the type that can skip PCT and not even worry about getting it. And I really believe the only people who get gyno in the first place are those who are prone to it, like you. But ancillaries exist for a reason and work very effectively.
In the large scope of things it would be wise to pick up letro and test then to just run tren . Both are great compounds, and you can't avoid test for the rest of your life especially being a steroid user. You might as well just stop cycling now if every cycle you run will be absent of test. So my final opinion is what others have already said, hop on some letro or a similar compound.
04-12-2011, 11:42 PM #27
If you ran a Tren only cycle with AMAZING results then why do you even need our opinions haha?
04-13-2011, 09:52 AM #28
I would not run this cycle, 8 wks is a long time for the body to be missing testosterone . Sure the results will be great and you may have gotten away with it without any problems, but that certainly does not mean that this will continue to be the result. Kinda like a gay guy having random unprotected anal sex, it might be a lot of fun but just because you had amazing results once, its not very smart thing to do, as a bad outcome is very likely.
04-13-2011, 10:37 AM #29
tren can cause some nasty gyno buddy
04-13-2011, 11:46 AM #30
There are other sides associated with tren that are not pleasant insomnia, night sweats, agression these are not to be taken lightly.
04-13-2011, 10:30 PM #31
I will keep you posted. My first shot was Tuesday at 150/mg. Its E3D for me currently, as its a longer lasting ester.
I hope to keep my libido as long as possible- and am contemplating on running this for only 6 weeks, as opposed to 8.
Other wise, I will keep you posted.
I had experienced Insomnia with my prior Tren cycle- nothing I couldn't work through. Night sweats- no big deal, used to it with Clen . Aggression- had been an issue in the past, I am at a better state of mind than I was previously and know what to expect and how to better control it myself now.
You forgot Tren Cough- something that has never effected me. I suppose I don't inject improperly and nick veins?
04-24-2011, 05:12 PM #32New Member
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I am currently running a tren a only cycle because i like to see what each individual component will do to my body before I do a multi cycle. having done tren e in the past I want a baseline in order to compare.
I'm running 1/2 cc ed and am liking it so far. I love the shape that tren forces your body to take.
All that being said, I would run a low dose of sust 250 (1 shot/week) over a stacking cycle just to keep my bases covered.
Those are my experiences at any rate...
04-24-2011, 06:14 PM #33
I think people forget that estrogen is required to get gyno whether from estrogen itself or progesterone/prolactin. Actually in a tren only cycle you would be much less likely to get gyno due to your estrogen levels going down or coming close to being absent because you don't have testosterone that would aromatize into estrogen.
Some people do fine on tren only and some say they do better with at least the minimum amount of test(125mg/wk). I wouldn't waste my time on the tribulus though, testosterone production can not be boosted or even started if you have steroids interfering with signaling through the HPTA. Either way good luck guy.
04-26-2011, 08:39 PM #34
Its officially week 3 of the 300/mg/week of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate.
I am happy to announce that I have gained 6lbs- rock solid. I have no water retention at this time (which is why I absolutely love Tren ).
My little men are doing well- and have been running 500iu's of HCG a week to keep them alive.
My libido has not taken a dive for the worst yet- although I am only at week three, I can foresee some libido issues as my nattys are being shut down pretty hard.
Here's what the cycle has kind of morphed into...
Tren Hex - 150/mg E3D's
HCG - 500iu's/week
Clomid 50mg EOD
Arimidex 1mg E3D's
I will post the PCT when I get closer to that time.
Which will be Nolva and Exmestane.
As far as the strength gains- they are through the roof. The pumps are skin tearing, and I sweat like a ****ing pig (but I also cannot drink enough water as I am always thirsty and cramping).
I've experience a little difference in my sleep due to Tren, but nothing I cannot conquer.
Thought ya'll would be interested.
I'll keep this going... 6lbs solid!!
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